Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

SafeSport won’t believe her.


I mean, when you admit under oath that you’re a liar, why would anyone believe anything you say after that?


This FB post of Lauren’s is so intriguing and full of smelly malarkey. With her “eyes wide open” she is ready to do “whatever it takes” to expose the truth and defeat all of those who have questioned her ever changing truth, except, wait for it…sitting for a deposition!! Any story she cons some entity to publish for her will have to provide all sorts of caveats to absolve them from legal action. What a sad, sad human she has become. Living her best life hidden away in her dreamland like poor old Baby Jane. She has become a joke and sheer entertainment with her musings.


Sure, but that doesn’t matter to her. She’s got these amazing bombshells you know.


Then why did you post this: you state it as fact that she received monetary settlements from 2 of the 3.

The terms of the settlement with SGF were not disclosed


Because CH lies like a rug, just like her KKlan idols. How do you know they’re lying? Their lips are moving. Or in this case, their fingers are typing :upside_down_face:


Imagine how she’ll react to finding out MB will get a large settlement from his other insurance carriers for reimbursement of his attorney fees. More insurance money Lauren isn’t getting!


And, if MB’s attorneys were ready for those depositions, and ready to ask those questions, they already know about all the finances and about all those deposits and transfers and taxes, and all about those phone and text records and recordings. Remember, you never ask a question you don’t know the answer to. I mean, you might be surprised sometimes, but I have no doubt MB’s attorneys already have all the facts on the KKlan. They just never got a chance to ask about them in the depositions. Doesn’t mean they don’t already know about it. If I were Lauren and Jonathan, I wouldn’t be so all fired eager to have the “real truth” and all the mind blowing facts come out. Because I can bet Lauren and Jonathan aren’t the only ones who have them. IN fact, I would be pretty sure that knowing what MBs attorneys have is probably the reason Lauren dropped her suit and begged Michael to drop his. And why they all refused their depositions.


@CurrentlyHorseless, the settlement could very well have been that she would get nothing, in return for SGF not pursuing their depositions on her. A settlment does not require money to change hands.


But in fact, if there was anything more to be told, there’s no reason now why she can’t out with it. The fact that she won’t tell it tells me that she’s lying. If she had something, she has no reason to keep it quiet now.


This is in all probability still ahead for her.


You know the answers.

It is the pathological need for attention that these people seem to have, the social climbing, the desire for internet “fame” and their hope (being money grubbers) to try to make money by lawsuit.

It’s sad to see the desperation shown by the K’s attempts to try to fit in with the talented and/or wealthy Dressage owners/riders/trainers in Wellington.

The K people could have a decent life and could change their out of control behavior.
Then again, some people just don’t get how to behave in polite society, their greed and insecurity is a powerful force that compels them, and no one (except a very good shrink) can stop that ingrained pathological mindset.


She doesn’t have any reason to withold her story. She’s just doing it for attention. If she was challeneged on it, she would make up some vague thing about a law suit she’s doing. She doesn’t have anyone else to sue, and no money to do it. Its all just for the drahhhhma of being a victim. Its what those types love. And then, her father chiming in, “wink wink”. Its a family of grifters, and not just her. what a waste.


I don’t think even a very good shrink could help LK. For one thing, narcissistic sociopaths cannot be cured. Although the condition can be managed with medication and therapy, that requires the individual to acknowledge their affliction and WANT to do something about it. And that won’t ever happen in LK’s case. I actually think she is the embodiment of The Dark Triad - narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.

As for JK, I think he is also afflicted with narcissistic tendencies but not as extreme as LK. And his willingness to aid and abet her in her plans to destroy others indicates a sociopathic leaning.

I think they would be a fascinating case study for a psychiatrist interested in exploring the genetic components of narcissism and sociopathic behavior.


I ran across this the other day. Describes Ms. Lollypop to a “T.”



I generally agree and would add that their sense for revenge and profound lack of empathy also leaves them feeling zero remorse or guilt.

IMO they just don’t care what they do UNTIL they get caught. Then any lie that will work will do.

Wretchedness that stops at nothing.

There is nothing they won’t do.




All of this.

And the visual representation of this post? That picture Lollypop posted on social media a year or two ago of her posing in the barn aisle in Louboutin heels late at night.

What a vapid, narcissistic, image-obsessed thing to do.


I keep thinking about that with her Louboutins. First I think, way to ruin your shoes of you really cared about them that much. Second, the talentless lifting of her foot to show them. Anyone can see them with a normal walk. How gauche to hold your foot up in the air showing the sole so it can be seen. That’s someone with no experience with high end clothes and fashion and she demonstrated that. Classless.


I can only imagine what will happen to Lauren when she is without her father. It seems to me he is the only person she can count on to always be there for her.