Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Clearly that’s a no.


It was brought up in the civil suit, the recordings and transcripts were subpoenaed and the Ks refused to produce them or sit for depositions and then dropped the suit. So, that kind of speaks for itself. End of “bombshells.” The real bombshell is that when it came time to produce those recordings, transcripts, and finally tell the story, the Kanawrecks ran from the opportunity they claimed they were waiting for. So whatever is going on with those recordings, they do NOT want those released.

Now that we’ve cleared that up again. Does anyone have any good recipes for fresh figs?


That’s not what your original post said. You said three times that MB wanted the suit dropped implying that he instigated it, and IIRC from when that happened, it was LK that instigated it.
Maybe it just went alphabetically :woman_shrugging:t2:.


This recipe looks terrific, once you get past the obligatory 15,000 photos .


It’s called projection……LK knew she was going to lose, wasn’t going to get any money from it, and needed Barisone to drop his suit so she could wriggle out of the mess she was in.

Everyone knew this case was sunk once the prosecutor had to preface to the jury that they wouldn’t like LK or RG.



That does sound good. We just drizzled a little honey and some crumbled feta cheese… it was good, but I thought grilling or roasting might be amazing.


Of course Barisone wanted LKs suit against him dropped, for all the reasons I mentioned. Stating those reasons does not imply that Barisone “instigated” it.

LK wanted his countersuit against her dropped for the same set of reasons.

The fact that each wanted the other’s suit dropped doesn’t tell us who approached whom. A law degree from Harvard or Google wouldn’t tell us who approached whom.


I’m just not a feta fan


The Kanareks were fighting subpoenas for the transcripts created by Kirby. All parties received the recordings themselves from the prosecutor.

Barisone could have pursued his countersuit against LK for making the recordings and for other stuff, but agreed to drop his suit instead.

You should probably go back and read the documents before making claims like that.


This poor horse.



It’s all very symmetrical. If either side “knew” they would win, and would actually collect damages, they would not have dropped their suits.

The problem with lawsuits is that the outcome is uncertain: you might lose, you might win an award and not collect on it and the only thing that is certain is that you’re burning a lot of money.

If “everyone knew this case was sunk” and Barisone thought he could prevail on his countersuit, why would he agree to drop his case? He wouldn’t.

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Seriously, you guys, aren’t y’all tired of arguing with Lauren? She was banned for a reason. Stop engaging with her. We all know she reads the forum and attempts to stalk us from behind the scenes. We all know CH isn’t here on her own and is just a K family mouthpiece. Every “anonymous random” supporter has been traced directly back to the family in some capacity or another. And there is a reason why the majority of them have been banned as well.

Seriously, just stop already. We all know the truth. Let her, and her sycophants, continue to live in her fantasy world. They clearly won’t stop drinking the kook-aid because of anything we say.


What the …!!!

Why is there a number on it?



It’s known that Barisone agreed to drop his countersuit LK with prejudice. He didn’t have to.

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Nope. I’m not “a K family mouthpiece”, @Sdel.

You’ve attempted to “trace” me back to the Kanarek family in various capacities and been wrong every single time.

Didn’t you pronounce that Hut-Ho was RG’s mother? That was hilarious.


Thank you @sdel TRUTH!


It’s actually a vaulting horse. I couldn’t find my old picture of my own lunge line hanging on the wall. Lol.

Although!! There is a new USEF rule that goes into effect December 1st that all horses being lunged need to wear a number for identification purposes.

I’m not sure if that’s at every USEF show or just for rated H/J shows. I might have to go look at the new rule now.

Edited to add: Just for the H/J shows.


MB didn’t pursue his counterclaim probably because in reality LK doesn’t have a pot to pi$$ in. No job. No future. Aging horses. She’s got nothing.