Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

On this date, maybe things are finally looking up, and hopefully the appellate judges and/or the federal judges won’t be receiving notes from Jonathan Kanarek so maybe Michael will get a fair shake.



Lara is a class act.


Remarkable. She has (in fact that whole camp have) not put a foot wrong in 4 years. Nothing but restraint, dignity, and class all the way. And in the midst of such overwhelming circumstances. Truly admirable behaviour all around.


Nice GFM update today.


Jeepers, you’re right, but after doing some more reading I can see how I got confused:-

  • Michael Petersen was the last one to see Elizabeth Ratliffe alive after he dropped her home
  • Elizabeth Rafliffe died from falling down the stairs later that night, November 1985
  • Michael Petersen and his first wife Patricia Peterson (died of a heart attack aged 78) then raised Elizabeth Rafliffe’s daughters, Margaret and Martha, as her husband (George Ratliffe) had died a few years earlier
  • Michael Petersen and Patricia Peterson divorced in 1987, they had two children, Clayton and Todd
  • Clayton and Todd chose to live with Patricia, and Margaret and Martha (daughters of Elizabeth Ratliffe) chose to live with Michael
  • Michael then met and married Kathleen Petersen in 1997, who fell down the stairs and died in 2001.

Soooooo, curly story straight, he took a close friend home who then fell down the stairs and died later that night, and he and his first wife raised their children, before they split and his second wife, Kathleen, then fell down the stairs and died. Lordy, what a mess.


Didn’t it turn out that he had been having an affair with this neighbor in Germany? THey were all a tight friend group and he and she were having an affair, and it was going to come out, and suddenly, Ooops! She fell down the stairs! After the friends’ dinner! after he stayed lated to help her put the kids to bed (or something)! Suddenly she was dead the next day! But she was alive and well when I left! Then he and Kathleen adopt the neighbors’ kids! And raise them!

The Owl thing didn’t come out until years later, 8 years after Kathleen died, when he had the second trial. New forensics were done which uncovered the owl feathers and tree branches in her hair, and it was supposed an owl might have attacked Kathleen on her way into the house.


I guess my details are a little messed up. I saw that show years ago. What a mess!


It’s very confusing, and I hadn’t heard of the owl thing until reading it here yesterday (how bonkers, but obviously it does happen in some cases), but I did some reading and think I’ve got it straight in my comment above yours.


I didn’t want Cutters post to get buried, but I couldn’t quote it on my phone so u made two sceenshots.

This couldn’t be said better. The KKlan will never have any social or moral standing again after what they’ve done (if they ever did) . I’m so glad Michael has the support of so many to help him flourish. And if the insurance companies’ defence is based on unproven allegations, that civil case will do well!


Who knew the doctors needed the help of Lauren’s “medically trained family members”?

Add this fantasy to the list of her truth stretchers of the day.

Bless her heart.


Omg same old same old!!!

Well, I hope Im still alive as I wait for It All To Be Revealed! And to learn What Couldnt Be Disclosed! And thank God we have Lauren as our new self appointed Warrior! To Expose the Ugly Truths of our Industry!!

(I remember when the difficulties when my husband was in the CVICU… deventing meant EVERYBODY out of the room. Even Trained Family Members ie other physicians)

What a fantasy world they live in. And Dad is so proud!

Good Lord.

Edited for typo


Yes, Jonathan Kanarek is showing just what kind of person he has always been with that comment. It reminds me of his text about how great it would be to make Michael homeless. Such a wonderful upstanding citizen he is.

Screen shot from a public facebook post.


I’m confused, is this from LK’s facebook? Who’s “hubby” are they referring to?


Yes, it is from Lauren Kanarek’s page. It is a public post.

I have to assume that poster refers to Robert Guy Goodwin as Lauren Kanarek’s hubby.


I wish them many years of… uhhh… whatever they’re going to have.


Clean laundry? Access to “party” supplies? Audio/visual technical support? Barn valet service?


@Paint_Party, you forgot chauffeur! And world renowned handyman!

Oh, wait my mistake- that should be “unlicensed for business in New Jersey handyman”!


Can we just call him “Triple Damages”? Or “Treble Damages”

Either would make a dandy name for a horse.


Here is what I find so amusing about LK’s Facebook post. She and her few friends are totally tone deaf. (Apparently the YouTube piano lessons have done nothing for her.)

A consensus, like COTH has never seen before, figured out pretty quickly what was going on.

The YouTube crowd on the 48 Hours rerun figured it out pretty quickly. Have you looked at the comments over there lately?

Does Lollypoop actually think she is going to sell her line of bull huckey and people are going to buy it?

That ship sailed in September of 2019, as soon as she started posting on COTH and threatening people.

There was a big bombshell dropped by the KKlan this year. It was HUGE, one of the biggest bombshells ever! And let’s make sure everyone knows what that bombshell is!

Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek will not sit for depositions, and will do anything possible to avoid being subpoenaed!

“Why would that be?” would be the very logical questions to ask.

You want justice for your daughter against the man who killed her at least twice(Lauren’s version of events, obviously not the real world’s version of events), right??? CHECK!

You want the world to see what a horrible man it is that did this to your beloved Lollypoop, right??? CHECK!

You want whatever monies can be gained for this situation because having a herd of horses is not a frivolous amount of money monthly. In fact, it makes a country club membership look like a daily trip to Starbucks, right??? CHECK!

You would love to be known as a “social media influencer”, and have a platform for your adoring crowd (of 3), to follow along on your adventures and exploits, right? CHECK!!!

BUT, you cannot sit for a deposition because if you do, the house of cards starts to fall, one card at a time. The truth will come out about your plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD”. People will question where your income stream starts, other than “the bank”. People will question how you have managed to have no discernible source of income your entire adult life, yet you define yourself as a “woman of unlimited resources”. Your medical records will become public knowledge, as well as every past encounter with law enforcement.

So many things to hide, so little time!

And speaking of those unlimited resources, wouldn’t a person who claimed to have them, as well as claiming to be a gunshot victim, use those resources to help prevent other shootings?

You know, start a non profit or coalition devoted to stopping gun violence, and stem the flow of gun related deaths. Help those with horrific physical injuries related to gun violence. Provide education to children and young adults to make them realize guns are not the solution.

Certainly that “cool quarter million” Jonathan Kanarek bragged about from the settlement with Ruth Cox could have gone a long way in creating some good in this world. But nope, the only mention of gun violence came from Princess Lollypoop and her sister giving gun violence the finger. Such a classy way to celebrate the fact you lived!

My bet is that “cool quarter million” won’t go very far, and it certainly is not enough to buy a spot on any Olympic team!