Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I believe most of you are smart enough to just sit on your typing hands when the urge to respond to certain posts hits. That includes the random tangents. Some of us are interested in the legal proceedings or lack of them. Please, please, please dont get this thread shut down again.
Thank you on behalf of the mute readers.


Oh. My. Goodness. Look how cute they are!!

Especially piled up in a sleeping heap like that with the one keeping watch.
:heart: 🦭 :heart: 🦭 :heart: 🦭 :heart:


I know!! I have a gazillion sea lion pictures and don’t need more, but I can never resist how cute they look, so I take more pictures. :smile:


I’m the same way with my own animals. Lol.


Signature lines that were easily changed by the user is something I kind of miss with this forum format.


The one good side of all that intentional dishonesty is it allows our amazing @ekat and other legal professionals to get the real factual information out there.

We all know that posting the facts again and again is not a bad thing since so many people miss or forget the details.



I say this sincerely, not to be funny or smartarsey: to think that a group of people with the rap sheets that this family has (including multiple arrests for assault) are nice and good is actually delusional. As in, this is not an idea a normally functioning person could form and maintain.

Like it not, for better or worse, right or wrong, a group of people with this many arrests and unsavoury stories connected with them are not and will not be viewed by their community as nice and good. Most will avoid them entirely to the greatest extent they can. Those who do interact with them will, by and large, do so b/c they are unable to avoid the contact or b/c there is some gain in it for them. There will be a couple people who are related in some way or are just fans who will reflect back to them that they are good and nice like they think they are.

But, no, no one not related by some family/friend/business tie will ever look at this group, see their rap sheets, see all the stories about them (and I mean this in the absence of the MB story) and genuinely think, ‘these are nice and good people.’

To think otherwise shows a lack of connection with reality and the way society - especially ‘polite society’ - works. It is genuinely delusion to think this way.


Weren’t these threads so much better when everyone just ignored them and they realized nobody was responding and went away for a period?


Yes, way better. Unfortunately, there are people who feel they must respond to every silly falsehood that CH posts. I so wish they stop feeding the sea lion.


Dummy foal syndrome?


Tangent, but I just saw one of those in person for the first time a couple of weeks ago at a vet clinic. Poor thing. I hope it comes around in time.


Talk about feelings of grandiosity and self-importance! :wink:



Or their the same type of person. Attracted to their own kind and whatnot.


They come off to me as fakes and frauds. Using volunteer work to appear caring and concerned while really using it as a way to place themselves on a pedestal. Using religion as an opportunity to shove Jesus down your throat and appear holier than thou. Claiming their daughter was murdered when she still gets to live her life. Showing up at the courthouse in an expensive car to appear richer than they are, using money to pad their self worth. The quote “some people are so poor all they have is money” comes to mind. Being kind to you until you disagree with them and then they turn on you viciously. It’s gross behavior. Of course KK doesn’t see a problem with LK’s behavior - she raised her and is married to the male version of LK - JK.



Those that live an honorable life do not tend to boast about it.

It’s kind of like the difference between old money and new money. Old money, you really never would know they have money, new money tends to flash it all over the place.

I remember wayyyyyyy back I was working as a receptionist in a CPA firm. I see an old rusty dodge dart park outside the front door and an older man gets out wearing overalls looking like he had just left his garden, dirt on his knees, old beat up hat on his head. Walked in the front door bellowing/asking if the senior partner was in, walking towards his office. He was a member of the wealthiest family in my medium sized city. And his was old money. Super nice guy!


Yes indeed! Those with breeding, grace, education, money don’t have to shout from the rooftops. They prove themselves with their quiet actions without demanding recognition. The Kanareks aspire to live in that level of humanity, but will never be anywhere close to achieving it. They are too used to taking and getting what they want without effort or consequences to those they run all over.


Maybe hobbles? And a muzzle? To prevent kicking and biting.


Nope, because the Madigan squeeze can usually get them started. I don’t think that’ll work on this one.


JHC I don’t even like trying to get updates on Barisone anymore, what a bunch of crap this whole thread is now.


Well, you could always ask a specific question or contribute some insight to help the thread get back on track…

I will help. What time is Taylor’s announcement/judgement on Wednesday? If it was mentioned, I am sorry that I seem to have missed it…