Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I was looking for the old classic Custer Cassidy cartoon that often appeared on Cooky McClung’s columns, with the person trying to lunge the horse and ending up wrapped up in the lunge line. I haven’t come across it yet, but I found this one in the meantime.


Its considered chump change because it was given to a chump, who mishandled it spending what was left after taxes and paying off her attorneys (for a case she dropped) buying things for her house. At least according to her. I don’t know how much of a bigger chump you can be.


That horse has a great ‘jump’.


It reminds me of a no good, very bad day when I was lunging a fresh horse at the first outdoor show of the season on a double lunge line. And that thing took off at a dead run, cut right across the circle in front of me since that was the most direct route back towards the barn, and when he hit the end of that line he yanked me probably 20 feet through the air. Funny in a bad way. Lol.


The lunging cartoon I remember is a sequence 3? of frames, entitled “Lightning prepares for his hunter round.” In the first frame the sun is just rising, the second is noon time, and the third is late afternoon. By late afternoon Lighting is pony height because the rut he has drilled is about 3 feet deep.


That is another good one. That cartoonist had a bunch of great ones.

I remember she did one of a horse standing out in a paddock under a palm tree looking up at the sky, and seeing a bunch of planes headed towards the nearest airport. And the caption was something like: Fridays in Wellington.

She was married to a vet who worked on a lot of show horses, so she really knew all the ins and outs of it. Lol.

She also did some really, really beautiful oil portraits of dogs and horses I knew that were absolutely the spitting image of the animals in question.

Edited to add: Here’s her website, along with one of her classic cards that was so accurate. Lol.


Law suit awards are not taxable.

It’s award minus 30% (approx) lawyer fees minus miscellaneous charges.

I’m saying it’s chump change because in the scope of law suit awards it’s on the low end.


Every time there’s a bunch of new activity on this thread, I look, hoping that Michael might be going home soon. And every time, I 'm disappointed to see that it’s just more of the same old same old.


Let me get this straight: we are now pretending we don’t really know who dropped their suit first and had to ask the other party to drop. In the alternative, we are pretending that it doesn’t matter who dropped first.

I’m not sure if it’s sadder that the attempts to re-write history are this obvious or that this is all there is left to grasp at.

They tucked tails and ran from simple depositions. There was clearly no possible way a single one of them had the character or cojones to withstand appearing in open court. And anyone arguing that the prosecution would not have used legal recordings of a murder plot shows not only a complete absence of even the must rudimentary understanding of building a case, but also their lack of good faith in this discussion.

It is so stupid a premise, so ridiculous an argument - no one will ever buy it. Ever ever.

It is genuinely the stupidest talking point in the entire 4+ year history of this discussion. And that’s saying something.



To think that a prosecutor would not use tapes that showed the defendant plotting to murder her is so amazingly lame; does the poster seriously think that could be true? That it would just add to the length and complication?

As if a murder trial is usually just fast, over, and done; gee, these tapes discussing the murder? Nah, too complicated.

Just no. Please. CH, please.


Actually, sometimes they are taxable. If the payment is for a physical injury, it’s generally not taxable. But punitive damages are taxable, as are back wages in an employment suit, unless connected to an injury.

If someone says, is that taxable? The correct answer is: it depends. Gotta love the Internal Revenue Code.


Thank you for clarification!


I wonder about the tax situation, too, along with the possibility that she may be committing welfare fraud if she is receiving financial support “under the table.” Wasn’t there some post of hers a while back where she was boasting about Daddy Dearest fudging her income tax reportings so she could qualify for a government subsidized health care plan? I don’t know what year she made that post but FPL for individuals was $13,590 in 2022, and $14,580 in 2023.

Inquiring minds at IRS and other government agencies would no doubt be very interested in learning how someone with a reported income under $1200/month can afford to keep FIVE horses at a nice boarding facility in WPB, plus pay for vet and farrier expenses, etc., plus be able to afford other niceties like grand pianos, expensive designer shoes, VIP tickets at high-end horse shows, etc., not to mention supporting her drug habit and a Boy Friday who also has a drug habit. I mean, the money has to come from somewhere…


And, gifts are not taxable income. However, if there is a trust, distributions from a trust first come from income, thus are taxable. But the trust would issue a K1, which would also be filed with the IRS. Keeping most trust beneficiaries honest.


We know who dropped their suit first, but it doesn’t matter because it’s symmetrical don’t ya know (not saying that’s entirely wrong, but details matter). We only focus on details and the truth when it’s convenient in respect to our bias, beliefs, and narrative. Duh!

When you’re just here to rial up, argue, and be an arse, you’ll go to many lengths and focus on it so much that it’s rather unhealthy! People are free to use their time as they please, but some of the things that certain posters focus on, and the extent of their focus, does raise an eyebrow.

Funny what strikes a chord with them too.

I take the issues and what happened seriously, but I just don’t take these threads so seriously anymore. :woman_shrugging:t3:

*Edited to add a few things. Had to edit more than once because the app was being weird.


Yes indeed. :wink:


@DreadPirateRoberts, I spied with my one good eye that a fellow Pirate has sailed to their final destination.

So Humans I call to you to raise your shot glass and sing to remember and maybe just maybe that lost shaker of salt is finally found.

Yes, I am a pirate, two hundred years too late
The cannons don’t thunder, there’s nothin’ to plunder
I’m an over-forty victim of fate
Arriving too late, arriving too late



Ok. But the salient money isn’t a law suit award. Just saying.


I cannot believe anyone would think this were true, let alone type it out loud. It would betray a lack of native intelligence so alarming one would wonder how the person could even type.


Ok. You are probably correct. Not my area of expertise.

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