Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26


It’s funny to interact with someone as to how LO “acts” as LOs behavior is supposedly so horrific when speaking about circumstances that involve LK and her bazillion bad, SADISTIC, grifting, calculating, malignant, belligerent acts and behavior goes uncriticized.

It’s as if CH & Crew expected no pushback from people being abused and tortured to soften them up before the big take aka trying to grift the farm away from MB.


You know IRL people get paid $$$ to chitpost things to rile up people, suggest fake allegations and affect reputations.


hmmmmmm let me see here

the way LK acts

the way LO acts

ummmmmmm, so want to say something that would probable get me banned.

I will leave it at
you can’t buy class and LK ain’t got none.


People also get paid to clean up messes left by others who cannot control, or refuse to, their actions and SM activity. Like Smithers for Mr. Burns.

Sometimes I wonder if that is what’s occurring here.


She also can’t borrow any from anyone within her inner circle.


As I clearly said, the assertion that MB shot, or shot at, two people is “my characterization” of what happened.

What I state as fact is that “MB shot LK”. See bolded. Given the NGRI verdicts on the counts with respect to LK, I can state that as a fact despite your (g) claims it was never proven.

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For fook’s sake!


So you are choosing to ignore the jury’s verdicts, all three Not Guilty verdicts do not count in the movie in your head?


You missed my point. I said very clearly that what struck me about the two anniversary messages is that they were very parallel to one another.

I never said LOs behavior was “so horrific”. Please show receipts.

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I would agree with you on this point, all Movies in Someone’s Head or maybe it’s an attempt to Control the Narrative at work again.



Not really.

We know for a fact that the story on the Klan side is based on a huge stack of lies.
There are lots of receipts for it, you have seen them.

Did you forget how hard the Kanarek family fought to not be deposed or answer a simple subpoena?



Edit to fix my typing error - disposed =/= deposed.


Exactly. In the movie playing in CH’s head, the NG verdict with respect to shooting at RG doesn’t count, but the NGRI verdict with respect to the attempted murder of Lollypop somehow or other means it’s been definitively proven that MB shot at Lollypop.


Show receipts? You have this pesky habit of never showing receipts. So you first.

After the thread being silent - which YOU have said is what you wanted, YOU revive it and post claims of how LO feels along with your version - an untrue one - of things she has said.

Vintage CH. You are consistent, I’ll give you that.

  1. I have never characterized LO’s behavior as “horrific”.

  2. I’m not the one who revived the thread.

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But you sure do like to stir the pot and keep things boiling though, don’t you?

Do you have a need for attention too?

No need to answer, because I really don’t give two manure piles about your answer.



The Kanarek family and their various and sundry supporters on social media and in real life must be VERY VERY frustrated with how effectively LO has supported MB over the last few years.

  1. MB was not found guilty of either attempted murder charge, and he didn’t plead guilty.

  2. Lollypop’s civil suit ended in a whimper, as she and her family avoided sitting for depositions.

  3. It looks like MB is proceeding through steps related to the Krol process and institutional confinement in NJ. Sooner or later, he will be released.

  4. The GFM has almost reached $79,000

  5. The insurance lawsuit is happening. There is a chance MB will be reimbursed for legal expenses
 and there is a chance that discovery might involve all sorts of investigation into background aspects of this whole situation. Oh, and last but not least, there’s a chance Lollypop will be asked to sit for a deposition all over again. Uh oh. She might be asked to answer all sorts of personal questions about her past, etc.


In direct contradiction to the two witnesses testimony.

Jury nullification. Only explanation for ignoring the direct testimony and evidence of the window.


What I find remarkably hilarious is the idea Lauren Kanarek and her daddy haven’t told anyone who will listen what their “truth” and “proof” is. I suspect even Shelley-Nellie has been told so many various stories by that money hungry family that even she has doubts about the Kanarek credibility at this point. If anyone had cut a deal with the Kanareks to publish “the truth”, that family would be crowing from the rooftops about the deal. Keep in mind, Michael Barisone and Lara Osborne and anyone else the K’s defame can certainly take legal action against the family. I predict the only truth that will be revealed in the future will be from Barisone himself with receipts to back up what he has to say.

I can’t believe total strangers are still posting on the weeks old 48 Hours YT rerun! It’s truly amazing the level of dislike there is for Lauren and her daddy.