Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

So the person who doesn’t want the source of THEIR income coming up is the same person/side who contacts the employer of posters or otherwise gets people fired? Or tries to?


I don’t consider JK “a proven liar.” I’ve been labeled a liar often enough by the mob, and I know I’m not a liar.

The terms of the SGF settlement were not publicly disclosed. I believe the settlement included a monetary settlement.

I’m not confused. I’m also not waiting for “all to be revealed” by either the LK side or the MB/LO side.

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LK has been threatening to reveal all for how many years now?




Hmm. So you finally acknowledge I’m not an insider?

I haven’t ever “defended the indefensible”. I said just today that both sides made “stupid, irresponsible” decisions. That’s hardly a defense.





You wish, only an insider would stick around once it was obvious they were on the wrong side of the aisle. A nobody would have slunk away once it was obvious they were on the losing side of the argument.


Once again, you might be the only person posting on this BB who thinks that way. But you should be used to that feeling by this time.


Agreed. When someone makes statements that prove to be lies later on, why would anyone not consider them a proven liar? :rofl:


Really CH? Difficult to believe that you’re not driven to pounce and pontificate on anything whatsoever that keeps you front and centre on your chosen hill.


I didn’t realize they still made records. And broken ones at that! :roll_eyes:


That would be interesting. A woman in her 40s who has no obvious source of income, no steady job (and apparently neither does her manservant) and yet can lolly-gag about, nap, play with horses as she pleases, pay for the upkeep of a small herd… and apparently has not got a financial care in the world - before any RC $$$$$$. The need to avoid a deposition while promising yet more bombshells strongly suggests (to a weary, 24/7 actual hardworking horse person like me) that Something must be kept under wraps…

There is always going to be another bombshell… and then another one… and all will be revealed… and then another bombshell… and so on… and so on… whatever it takes… yadda yadda yadda…


I think LK’s FB post was a clap back to the GFM update. I think Lollipop is upset because she knows no one cares about her side of the story outside of the few likes and comments on her FB page. Lollipop doesn’t have a GFM supporting her. No one has come to Lollipop’s defense outside of CH who won’t even admit that she knows LK. 99.9 percent of comments about the situation have been massively anti-LK.

I think the K’s are extremely nervous about MB sharing his side of the story.

I honestly foresee MB selling this story and making his legal fees and then some back. Plus a wider spread audience that loathes LK and her ilk for who they are. Wouldn’t that be something?


Re: the civil suit

I always thought it was pretty hilarious that the best excuse LK had for approaching MB to drop the suit is because the span of time the civil suit had existed. Yet she and her parents did every trick in the book to stall - avoiding subpoenas, changing lawyers, avoiding deposition, etc. Yet we are to believe that LK was just chomping at the bit to have her side heard. Uh huh.

La La has had every opportunity to share her side, including a national audience with 48 Hours. But here we are, still waiting on bombshells.



I wonder how much will come out before the insurance companies rush to settle with Michael.


Great points.

Here’s the thing… why would she even need to delay sharing her side of the story at this point, if that is what she wanted to do?

I can intellectually understand why MB is still being VERY cautious about everything his side releases publicly concerning his version of the entire story. He is still in the institution and working his way through the Krol hearing process trying to regain his freedom. He has civil litigation underway with his insurance companies concerning their failure to provide for legal defenses. He also is still suspended by SafeSport, and likely he will eventually want to address that.

But why must Lollypop wait to release information about her “bombshell“ claims regarding the “true story” ?

She’s not in the middle of litigation and not working through a legal process to gain her freedom, and SafeSport hasn’t banned her. She says in her post that the truth will finally come out in ways she is “not permitted to share at this time.” What/who is preventing her from sharing the truth right now?


The actual Truth?


Daddy and Mommy K who just spent a lot of effort twisting out of liability from engaging in some very illegal actions.


Will she have some opportunity to tell her story at a Safe Sport hearing?