Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Someone seems irrationally upset over same old same old nothingburger.


I am excited to report the Ignore function has been working flawlessly over the past 6 weeks or so!


It strikes me that LOā€™s was firstā€¦ā€¦

That makes who the copy catā€¦ā€¦who was the triggered party?


Poor MHG and Vera. What are they, chopped liver?


Apparently so - when not that long ago they were the root of all evil (well, mainly MHG) and responsible for everything that happenedā€¦ and their relationships with MB were sliced, diced, sifted, julienned, sauted, poached and fried.

Suddenly - they are yesterdayā€™s news and no long serve a purpose. Kewl.

I await (with bated breath) the next conspiracy that will make LK into an innocent sweet ingenue who was working her tail off to improve on her natural God-given horsemanship talentā€¦ when an evil bully schemed to take all her horses and thwart her Olympic dreamsā€¦


In theory, the jury came to the conclusion that mb shot LK, and was not guilty by reason of insanity. This is true

Butā€¦they had to come to a conclusion based on testimony in the trial. Testimony we all know is from proven liars. There was not 2 sides to the story, only one. Texts, media posts etc show how unreliable the only witnesses to the actual event are. Nobody except 2 people, who have everything to lose, know exactly how the shooting occurred. That is 100% irrefutable.

Forensic evidence was basically non existent. I have close to zero LE training, and can clearly see the lack of professional conduct by the police dept. it is clear where they failed, from the moment the arrived until the close of the farce of an investigation. Lack of training? Deliberate? Weā€™ll never know.

On to the jury. 7-11 could have wanted a straight NG. 5-1 could have dug their heels in. Holiday coming up. The chance of compromise is high. Again, they only had 1 side that were at the actual event. Definitely enough evidence to believe she drove him over the edge.

We know from text transcripts and lkā€™s admission on the stand that it was a deliberate, planned plot to drive him there.

I fail to comprehend how anyone can defend their abhorrent behavior.


Ohā€¦ Lollypop was most definitely triggered. It was a vintage Lollypop rant

Sheā€™s always reminded me of a certain character in a certain movieā€¦


Hereā€™s something I donā€™t get: the Kanarekā€™s dropped their civil suit. They dropped it and had to ask MB would he please drop his counter. Not only did they turn tail and run from their own suit, they had to beg MB to drop his counter. Thatā€™s about the biggest humiliation I can imagine for them.

But now they are going off with all these threats and all this posturing online about the very subject of the suit they dismissed. Who with even two brain cells to rub together would buy anything they have to say on this topic? They had their shot - two shots, in fact the suit and 48 hours - and they bricked. They ran away. They delivered nothing at all. What could they possibly have to tease and threaten and allude to.

Theyā€™ve already taken their chance and lost all by folding in the face of a mere deposition, not even open court.

Iā€™m not saying they didnā€™t get any money. They did. Although the sheer hilarity of the phrase ā€˜cool quarter millionā€™ reminds me of that scene where Dr Evil asked for a million dollars thinking it was a lot of money.

Iā€™m saying they lost all in the sense of proving their points, supporting their story, having ā€˜the truthā€™ come out, dropping their bombshells, etc. They ran away from two chances to tell all. No one believes a thing they say at this point.

Itā€™s so weird and honestly quite sad at this point.


Please correct your original post to include (my characterization). as you did in the above clip as without it, you are spreading a very significant lie.


They are relying on the fact that almost everyone who supports her and reads and follows her posts doesnā€™t know anything about the existence of the Civil case and the Kanarekā€™s absolute failure at the legal game of Chicken. She will keep posturing aggressively and making statements that hint of a looming legal battle against Barisone, 48 Hours, and ā€œthe sinister powerful peopleā€ who have continuously tried to destroy her and failed.




Yes, itā€™s a curious stance.


LK sued three parties ā€” MB, SGF, and RC. She dropped her suit after receiving monetary settlements funded by the liability insurers tor two of the three.

Since MB did not have an insurance company backing him up, it seems rational for LK to not expect to be paid a settlement or monetary award from him (even if awarded by a jury), and therefore irrational to continue the suit against him.

The only reason to continue the suit against him would be to try to claim a Pyrrhic victory and bleed him dry with legal costs. Once SGF and RC had settled, both sides agreeing to drop the remaining complaints was the best outcome ā€” for both sides.

Of course LK wouldnā€™t drop her suit unless MB dropped his countersuit.





Waitā€¦what monetary settlement from other than RC insurer for ā€œa cool quarter millionā€. Did SGF give money to settle? All I remember is they settled it. I may well have missed something?


This says to me that you mean LK would have not dropped her suit if she knew MB was going after the Insurance Company and may then have an Insurance Company backing him.


Didnā€™t Lollypop just make a Facebook post all about how she and a few others (apparently JK, and itā€™s unknown who else) made a ā€œpactā€ to do ā€œwhatever it takesā€ to make sure ā€œthe guilty will pay their duesā€ ?

Why yes. Yes she did. Hereā€™s a screenshot of parts her screed with the relevant portion highlighted for you.

I donā€™t think her recent words - straight from the camelā€™s mouth - square with your theories about her.

So who is exaggerating or dissembling? Lk in her public Facebook post? Or you in your comment here on COTH, trying to explain away her decision to back down from the civil suit she initiated?

And why do you think Lollypop is so desperately trying to save face now? Why bother? Itā€™s not going to change anyoneā€™s mind at this point.


There was no monetary settlement aside from RC, CH (as usual) is full of :cow2::poop:


Lauren Shay Kanarek was afraid to be deposed. She didnā€™t even want to testify. She was afraid of all the secrets coming out and those people associated with her were TERRIFIED of her being deposed.

And now we all know now that this weakness and vulnerability is exposed.


So, it was always just about money? Nothing to do whatsoever with the subject of the FB rant about ā€œtelling the true storyā€.


Also, I thought the settlement with SGF was under an NDAā€¦ā€¦how sure are you that LK didnā€™t run away from them too? Is it like how youā€™ve seen the police reports to know what was and wasnā€™t in them?