Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

The hearing was scheduled for 9:00 this morning. It’s almost seven hours later. I wonder why we haven’t heard anything.

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Do they issue a ruling right away for these hearings?

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So far, Taylor has done exactly what he wants to do, so who knows?!


Yeah the judge seems to be a jackass but I was wondering about in general as well.


The hearing went most of the day and there was no ruling from the bench.


Is that normal or?

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Not unusual.


Where I am it is fairly normal for a judgement to be reserved. No idea about NJ and not criminally responsible findings.

Maybe that is promising? Everything else the judge has immediately shut down.

Fingers crossed he gets his life back



It’s never promising that I’ve seen. 50/50.


Any idea when the decision might be released?

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Judge is apparently supposed to rule Wednesday.


I think the chances of him getting released, at the moment, are slim to none.


There’s a brief update on the GoFundMe page. It doesn’t sound good, but who knows.

Today by Lara Osborne, Organizer

Hi everyone. I know a lot of you are waiting for an update from the hearing today.
I will post more information tomorrow as I am about to get on a plane to go home, but Taylor did not make a ruling. The hearing started at 9, there was one 5 minute break in the morning and then a 45 minute lunch. The State called 3 witnesses, we called 1.
The hearing went until 4:30. Taylor will be making his ruling on Wednesday, so I will be flying back up for that.
I will give more details later.
Thank you to EVERYONE that came out today! Michael and I are so very appreciative of every single person that has called, texted, emailed and messaged me, written to him, and everyone who has donated to help us continue this fight!!! :heart:


I don’t understand the states role in this.

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It’s just how the law is written. The decision maker is the judge who has to consider the rights of the institutionalized vs the safety of the public and is to listen to mental health providers, not just those employed by the treatment center but also those not affiliated with the treatment center. The person found NGRI cannot be institutionalized (edited here by me) under superior court longer than a prison sentence would have been and the original order states the date the “committee” was first incarcerated. After that date the committee is supervised by civil court. New Jersey’s laws are all online. There was a handbook which I guess is still online. Plus, the decisions such as the State of New Jersey vs KROL 1975 (the original case that determined the rights of the person found NGRI and the State of New Jersey vs Fields 1978 when a released person stabbed someone provide more explanation.

Edited to add the correction that a KROL committee is not released until they are not a threat to themselves or others but will be moved to the supervision of civil court instead of superior court at the length of the maximum sentence for the crime for which they were acquitted.

Also edited to add I am not a lawyer (IANAL) nor have I ever claimed to be one.


Interesting, so did the state call 3 witnesses “for” or "against release?

Against release.


Ahhh, well that certainly doesn’t sound good.