Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I dont think CBS has any concern regarding LK chest thumping about how she was wronged by them. I dont for a minute think they went into the interviews without having done their research. LK has laid out on the interwebz exactly who she is. They just gave her a camera and airtime. And are probably sitting back and laughing at her threats.


If they even know that she has threatened!!


CBS / 48 Hours / Baptiste / et al have no doubt faced lawsuits and threats of lawsuit by kooks many, many times. LK’s blustering about a lawsuit probably did not do much more than cause a couple of eye rolls at CBS. :roll_eyes:


I doubt they wasted that much time and energy on Lauren Shay Kanarek.


They might know. After the episode was re-aired as part of the season recycling as filler content, she was dropping hate bombs on several of the 48 Hours Facebook page posts for the re-aired episode. Eventually, she settled in on one of the posts and went full “I am Princess Lauren Shay Kanarek!” on it. In addition to her usual threats against posters, she made many derogatory statements about the show and the interviewer Nikki Baptiste, trying to say that she was doing foul and inappropriate things with Barisone’s lawyer and that Nikki was unattractive and physically deformed, that the show lied to her and edited things to make her seem bad so she was gonna sue them into oblivion, that her lawyers (Dad) stepped in before she gave the interviews and insisted that she only speak of certain things that were agreed to before the interview, and said a bunch of disgusting things about Barisone’s personal history, conduct, and relationships. Because she stays up in the late evening to early morning hours doing what she does, she dropped a lot of hate and rage on that one 48 Hours posting, so much so that it was locked and hidden by the 48 Hours Facebook page when the sun came up the next morning.


I am pretty sure that someone took a screenshot of that disgusting rant before 48 Hours took it down. They may have even sent it to Bilinkas and Baptiste. :wink:

And I find it so interesting that LK and her father are both given to rage posting. Is that a genetic trait, or did LK learn it from Daddy?


Was that the post where LK claimed Ms. Baptiste has a misshapen ear that was kept discreetly hidden by her hair?

Somewhere, LK also tossed out that MB “tortured” clients. (Which made me envision being subjected to Medieval devices if a riding lesson went poorly). But that might have been on a 48 Hours YouTube post.

It can all be so outlandish that it kind of blurs together.


Is it bad that I fantasize about what I’m going to do with my lottery winnings to bring down and expose LK, her man servant, her despicable dad, and the biased judge? Then I’m going to use a s**t load of the money to do everything possible to get Michael released, free and give him a big chunk of money to make up for what he’s lost the last few years.


@Jillsmith, I feel like you are not the only one with those types of thoughts.


Ah, so she didn’t want to leave because she wanted to be tortured by him. Got it! :laughing:


It was an odd use of terminology.

Lord knows I once had a quite well known dressage instructor/judge throw a rock at me in a lesson because I would not stop using an indirect rein. But in her defense, she did threaten to do so. It wasn’t like I wasn’t warned. :laughing:

But tortured? Nope. Never had that happen.


I used to ride with a student who would.not.stop.clucking. In my world the cluck is reserved for that (imaginary) final 4 ft oxer. The trainer was at wit’s end and threatened her with a shock collar.


I am a (loud) frequent clucker. To be fair, I am good with my aids and timing and my clucking DOES mean something. Also, my horse has ear stuffies, so I feel like I have to click loudly… but am also just loud in general sometimes. I do sometimes get chastised by my trainer.


Yeah, he likely expected them to seriously ride when they bothered to show up for lessons! Poor princess likely felt like she was being tortured.


Lunge lessons?


NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo! Too wicked for words. :wink:


But then you know how to ride.


Riding without irons?


That would probably have a familiar ring for Mod1 here on the BB. :roll_eyes:


She’d have to show up for a deposition right? So I highly doubt she wants any part of that.