Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Did I miss something??


I am certain details will be revealed at the appropriate time. I have no doubt.

So far, all we have heard is LKā€™s unbelievable and frankly, incredibly dumb version of events - that MB plotted to kill her and showed up at 2 pm on a weekday to bury two bodies (and perhaps a dog), by himself with just a shovel. Because um, he wanted her mediocre horses or something.


Any sort of film on her version of events is going to be absolutely destroyed by viewers. She has left a literal trail of garbage online for people to find. And whatever she thinks was deleted has absolutely been screenshot by Iā€™m sure dozens of people who are willing to share said information. The internet is forever sort of thing.

However, Iā€™m not naive enough to believe LK has a film being made by anyone substantial. Or that it will work in her favor. She had an audience of literally millions of people with 48 Hours yet she didnā€™t say a thing. And even then the audience absolutely loathed LK and her ilk.

I really do believe MB is the one with the story to tell here and could capitalize on that story well beyond a cool quarter mil.

Anyways, Iā€™m personally looking forward to MBā€™s side of things. We havenā€™t heard that version. I couldnā€™t care less what LK has to say or do.


Donā€™t forget that she promised ā€œbombshellsā€ for years and that ā€œall would be revealedā€ and that she ā€œcouldnā€™t wait to tell the whole story,ā€ but then chickened out from the lawsuit she filed because she was terrified of being deposed and because she and her chicken-s*** family were too afraid of what might happen if they turned over the evidence they claimed to have. :roll_eyes:


Sheā€™s still promis8ng ā€œbombshellsā€. After a while, even the most gullible of her online ā€œfriendsā€ are going to say to themselves, ā€œyeah, where have we heard this before.ā€ She doesnā€™t have any excuse for not spilling why she did what she did, now. Unless of course she prefers the drama of saying she has Bombshells over actually telling her story.

Because, once sheā€™s told it, then what does she have? Nothing. Its all done, all in the past, she has to move along. Nothing more to see here.


I suspect that the bombshells are actually duds.


I suspect that the bombshells havenā€™t come yet, but are not what LaLa thinks they will be. I suspect many know more than she suspects, about what happened and why. So keep cheering for ā€œbombshells,ā€ Sweetums. You may get your wish.


I agree, I think she likes keeping people on tender hooks, waiting with bated breath for all this evidence that there was a conspiracy against her. When all that was wanted was for her to move herself, her horses and her boyfriend.


Right? How exhausting. Think of all the people who would be grateful to be alive and have the means to have basically suffered very little for such an event. Yet this is what her life has become, obsessed with arguing online instead of riding her SIX horses, well, four that are rideable, and becoming the rider she alleged she wanted to be in the first place.


Just a PSA, itā€™s tenterhooks (or tenter hooks). Just paying it forward for the person who told me it was spit and image, not spitting image.


I thought they were accepted variations with the same meaning?

Wait, what??


It makes sense when you hear people from some cultures say, ā€˜It looks like [parent] spit [child] out.ā€™ I.e., they look identical.

We say ā€˜[child] is the stamp of [parent].ā€™


Jaysus, ā€˜splitting imageā€™ is a bridge too far!! :rofl:


Always spitting image to me


Nope. Always been tenterhooks. From the Oxford dictionary: " 1. a hook used to fasten cloth to a drying frame, or tenter."
Tender hooks doesnā€™t mean anything. So being left on tenterhooks is more like being hung out to dry than to wait with bated breath.


I believe the semantic content of this idiom comes from the use of a tenter and tenterhooks to keep cloth stretched taut. So the idiomā€™s meaning has to do with being under tension (anxious, in suspense). At least in my dialect thatā€™s very different from the abandonment implied by ā€˜being hung out to dryā€™.


Sorry, I was asking about the spitting image/spit and image.



On tenterhooksā€ means ā€œ waiting nervously for something to happen .ā€ The word tenter means ā€œa frame used for drying and stretching clothā€ and is related to tent, so being ā€œon tenterhooksā€ compares the tenseness of the stretched fabric to the tension of nervous waiting.



Omg. Very appropriate gif usage.

What was Frankā€™s last name again? Poor Frank.

Scarlett Oā€™Hara Hamilton ā€¦?.. Butler.