Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Have you read a lot of insurance policies?


Oh goodie we are blessed with more CH wisedom, so I spy with my one good eye, or not. Mostly not.

Thank goodness that I could skim through it without a care.

Oh lol ok a patch of green grass, so much more interesting.



Thank you so much.

Sorry for the off topic.

Have many people been attacked by owls? … in their own home?


ME!!! ME!!!
Freaking barn owls made a nest in the arena wall - the other side of which is my kitchen in my barn apartment!! As the owlets grew, they got noisier and messier… VERY VERY noisy at night. I was afraid they would break through the drywall right into the kitchen. We did not want to remove the nest, clean out the mess and plug the access until the little ones fledged and could at least sit up in the rafters safely. The parents constantly dive bombed me on my front steps… in the arena… the barn aisle… the driveway. The female - much bigger than the male - grazed my head a few times and earned the name Bitchwoman. One evening she was sitting on the rail right outside the screen door… occasionally pulling at the screen with her beak and hissing insults when she saw me or the terriers. We were finally able to get to the nest - but SURPRISE - one fledging had squirmed his way back in there overnight and when the insulation was peeled away from him, he went right at a worker’s face!! Anyway - I did not miss Bitchwoman - especially after she attacked one of her own offspring and had him cornered in the shavings bin. She was beating the crap out of him - even tossed him into the wall. I chased her away and caught the dazed little guy, stuffed him into a dog crate and raced him to a wildlife rescue place - but by the time I got him there he was barely breathing and despite their excellent care, he died overnight… :pleading_face:

^^ Redoing the wall and sealing up any access.

^^ The poor youngster that I rescued from that murderous Bitchwoman.


I dont know how many but apparently its not uncommon, especially if they have a fledgling in a nest nearby, Barred owls will attack people from above on their head and their beak and claws are viscious. They postulated that the talons became entangled in her hair.


Thankyou so much AK and SF.

We have magpies that will dive bomb in nesting season, however they are much smaller than an owl and not usually nesting in a dwelling.


I think she was walking into the house and the attack came from outside, she ran inside with it entangled in her hair. Supposedly.

I only read the wiki, but I would think the presence of owl feathers would be incredibly rare and would have to be accounted for somehow. I saw (I think) both films about and there was o mention of the owl thing. If she had lacerations with no underlying bruising, that seems really compelling.


The trail I used to ride on had a hawk nest there one spring. That big girl was fierce. She would swoop me when I rode by and twice she bombed me with rocks. I stopped riding there!


I could kind of think there was another way around his wife’s death, even though he was so utterly dreadful in the “documentary” he had filmed - until it was revealed his first wife fell down the stairs and died after breaking her neck too. I mean, really? :worried: His wives tend to be rather unlucky.



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I personally would have found it quite irresponsible for any of the lawyers representing any of the insurance companies to not include the response asking for the fees to be paid. That is what everyone does, in every lawsuit.


Wasn’t it their friend in the same housing area who fell down the steps. She lost her husband and the guy and his wife would help her out with her home and the kids. They were having dinner together the night before the woman was found dead. His wife took their kids home so the stairs guy was the last one to see this friend/neighbour alive if I recall correctly. The neighbour was found dead at the bottom of the stairs by her babysitter the next morning.

But, yeah, two falls down stairs resulting in deaths and the same guy was the last to see both woman alive is pretty damning.


Late to the party, but definition of Tort, from Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition:

A private or civil wrong or injury, other than breach of contract, for which the court will provide a a remedy in the form of an action for damages. A violation of a duty imposed by general law or otherwise upon all person occupying the relation to each other which is involved in a given transaction. Coleman v California Yearly Meeting of Friends Church 27 Cal.App.2d 579, 81 P.2d 469, 470. There must always be a violation of some duty owing to plaintiff and generally such duty much arise by operation of law and not be mere agreement of the parties.

Three elements of every tort action are: Existence of legal duty from defendant to plaintiff, breach of duty and damage, as proximate result.

A legal wrong committed upon the person or property independent of contract. It may be either (1) a direct invasion of some legal right of the individual; (2) the infraction of some public duty by which special damage accrues to the individual; (3) the violation of some private obligation by which like damage accrues to the individual.


4 sad years later. May Michael Barisone be released sooner, rather than later.

As for Lauren Shay Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin, Jonathan Scott Kanarek and Kirby Bryant Kanarek, I don’t wish them well for their roles in what happened.


Today is a sad anniversary as a man who was systematically terrorized is still not free.

Michael Barisone was the victim of terrorists who came up with a plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD” when they decided things were not going their way.

Lauren Kanarek, Rob Goodwin, Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek ought to be ashamed of their behavior, but based on their actions here have not learned one damned thing from what happened on August 7, 2019.

But, there is good news!

Michael Barisone has a support system behind him.

A woman who loves him, and has stood behind him when many would have walked away.

A crack legal team, made up of caring, intelligent men, determined to defend Michael to the very best of their ability, who did a hell of a job!

Friends, like Boyd Martin and The Hay Guy, who were willing to testify on Michael’s behalf.

Many here and on other boards, who see through the smoke screen thrown up by the KKlan and their very few supporters.

I have never met Michael Barisone, and probably never will, but I still firmly believe he was terrorized to the point of mental collapse. It was a planned, systematic attack to make him lose his mind.

While the KKlan and their ilk might think they were successful, they were not. Michael Barisone will come out of this stronger and better in the end. He will know how many people cared about him and his plight.

Lauren Kanarek will never be able to say the same.


:clap: YES

And the KKlan has shown the world who they are, and its not pretty nor smart nor clever. And that will continue on in perpetuity.


And he lied.

He said he received 2 purple hearts. The military had no records for.

He told the second wife his book was being turned into a movie, when actually he had not worked or made any income for quite a while.

He said the first victim only had a bit of blood near her ear. The baby sitter said there was blood everywhere.

The one I saw never mentioned the owl findings.

An anniversary with MB still not out with us. I hope he is soon.


So well said @cutter99! Great job. Thank you for saying this so well.


Hear Hear!