Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

CPS doesn’t get involved for verbal or emotional abuse. Not that those are very damaging to kids….but CPS can’t justify intervention for that.

CPS only really gets involved for things that can cause physical danger to a child.

Also, I’d like to point out that verbal abuse and “neglect” are different things.


There is little doubt in my mind that LK said SOMETHING during her SS interview that caused the investigator to check that box. Hence the notification to CPS that minors were possibly at risk, triggering their visit to the farm. LK absolutely knew what she was unleashing with that response to SS. It was cold, calculating, and downright diabolical to hint at that sort of thing without justification - all because she wasn’t getting the attention she thought she deserved.


We absolutely do get involved in verbal or emotional or even environmental abuse of a child. That causes trauma just like physical abuse. We put services in the home such as family and individual therapy, etc. The purpose is to help the child and make the family stronger before it rises to physical abuse. The purpose of CPS’s involvement in those cases is not to remove the child, but make it possible for the family to stay together with improvements.


If by “exonerate”, you mean there will be evidence showing that MB was not the one who fired the gun, I’m more than willing to bet that no such evidence “will emerge”.

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Commenting that she’s a bullying narcissistic loonybird intent on finishing the bastard indicates the commenter watched the episode.

I’ve weeded the pollinator gardens, saw Jason Isbell rock his Adidas off last night, and I’m about to go swimming. Remarkably, I’ve not commented on YT, nor have I played a piano, and it’s too darn hot to ride anything but the couch.

And LK is still a craven, bullying, narcissistic loon.


Omg no joke y’all. This song just loaded on Spotify…


You must be in a very different state. In mine, no one would bother unless the child was on the brink of suicide or engaging in other severe physical manifestations. Especially not for tween or teenage children.

They don’t have the resources or the political capital. Half they time they can’t even get realistic intervention on serious physical abuse.


That’s awful. We’re understaffed and overworked but if it gets called in we investigate. The goal is that the sooner it is caught the less chance of a child coming into custody.


The bottom line is, the only real leverage CPS has is the threat of removal. And since they know they can’t get a judge to force anything but for the most egregious offenses, not worth it. Sometimes they try to “barter” compliance with welfare services, and between that and the fear of removal they get things done, but they know a lot of the time there isn’t any teeth behind their interventions.

It was a very manipulative process.


:rofl: :rofl: She’s for sure getting the attention she deserves now!!


OMG, how perfect is this?!?!?!



Would that be because you know it was destroyed?

We all know what the 1st cop testified to in his hearing yet seemed to have a memory lapse, or was not allowed to have his original statement brought up at the trial.


It is manipulative. The judges here are the opposite though. They’ll yank a child out of a home before we can say a word.

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Yep, RG told him it was all recorded. At the time we assumed that meant it was video recorded. Now that we know about the pocket recorder, I wonder if he meant that.


I would like to know a brand of recorder that you can put in your pocket (assume it’s a pants pocket) and get a clear audio out of it, not muffled.


You guys crack me up! Thank you for the sidespliting laughs!


There are quite a few. Remember RG used a pocket recorder when he recorded the meeting with the attorney who advised them the day before the shooting about the legality of the other recordings. I recall him being aghast at learning he had been recorded in that meeting! He was also the attorney who conveniently called the next day and allegedly heard the shooting and called the police. For the life of me I can’t recall his name!


Edward David


Yes!! Thank you!!


Ummm…because I asked a question and the kind folks on this forum educated me :slight_smile: