Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

You are lying. That’s not the criteria. I know you are aware of wht the criteria are, but you type things like this.


Maybe I don’t fully understand the sea lion meme. I thought that it referred to someone who asks for sources in an apparently earnest way, as in the cartoon (and as you did, upthread).

The other alternative is that it’s just a general low brow, cheap put down, like posting gifs of hamsters, that some posters think is clever, but really is just juvenile.

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No, @Ambitious_Kate. I’m not lying. I might be wrong, but I’m not lying.

How on earth would you know my beliefs as to the criteria?

If you’re not aware of what the criteria is, then why on earth would you post this?

Were you just posting what you hoped or wished it was as a statement of fact???


PLEASE JUST IGNORE!!! This thread has valuable info for the rest of us who just want to support Michael without reading the incessant back and forth with trolls.


So the next hearing is Wednesday, correct?

So I say, Good wishes and vibes to MB, who is with this pony!!


I didn’t duck fast enough… sorry.

Bats vampire GIF on GIFER - by Morg


I wonder if it will be another long session, or if the judge will just inform the lawyers of his decision.


It is unbelievable to me that MB’s life is in the hands on one sole person, “Judge” Taylor, who has proven time and time again his bias in this case. I really, truly don’t understand this reasoning of the legal system.


Your “beliefs” don’t matter because your beliefs are not the same as the law or the rules. Nobody cares what you decide to believe or make up or misread or whatever it is you’re trying to do because it’s not fact, nor is it significant in any way.


Some posters may recall CH using the phrase “the movie in my head,” which is a much more accurate description than some of the more recent attempts.


Can we all please stop responding to certain posters. It will end up getting this thread shut down when it becomes nothing but personal attacks. The majority of us want to discuss the issues with the current hearing on a respectable, polite, non confrontational manner. This is not the intent of certain posters. PLEASE JUST IGNORE THEM.


I actually agree with you on this. I haven’t seen CH making any personal attacks and I appreciate you calling out those who are. Thanks!



Absolutely, totally, 10000% perfection! Thank you @BigMama1!!


Someone had to go to the trouble to post the explanation of sea lion for a poster who claimed to be ignorant of the meaning of the term?

Irony abounds.


Sea lions are purple.

I may be wrong, but I’m not lying.

ETA: that quote may be my new tagline.


Because you SAID what they are. You absolutely are lying. You post things as fact then whine that you didn’t know, when you posted it, so shouldn’t be held accountable for what you post. Of course you are lying, both times. You made something up and posted it as fact, then made up an excuse as to why you posted it. Why are you going back on your post? Did you get a talking to? Your posts can’t be trusted to be taken seriously because of this behavior. And please, stop whining when you are called out for your childishness and blatant dishonesty.

I consider your posts harassment because of this behavior and because of your thousands of tiny microagressions. Over and over you harrass and bait and demand illogical explainations and proofs while whining and complaining people are mean to you. We aren’t mean, we just don’t fall for your harassement traps. Calling you out on bad behavior doesn’t make us mean. It makes us wary, and means we are warning others to beware of you.


I wish all sea lions were this cute. (Not directing at you @erinmeri. Just agreeing with your observations and always appreciate your input here).
ETA: Took this picture on my beach walk this evening.


Try all night long. :upside_down_face:
Actually, I love when they wake me up at 2 a.m. If it were a neighbor’s dog, not so much. But the sound of the sea lions always makes me smile. It’s kind of like the sound of the fog horn. You get used to it and miss it when you’re not home.