Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

And my recollection is that MB has some relationship with Morris*, maybe arms length and certainly not condoning the abuse, but like many who, under Morris’ tutelage, became equestrian stars themselves.
And Morris’ banning really effected MB, perhaps because he was also a victim of horrific abuse? That’s my guess


So strange, because Lauaren Kanarek, before she was banned from the forum, basically admits that she was not only reporting Michael (so what that she now says she was reporting MHG about her kids, I guess another lie by the Kanarek family) but that she said some not nice things about him that are sexually related (I don’t know how else to take a perv comment). She told safesport that Michael was a perv.
Note she says the comments about the body shaming are an also, not the main point.


Edit to add, I realize this was a long time ago. Long enough ago that she has not realized how bad this makes her sound, long before she changed her story so many times.


Once more, for those with their heads in the sand (or elsewhere).

Something Lauren said during her SS interview caused the investigator to check this box.


Did the investigator simply read the question to LK, and she had to answer yes or no? Or was checking that box a judgement call by the investigator based on what he/she was hearing during the interview? (I don’t know how SS conducts its interviews.)

And since we don’t have a transcript of the SS interview, we don’t know what Lauren said regarding possible child endangerment. Did she talk about cat litter boxes overflowing onto the children’s beds? Did she slyly mention that MB was teaching MHG’s son to untie girl’s bikini tops? Did she make comments like, “He talks about how “hot” certain teenager’s are”? Did she say something like, “They are all living together in one room at the barn. And sleeping in the same room - and he isn’t even their father.” Or something like, “He seems a bit too fond of MHG’s daughter (or son).” Did she perhaps slide in a comment that MB was a friend of George Morris (“You know, that famous equestrian who was just banned for life for sexual abuse of minors”)?

And, as I mentioned in a previous post, Baptiste reported in the 48 Hours broadcast that LK said “the abuse was verbal not physical" but we don’t know if LK said that to the SS interviewer or if she said it later (like to Baptiste). But even if she said it to SS, the fact remains that she said something to compel the investigator to check the box about child abuse/child sexual abuse.

We also know that LK obfuscates, prevaricates, equivocate, talks in circles, and outright lies, so it is very possible that the SS investigator’s head was spinning about what had occurred, but he/she checked the box to be on the safe side (possibly/probably because SS policies dictate that “when in doubt, the answer is Yes”).

And since SS is a mandatory reporter regarding child welfare, per their policies, they HAD to contact CPS because that box was checked. We don’t know if CPS talked to the SS interviewer or someone else at SS about the report, or if they acted based on a simple “notification” from SS, but because there wasn’t enough evidence to point to actual physical/sexual abuse - just the “concerns” of someone complaining about someone she was having a quarrel with - CPS started their investigation at the bottom rung - a welfare check.

I don’t remember all the details of the CPS worker’s testimony so am not sure if she said she determined there was no cause for alarm - in which case, I assume there would be no further action by CPS unless there were further developments. Or if the CPS policy is to do a follow-up visit as matter of routine before they close the file or take additional action if warranted.

At any rate - the upshot was that LK herself triggered the CPS investigation and she did it intentionally. Even though she didn’t want to contact CPS herself – no doubt because she didn’t want CPS interviewing HER – she knew that all she had to do was hint to SS about possible risk to minors and that would set in motion an investigation by CPS. It was another way to twist the knife in MB – not only file an SS complaint about him “bullying” her but also add meat to the complaint by hinting there were minors at risk of physical and/or sexual abuse. She thought an investigation and possible charges by CPS would be enough to force MHG to leave, and then she could have MB’s undivided attention. And once MHG was no longer influencing him, she and Daddy Dearest would again have control over him. Ergo, she would win - and winning is very, very important to narcissists because it helps alleviate that gnawing feeling inside that they aren’t good enough and/or are rejected.

I wonder how she feels now, knowing that she has been rejected by nearly the entire equestrian community of Wellington/Loxahatchee, as well as the greater dressage community throughout the U.S. (and possibly the world), not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of people who aren’t involved in the horse world at all but who viewed the trial and/or the 48 Hours episode and have read her poisonous and unhinged comments on SM.

Anathema - it’s a great word.


Maybe NP can ghost write her book


They put so much energy and time into it, that it begs the question “why?”


The body shaming thing irks the crap out of me. Even if a coach tells their student that judges favor a certain body type in any given sport that is not shaming. That’s sports psychology and preparing to address performance from every possible angle.

To this day people speak about Babe Ruth’s lack of fitness and what he did to his body and what he looked like, ran like, etc.

Just the way it is.

As LK is Skeletor thin I can’t imagine overweight being an issue.

Perhaps it was a bouncing boob thing, something zoftic riders consider when sitting a trot after bra shopping. I used to wear 2 bras after watching video of myself sitting the trot.




I cannot imagine a BNT touching her with a 10 ft buggy whip. They don’t need the money, nor do they have the desire to be the laughing stock of Wellington.

At one point in NJ I seem to recall she was advised to eat a sandwich.


Yes, and even worse, she didn’t do it to help any children. No altruistic motivation in that one.
She didn’t give a damn about the safety of those children. She did it to cause harm to an adult, using it as another weapon in her arsenal.


100% I too believe this.


Exactly! MHG’s kids were gone. And Rob Goodwin was busy trying to find where they went on August 3rd, two days before the SS call.


Here’s the thing that 48Hours left out, MBs own childhood of abuse.

An accusation of him having done the same as he had experienced certainly could make him react with great distress.
I think LK knew that.
To anyone it’s a low blow.
To a survivor of abuse, it is beyond that.
It is repulsive.

It very much suggests to me that perhaps his reason to take a gun, if he did (1), with just three bullets in it, to a house he had every reason to believe was empty was to do harm to himself.

In my mental movie the dog attacks him as he’s getting out of his truck, he defends himself with the gun he has brought to off himself, and accidentally it discharges at lala-loopsie.

That is one plausible scenario among several
Sadly the PD chose not to do forensics to determine which plausible scenario was most likely, so here we are

(1) the means by which the gun arrived at that scene is another bit of detail left unexplored by the Morris PD, sadly.
It leaves so, so many plausible scenarios on the table.


Because the KKontingent destroyed it.


If she was truly worried about the kids she would have just called CPS and filed a report about them. Before they were off the property, before she went all Finish the Bastard.

The screen shot I posted above of Lauren Kanarek’s post here makes it very clear that she was calling Safe Sport to get Michael in trouble, not MHG in trouble and certainly not because she was worried about the kids.

That screen shot above is more proof of just how evil Lauren Kanarek is.


Sure. So they could notify CPS in THAT jurisdiction. Or even more nefarious things. Who knows what the LK limit is?



Again, if I planned to murdalize 2 people who might be armed I’m 100% loading that gun to the hilt. I’m not going with 3 bullets.


I cannot recall if it was on this board or inthe YT comments for the trial but LK was livid that CPS had the nerve to drive past “her” house and go directly to the barn office.


I think here during one of her “reading on the porch” depictions of the story.


Certainly not for overflowing cat boxes


