Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Oh, right, she’s going to spend the last couple thousands of her “winnings” on hiring another lawyer, sit for a real deposition, and reveal the source of her income, beyond “the bank”. Its just her last gasp of using her well-worn threat of a lawsuit which she has carried around like a sandwich placard over her shoulders for years. She tried that once. It didn’t work and she skinnied out of her own lawsuit. Nobody believes her anymore.


One of my first trainers as a kid was an old cavalry guy and he would regularly throw rocks at you for various infractions that you’d been warned about too frequently. Things like not coming to a jump with enough pace, leaning forward, loose lower legs, etc. Seemed entirely normal to me as a pre-teen! :rofl:


I had a physics teacher throw an eraser (remember chalk boards?) if he caught you sleeping in his class. He had great aim. Too bad those days are gone.


My instructor during my junior days would stand by fences and throw sand in my face to cure me of looking down over fences.

Only took one handful of sand to the face to cure me.

Guess that wouldn’t happen in today’s environment.


AAAAAAAH!! My Grade 7 teacher - Mr. Van Der Vlist - did the same thing. He was a tall, square-jawed formidable presence. He would casually lean back in his chair at his desk and pick up a piece of chalk from the tray on the board… and then wing that chalk just over your head or send that eraser like a heat seeking missile down the aisle between the desks. There was little doubt among those of us in that class that if he wanted to actually hit a target, he could. :laughing:


We had to bring dollar bills and place them between each knee and the saddle - if the dollar dropped the trainer would threaten to keep it if we dropped it again! Then I started riding dressage and was told to stop gripping! I want my dollars back!


One of my instructors made me get off my horse and get down on all fours - then she sat on ME to make me feel what my old awful bad habit of tipping forward felt like to my horse.🫣
Current instructor comments on how very upright I keep my upper body……yeah I really learned that one HARD.
Shame Ms Kanawreck never learns a damned thing from her many, many, many mistakes.


One of my former instructors was a screamer. Once after screaming at me for a solid 15 minutes she stopped because she’d run out of things to scream at me. And then she learned that in the silence I could think about what I was supposed to be doing….and only then was I able to do it.


Oh God, the screamers were the worst. I had one like that too and after four years of just taking it and listening to it also being directed at other clients, I finally realized that “this must be what an abused spouse feels like.” I had also had a stroke a few months prior to leaving - a true “stroke of insight” because it really opened my eyes to the situation. There were other things going on too - her taking off to shows, clinics, WEG, Europe, etc., and being gone for over half the month - on multiple occasions - yet still expecting her training fee, her covert drug usage (she thought we didn’t know about it, etc., etc.) I gave her and the BO 30 days notice and that was that. BO continued to care for my horses but trainer of course didn’t do a darned thing with my horses for those 30 days even though I had paid her the customary monthly training fee. But it was such a relief to get away from that situation that I didn’t care. I just kissed that $700 goodbye and went on with my life.


I broke your post into two separate stated objectives First, you apparently “fantasize” about “bringing down” four people, including a judge.

A second priority, apparently, is to “get Michael released” and provide him with funds.

Your desire to help and support MB is commendable. Note that it comes only second to your desire to “bring down” four other people.

I see no sense in which wishing ill of LK, JK, RG and judge Taylor helps or improves the situation of MB, or anyone. At the recent Krol hearing, the hospital doctors stated that MB was insisting on relitigating the case, suggesting that was an impediment to his recovery and release. If MB is mentally stuck on “winning” his tragic war with LK, as you seem to be, I think that prolongs the tragedy.

I’m not sure what you would do with lottery earnings or otherwise obtained funds to “bring down” and “expose” LK. Bash her anonymously on SM for a few more years?

What’s stopping you from proceeding on the second objective right now?

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Is seems to be time for a poster to resume bashing MHG for years on SM.


I am one of those people (and I think it’s a big club) that completely shuts down with yelling.

Yes, it’s a trauma response, yes, I’ve had therapy.

But in order to process coaching, instruction, whatever, I have to have a moment or two with NO input to think it through.

A coach that continuously screamed would be a hard no for me. However badly I was riding before they started yelling, I’d be riding worse afterwards.


My current trainer is not a yeller, generally speaking. But one of my trainers growing up was. For some reason, being screamed at snaps me out of my anxiety/fear spirals… so current trainer will (judiciously) scream at me when necessary. But she only does it with me.


I may be outing myself here, but…

I am an instructor. A low level, local, multi-discipline, instructor.

And I teach a LOT of cautious, tentative adults.

A consistent comment I receive from new students is “You’re so positive! And encouraging!” Usually said in a very surprised tone, as if they expected me to be harsh and critical.

My standard response to that is to say that I never had a new student tell me “Just so you know, my learning style is that I respond really well to harsh criticism. Yelling motivates me to do my best, and public humiliation is something I respond to.” and that until that happens, I will continue to teach the way I do.


I think the whole yelling approach is completely outdated, and was overrated even back in the day.

It might help some people, but I think the vast majority do not enjoy being yelled at all day.


I think people like GM in some way enjoyed the cruelty of it.


Indeed, he has admitted that he has an inferiority complex and his abusive actions, both verbal and physical are tied to that, as one of his compensation mechanisms.


The lack of empathy for others on his part is disgusting.


I will agree that most people don’t respond well to screaming, negativity, etc. But I also don’t think that undue positivity is useful. I want to earn my accolades. And I absolutely can’t stand people being “rewarded” when it’s clear they messed up. I don’t care how sensitive they are. It is just hard for me to watch. “Good” when something clearly isn’t rankles me. I get that we all have limitations, but is there a better response than praising a less than perfect ride? I don’t know… but I am curious.

That said, I am the weird wingnut who sometimes needs someone to jolt me out of my very crazy brain… so I appreciate the jolt. Sadly, yelling does that.

Not saying any of you are advocating for praise when someone doesn’t deserve it… just that maybe we need a different vocabulary for how to address teaching opportunities.