Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Or it could be they know JK is [edit]/or was involved in various activities such as serial gambling or the adult film industry, etc., and that is why they don’t want anything to do with him.


Oh so it’s tough guy sewage that means squat since Tinkerbelle can’t sit for a deposition. Just more empty tough guy talk from someone who isn’t tough at all, especially inside. Someone so lazy and simple they can’t work for what they want. Someone so shallow and vapid they do nothing of value for the world. Someone whose actions are so self serving and stupid that they themselves have to lie about it.

If posting simulations of movie lines is what makes her boat float nowadays I guess she’s got nothing else going on. Maybe piano playing got boring. That house must have rocked the song ‘Chopsticks’ for months. She’s like Fiberace.


Do you mean Liberace?


No. :rofl:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


You win the internet today!


I have been inundated lately with one day bath remodeling ads on TV and every time it reminds me of RG. :face_vomiting:


so many opportunities for Tinkerbelle to tell her story and always an excuse why it didnt work out for her. Anything that comes out of Camp Kanerwreck at this point will be pure fiction.


After reading the posts on FB, she is absolutely out of her mind. So many stories to tell and so little time. Wonder how many of those that posted are “real life” friends and not FB friends. LOL


Are these FB post on her private/friend FB account or a public one? I don’t see them on the public one?

Look. I am on the left side of the country, far far away from what went down. I am in some private circles with trainers on the right side of the US and they shared Krackerjack’s crazy fractured fairy tale posts about her trainer’s personal life and all other kinds of allegations. I didn’t know the parties involved, except that I knew MB was an absolute wizard with in hand work, and I was shocked that one of his clients, who was still in residence with him, should post such crazy personal shit on the internet. Then a week or two later, the shooting happened. What did she think would happen? Especially since she would not leave his home and was taking away all his safety (and yes he is an “eggshell” person under the law and everyone knew it, including the Krackerjacks). I’m not saying that shooting is right, but a possible thrashing was also to be expected after she called ALL the agencies on him and still REFUSED to vacate and give him some safety back. What she did was also assault. And what he did (if he did it and not the bouncer boy who no one knows if he took the gun and shot her by mistake and pistol whipped MB…who knows?) was self defense at best and NGRI at worst. The fact is that all we know is that these Krackerjacks assaulted the MB and his GF and made the place a living hell for everyone who was boarding there, destroyed a business, posted about it. The fractured fairy tale she posted that pushed the narrative was shocking to every professional on the right coast who read it because it was so obviously designed to ruin a business. WHO DOES THAT? Please stop giving her the attention she is addicted to–instead please focus on the mental health judicial system and what is now going very wrong in New Jersey. There are nonprofit organizations and legal pacts just looking to sue over outrageous crap like NJ sentencing someone to a psych facility and then not providing even the minimum industry standard care. PLEASE focus on that and ignore the garbage–it’s yesterday’s trash.


Amen. :arrow_up:


Wow, well said. Really hoping that it won’t be long before there’s some legal movement putting a stop to the this NJ psych and legal abuse going on in this case.


I loved all of your post but I have a question.

Do you know of any specific nonprofit organizations?


Yes, there are mental health parity groups and disability advocacy groups and many have connections to law firms to bring cases. Here is a short list of some of them:
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Mental Health America (MHA)
Legal Advocacy for Adults with Mental Illness (LAAMI)
SAMSHA’s Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program

There are many more on the state level. Also you can contact the American Health Law Association to find mental health legal advocacy lawyers. They have or had a mental health parity program.


Except for the times she’s so relieved to finally get it all off her chest.


It’s her standard “Look at me!!! Look at me!!!”. She sees her 10 minutes fading away with no trials upcoming to get her back in the spotlight. So she’s creating her own little world of drama. Working up her followers with promises of “Just wait - the real story is coming!!!”. This version would likely completely contradict her testimony under oath.

I compare it to this: there is a local trainer that has a decent following of completely clueless followers on SM. Every time his scores do not reflect what he thinks they should be, he’s all over SM complaining about the other competitors, the weather, the ring conditions, the judges, etc… His acolytes all fall at his feet with support, the rest of us know that it’s his horses, training, and riding that creates his scores, not everything else he likes to blame. When interest starts to wane, he finds something else to blame and get them worked up again.

As I’ve said all along - if they had ACTUAL evidence of the plot to kill her - there is no way the prosecutor does not use that at trial or to get a plea bargain signed. They don’t have proof. It doesn’t exist. I honestly think that they have told this story so many times they all actually believe their own lies.

This BS about why she would not answer questions about the shooting because of what she overheard the crew say about the interviews - there is no freaking way 48hrs doesn’t want both sides of the story. But if her “friends” are as credible when they are interviewed as she is - well, 48hrs has no interest in broadcasting an entire hour of word salad.

And, you’d think someone with a “blue chip law firm” on speed dial would know you’re not sneaking a witness in at trial - you have to give the court a list of potential witnesses. So getting a list from a TV interview is not going to hurt your case. Sounding like a totally clueless whackjob did her case way more harm than any potential witness list would do.


It’s very public.


Some of the wackier comments are buried in the responses under her long post from August 10 about the day she woke up from the coma.

The exchange with Daddio stealing lines from “A Few Good Men” . The "I heard the crew say they won’t use anything from my friends are a response to Shelley. She simply cannot help herself. All the stuff she alludes to “not being able to say yet” all eventually come out of her own volition without much prompting.


If she were so eager to get her story out, she would have gladly sat for depositions