Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Everything in time…patience grasshopper!


How would you know one way or another? The cps worker was not allowed to testify. You just make this all up, and call it a “bombshell”? What’s wrong with you??


Bolding mine.

Huh? The CPS worker did testify.

Because she doesn’t care if what she says has any validity. She just says it. She can’t be trusted to have an honest discussion. Lies are as good as truth to her. She doesn’t even use previously posted facts as a launching pad. She says things she makes up, or someone tells her to say, and calls them bombshells! I have no respect for CH. Her word is aa worthless as Lauren’s. I think, and it’s just my opinion, but I think CH is being fed information she can’t back up.


The CPS worker testified in the criminal trial that she went to HH to investigate MHG for neglect. She did not testify that she was there to investigate MB for sexual abuse.

Given all the yammering on this forum for years that LK reported MB to CPS for sexual abuse, to me the information that it was SS and not LK who contacted CPS and that CPS was investigating MHG for neglect and not MB for sexual abuse, constitutes a bombshell.

If you don’t think it’s a bombshell- fine.

It was the testimony of the CPS worker I was basing my statements on. You can replay her testimony if you wish.

But your claim that the CPS work “was not allowed to testify” is rather ridiculous.

I think we have known that for years, now.

I don’t recall seeing anyone stating otherwise lately or for a couple of years.

We also can surmise that she wanted to call CPS because there were several hits on her phone showing a google history……oh wait that was Justin that did that when he stole her phone at dinner—twice!


Don’t forget the exploding bullets search that was also found on her phone.

But I am just a horse of course


@CurrentlyHorseless do you understand that there is no differentiating between the allegations in this question?


First, the question asks whether there are **concerns or allegations”, not just allegations.

Second, it asks about “child abuse or child sexual abuse”.

My interpretation of that form is that a SS investigator checked the box after interviewing LK.

Given the breadth of the question (concerns/allegations/child abuse/child sexual abuse), the SS person would have checked “yes” under a fairly wide range of conditions, including LK stating that MB subjected the children to verbal abuse.

The fact that the box is checked does not establish that LK made any allegation of sexual abuse, or even expressed concerns about sexual abuse. The fact that the CPS worker testified that she was there to investigate MHG for child neglect indicates that LK did not make an allegation or express concerns about sexual abuse.

Both LK and MB/MHG made reports to SS, each complaining about the other. From what SS learned about the general situation at the farm, they would have been remiss if they hadn’t requested a check by CPS.

I didn’t know it until the CPS worker testified to it during the trial.

I suppose a bombshell is in the eye of the beholder, but to me that was a bombshell.

How much longer will CPS be discussed? Asking for a friend.


At least it’s useful for the bingo cards.


Is this going to be a Twisting the Night Away, kind of evening.

Where’s that grey rock at?



632K views, 10K likes, 3.5K comments. The Kanareks are getting the attention they deserve.


We’ve been busy! Creating 10,000 accounts (each account can only hit “like” once) takes time LOL


If the SS person checked the box after interviewing LK, then whatever LK said formed the foundation for SS to call CPS. Had LK not said anything of the sort, then CPS would not have gone to the farm.


A futile exercise in circular arguments.


Who cares what CH thinks? They lie, and they are disingenuous. Please lets leave whatever subjects they bring up, twisting in the wind.


Actually, the CPS social worker did testify. I can’t remember which day, but I think it may have been Day 1 or Day 2. It was a woman and she interviewed MHG in the barn office, and then talked to RC in (IIRC) the barn aisle.


From the 48 Hours youtube comments this morning. What a brave soul!

3 hours ago

Update: i messaged that woman on facebook telling her how horrible she is and she still has the guts to brag about her invisible achievements and an “upcoming book” about her life. she clearly is delusional and narcissistic. A psychopath. Even not aware that she was fake crying at 38:18 lmao. She even called me a “Trump supporter” when I don’t even live in the US? Haha this evil woman is nuts!
