Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I read both Lara Osborne’s update and LK’s FB post.

What struck me was how they were almost identical in their formula, just expressed from the opposing sides of the tragedy. The formula is;

  1. Four years ago, this horrible tragedy somehow “just happened to me”.
  2. No matter how devastating the events, I am a survivor.
  3. I am grateful for my friends and supporters and loved ones.
  4. There is more to the story that has not been revealed thus far, and when it is revealed in the future, it will make it even more apparent that the other side is at fault.

Both sides made stupid, irresponsible decisions which culminated in the tragedy. However, it has always struck me as particularly bizarre that LO describes MB as getting a gun and shooting, or shooting at, two people as a tragic event which somehow just befell MB. He avoided prison for the shooting because he was found to be insane when he shot her, but somehow it’s outrageous that he should be confined to a psychiatric facility (according to LO).

I don’t believe the claims that more will be revealed later — from either side.




One side will. One side will not.

Your description regarding LO is a blatant lie. She said no such thing about a gun. NEVER.

If you have to lie to make a point, it’s not such a good point.


Why would you expect them to change their MO at this time?


Sorry my post was not clear, @Knights_Mom.

It was my characterization of events that “MB got a gun and shot, or shot at, two people”. LO always describes this event as not an action taken by MB, but rather as a tragic event that somehow just happened to MB, like a bolt of lightning out a clear blue sky.

You are absolutely correct that Lara Osborne had never mentioned anything about a gun. She resolutely avoids mentioning that MB shot LK, and was found to have shot her in the criminal trial.

To clarify further, from what I have read, LO does not talk about the details of the case at all. So it is not that LO leaves off some detail that you are associating with her somehow being nefarious, she simply does not talk about the details of the case at all.

Which makes far more sense than the endless stream of untruths posted everywhere and anywhere by Jonathan Kanarek, Lauren Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek.


I spy with my one good eye, It must be pick on LO day.

Moved off the picking on Chris D?

So sad that you have to run down good people in a … what is that term you love to toss out … “Pleasure of Hate” I believe.

Your mask is slipping and your legs surely must be tired of all the back peddling that you do CH.

:racehorse: :wind_face:



I do not mean to pry, but you don’t by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?

The pleasure you take in sucking the life out of these threads reminds me of somebody.


Have you forgotten about all those Not Guilty verdicts? It appears you have. So weird how you ignore that part.

But then, it is quite common for the Klan and the Klan supporters to pretend things are fact that are not.


I don’t consider MB getting a gun and shooting, or shooting at, two people (my characterization) as a mere “detail”. It’s the reason MB was arrested, charged with attempted murder, and tried. It’s the reason he is involuntarily confined to a psychiatric hospital now.

I did not say LO refusing to acknowledge that MB shot LK is “nefarious”. I said that both sides — LO and LK — act as if the events of Aug 7 “just happened to them”. Both sides avoid acknowledging their own roles in what occurred.

So you think that LO has something to do with what happened that day too? That is a strange addition. You are tired of blaming MHG and have moved on to LO?

Please read my post above about two people being shot at. If you are going to stomp your feet about the NGRI verdict meaning something it does not, you should probably also believe the NG verdicts (more than one), right?

More Klan and Klan supporter imagination at work.


Good grief.

MB is in Greystone because he did not get a clean sweep of Not Guilty verdicts.

He was found NGRI on two counts. NGR Insanity — that’s why he is in a psychiatric facility.

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One claim certainly has rung true with evidence in pictures: That at least THREE people had a plan - prior to the shooting - to extort money out of MB. These people were:

Lauren Shay Kanarek
Robert Guy Goodwin
Jonathan Kanarek

The messages put into evidence makes that VERY clear and is rather suspicious that this shooting took place as described by the grifters. It simply did not. IMO. Couldn’t have. All the elements clearly lay out that the “event” in no way happened as told. I believe it was a set up gone bad by sudden, changing events.

And I suspect the real, actual truth will be revealed shortly.


Good grief, he was found not guilty on all three charges against Robert Guy Goodwin, even assault, so you continually saying that two people were shot at is you not being truthful.
I know it is on purpose. No worries. I am not that stupid.




No. LO acts as if the events of Aug 7 “just happened” to MB.

Well, that is true, they did not just happen. There was a plot by the Jonathan Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin, and Lauren Kanarek to finish the bastard.


The jury found MB straight not guilty of shooting at RG.

it seems you forgot that.


How do you know how LO acts? Do you see her regularly? Talk to her on the phone? How?

Her FB posts and her GoFundMe updates aren’t enough for you to come to that conclusion and then state it as definitive proof. If so, show me which post said all these things or tells you how LO “acts”.


You’re right they didn’t just happened to him, it looks like it was months of planning and preying by the KKrew that lead up to events of that day.

You know the discussion via texts of blackmail, of suing MB. Shall I go on?

You know all this. It seems to me that it’s just a slow Friday afternoon for you, as it has been the past several and you have to come on here and try to start a flame war.

Honestly that is about as 3 legged lame as it gets.
