Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I just read some heartbreaking stories of how difficult it is for family members to navigate getting help for those who are schizophrenic.


A whopping million views! Thatā€™s better than a ā€œcool quarter millionā€ isnā€™t it?!

Joe Pesci, I mean JK must be keeping a notebook of all the lies or plans!

That must be Nagelā€™s office.


Didnt she admit that she sees a therapist every 3 months for ā€œadultingā€? Methinks she needs a different therapist and a whole lot more sessions.


I think she needs the type of commitment, long term, no therapy that Greystone administers! Can you imagine the stories she would tell all those newbie psychiatrists?!!


She claims that she sees someone every three months for ā€œLife Skillsā€ and ā€œAdultingā€. On paper, that is part of ā€œrehabā€, but I suspect itā€™s really just something that she pulled in from the pamphlets and simply claims she does that, as the purpose and benefits of the therapy are most certainly - based on what weā€™ve all seen with her - clearly not manifesting there.


More likely to have blood drawn to monitor liver function. Any problems of that nature are not due to Suboxone used as prescribed. Far more likely due to the activities that led to the need for Suboxone.

Or maybe from sharing her ride with others.



The mighty Millie Small, first hit for Island Records. Rod Stewart on harmonica.


Iā€™ve always wondered what that binder full of pages is that heā€™s thumbing through. Maybe itā€™s the 19,000 pages of LKā€™s nasty social media posts.


Wow, cool!

Say what you will about Rod Stewart, he has had a long career.

I think he is even still touring. A friend of mine saw him within the last year or two and said he put on a great show.


Too bad he didnā€™t share it with whoever Lauren has to see quarterly to check her progress on her adult life skills.

Outside of product endorsements, naturally.


Probably just to get presciptions renewed. I wouldnā€™t believe anything she says about herself.


Yeah, my bet is to get her subscriptions renewed.


Of all the things, this was my favorite!

Didnā€™t she say that she was in love with horses since she about 3 years old? So she never checked out any horse books from the library to read about all the different breeds?


My favorite in that ad is ā€œhave one to sellā€¦ā€¦ā€?


She wasnā€™t one of the brighter bulbs in the box of Coth trolls. Not that thereā€™s alot of wattage among any of them.


I think when it came to Cutter99, she just wanted to find a way to bully her about her username and pretend Cutter was claiming it was something it wasnā€™t. Its like a mean girl bullying someone about something they did or said, just try to make it bad. Sheā€™s not even effective as a mean girl. Nobody is scared of her. Anymore. I mean, what is she going to do to anyone? Sue them? I mean, CBS is all like, ooooh, Iā€™m being sued by Lauren Kanarek. Nobody believes her now. The most important person in her life to sue, and she chickened out and walked away when they wanted depositions. So nobody is going to taker her mouthing off seriously. Sheā€™s an internet troll. She means nothing.


Not just you. Literally everyone* reading along on this HORSE forum went straight to ā€˜cutting horsesā€™.

*Except for one. :roll_eyes:

Halt halt bow bow. No real knowledge or horses/horse sports/horsemanship.


Wait, wait, wait. Are you all telling me miss super classy dressage rider fancy ass woman of unlimited means and lofty social standing (all, of course, in her own mind) chose her screen name from a brand of vibrator?

I cannot with this family.

No wonder her go to insults are always sex-oriented. Like the way she cruelly mocked GirlJoey about what she was doing when her son drowned and the slander against the 48 Hours reporter. She has some abnormal preoccupation with the act and cannot seem to function without inserting references thereto into everything she says and writes.

I know this is the understatement of the decade, but somethingā€™s REALLY not quite right with this person. It is genuinely disturbing. And super not classy, sophisticated, learned, interesting, cool, adult, or even normal. :nauseated_face:


So sheā€™s a rider of a vibrator, not blithely riding a horse, la-di-da? I knew her to be without any class, but this is blatantly trashy. Come on. And youā€™re right, she inserts sexual innuendos and references into everything. There is something seriously wrong with her.