Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Remember LK was crowing about the insurance check that MB recieved from the ice storm damage.

Why I do believe that she even tried to yell fraud about it.

She really wanted her grifty hands on that money.

Strange how someone who continues to say that they are are of unlimited means would care about that.



My ignore button is my scrolling ringer and I see its workout as guitar-playing finger exercises.


Depositions and discovery in civil suits can really get into the weeds when it comes to mundane financial details when you sue for lost income, etc. Such as…

How much income did you make annually from 2014-2019? Do you have copies of your W-2s and tax returns for those years? Tell us more about these wire transfers and cash deposits, and these, and these, and these… etc etc etc .

Follow the money is the name of the game. Where does that trail lead? Are all the t’s crossed and i’s dotted with respect to annual taxes?

So many interesting little rabbit holes to go down during a deposition.


Okay, I didn’t think so. But with so many false narratives out there, you start to wonder.

Which is likely why the false narratives continue.


CH is quite fond of muddying the waters by pretending the movie in her head is fact-based, despite repeated evidence to the contrary :upside_down_face:


SGF reached a settlement with LK, and the terms were not disclosed.

Yet you assert that “there was no monetary settlement aside from RC”.

The terms of the settlement with SGF were not disclosed.

After reading Lauren’s post about “bombshells and the truth” coming out, didn’t she have the chance to do this in the Civil suit? Oh wait, she did but wouldn’t show up to be deposed. Maybe she forgot about that?


Naaah. She is just hoping everyone else forgot about how she blinked and backed down in her own civil suit. She’s now posting on Facebook to try and push a narrative that there is something more to her whole story that has yet to be told, and other unknown MB victims waiting in the wings, etc etc She’s casting herself as a brave martyr who is persevering… while simultaneously channeling some sort of Count of Monte Cristo style revenge thing what with her talk of a “whatever it takes” pact.

It’s all a little muddled.

But you know what isn’t muddled? The fact that she chickened out during the discovery and deposition phase of the lawsuit she herself brought. That’s crystal clear. So I think it’s safe to say she’s actually more concerned hiding the truth than revealing anything. At least that’s what her actions say.




And yet you assert that she didn’t beg for them to let her out. Did she tell you that she got money?

Are you just confused because everything you’ve been told is not adding up?



Wanna scare Lauren Kanarek?

These four words alone will throw her into a tizzy!



Forensic Accountant


Exactly. My suspicion is that LK does not want the source of her income coming out, and of course JK and KK ran from producing the illegal recordings, transcripts, or being deposed themselves, so who knows what they’re hiding. They started the suit, we heard about how all would come out for years, and then they refused to put up. Apparently they also refuse to shut up, but most of us aren’t listening anymore.


The posted court documents said that

  1. SGF had reached a settlement with LK, the terms of which were not publicly disclosed.
  2. Both LK and MB dismissed with prejudice their claims against the other.

JK/IM stated that the SGF settlement included a monetary award, but did not state an amount.

It was LO who characterized LK as begging MB to drop his suit, through her lawyers. I have not found LO to be a dispassionate, unbiased observer. Understandably so.

No, I’m not “confused”.


And Karma, that’s a tizzy word too




We are back to grousing about LO.

I think the K’s are truly frustrated with how effective she has been at supporting MB throughout this ordeal. The K’s didn’t anticipate that.


It’s really, really odd that the grousing is coming from someone who says they don’t know anyone connected to this, especially in the K side of things.

My, my from my side of the pasture I find that very odd indeed.



It IS odd. Especially given the timing of Lollypop’s latest Facebook post, which may or may not be a muddled attempt to clap back at LO for her August 7th update on GFM.


So…the word of a proven liar with an agenda……no wonder you’re confused and it doesn’t all add up. I hope LK spills all the beans soon, for your sake….you’ve been waiting 4 long years for it….

It must suck to not be in the inner circle of information like good ole Shelley (who heard and saw all the evidence) is considering all your long hours of defending the indefensible and enduring the foolish look……