Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Isn’t this what they mean when they say “judgement-proof”?


Some days ago I was reading (in this thread) LK’s ravings about how things would come out in due time but for some mysterious reason not now. And the thought “statute of limitations?“ popped into my mind. As in, did she think she could run out the clock on prosecution for something she had done, which would be revealed when she publicized whatever it was that she thought would blacken MB’s name once and for all? But I couldn’t figure out what that would be. Could it have something to do with the recordings? I have no idea how the laws around that work, in New Jersey or elsewhere (or in LK’s mind).


Likewise, there was not much upside to LK to continue to pursue MB after the insurance companies for RC and SGF settled.

MB was not backed by an insurance company, his Florida farm is protected, and he probably owes his lawyers more than his non farm assets are worth.

I don’t know what LKs financial situation is, but if she can afford multiple horses in training without having to work, she must have assets of some sort.


I quickly found this


Ridiculous statement. No one stops a lawsuit because they got chump change from one or two of the multiple defendants.

We all know why she stopped. She had nothing.

The multiple horse funds are clearly not coming from her.

In fact, on paper, if one didn’t know about her horse endeavors and outside funding, she just might appear to be eligible for benefits given lower income people.

Were I curious person I’d wonder about taxes too. Why wouldn’t I? She would report someone in a heartbeat. That’s what she does. Are the horse funds received taxable?


For you pony lovers



I’m going to say that pony would be a lot leaner if he had been going around in half as many circles as these threads have involved over the years.

He’d look more like he was ready to do the Tevis Cup. Lol.


I said she agreed to drop her suit against MB in exchange for his dropping his countersuit because she had gotten what she could get from the two insurance companies for the other two defendants and didn’t expect Barisone to actually pay any damages even if the jury found in her favor and awarded damages.

Whether the amount she got from the two insurance companies was $200,000 or &2,000,000, that’s what any rational person would do.

If you consider $200,000 “chump change”, why don’t you donate $100,000 to the go fund me?


Ooo, thank you very much!

Does anyone here happen to know how to hog-tie?


Good Lord! We had so many nice, peaceful days and all of a sudden, it all goes to Hell with the arrival of the K Klan fan. It is so nice when they are off arguing with other people. :grimacing:


It seems I remember it was she who initiated the I’ll stop my lawsuit if you stop yours thing.

So I wonder, if someone has been telling the world that bombshells are going to be exposed, and there was a plan to execute their murder, it on tape donchaknow, if you had that iron clad evidence, I would want to expose that to the world, whether I received a dime or not.

She had every opportunity to drop her bombshells. She didn’t. Hello kitty, she couldn’t even sit for a deposition, forcrimminysakes. And didn’t Shelly have to threaten with a subpoena or something to get her to even testify in the criminal trial?

Round and round we go…


Because when I donate $100,000 I donate it straight to the recipient so that they get the whole thing, without GFM taking their cut.

That’s what a smart person would do. So I guess you’ll never know if I did.

Everybody knows she dropped her suit because she was scared of further exposure.

Like tax returns?


Ok, at first I thought this was a reference to LK’s “friend” Shelly. And I was wondering why her friend had to subpoena her. Lol.


Reminds me of a story involving a big bad wolf who could not blown down the brick house no matter how much they huffed and puffed.

And that is all Lauren Kanarek has left. Huffing and puffing and turning herself purple for attention she doesn’t deserve.


Haven’t said it better myself!


That’s what I have been thinking about! Is she paying her taxes on those funds! So curious.


We’re gonna need a bigger round pen.


Yep, I learned to rope and flip a calf and hog-tie it with a piggin’ string, right quick, zip, zip.


Pay per view.


Not putting any money out for that one.