Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

How long would he have been incarcerated had he been found guilty?

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I am thinking perhaps while not an immediate release, maybe a step towards moving up the levels with some time allowed out. I would think if judge was set not do anything it would have been decided quickly and the court would not have listened to testimony all day. The three experts from the institute are not necessarily all against any type of movement towards eventually release. I would assume the one expert hired by MB’s side is offering the opinion he is ready to be released now. That this review took longer that the first possibility could be a good sign for MB. Who knows?


Question for the legal peeps. Can we assume that MB and/or his witness were given the opportunity to directly respond to the State’s witnesses argument to hold him? Also, do we think a Greystone doctor, assuming one was there, would be a State’s witness or an MB witness? Several of the State’s witnesses in the criminal trial helped the defense more than the prosecution. From what LO has posted previously, it sounds like the Greystone staff might argue for his release, or at least some movement in that direction.

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It is apparent one of the critical items that came out of yesterday’s hearing is the lack of adequate treatment for MB. The expectation that he must remember/take responsibility for what happened before he can move on is ludicrous. From the massive head trauma MB suffered, it is likely he will never remember. Again, with the absence of any forensic evidence he shot anyone, I wouldn’t expect him to cop to something he doesn’t know is true.

It was also apparent the staff have zero knowledge of MB’s professional background, with the comments of saying he thought he was an Olympian, was on Stephen Colbert’s show, and rode the best horses. I would have loved to see their faces when Bilinkas told them it was all true including being approached about a movie deal. How about a simple Google search folks! Talk about messed up!


And if he does happen to remember the incident some day….would they even believe him if they were told it happened nothing like what RG and LK said?

Seems like the answer to that would be “no” if it is true that they wouldn’t even believe him about basic, verifiable, facts about his career.


And include the volumes of plans to destroy him! I can’t even imagine how he reacted when he read the depths they went to to destroy everything in his life. No wonder LK dropped her suit.

It is interesting the K’s mentioned a long time ago they would forward transcripts, etc to the medical team. I wonder if it is time Barisone’s team shares some of the actual horror that was directed at him by the Finish the Bastard plan.


Was there an article posted somewhere that I missed?


Just a GFM update so far.


Nancy Jaffer has an article on her website.


It’s in the full Judgement of Acquittal shared by @ekat here.

From NJs article: "Greystone psychiatrist Dr. Anthony Gotay said Barisone has “a sense of grandiosity and self-importance,” as well as a preoccupation with “success and power.”

Grandiose people think “rules don’t apply to them” and “they’re better than other people.”

Sounds like the Ks to me.


But it seems they used statements he made about the actual highlights of his career and other true statements to justify those remarks.

Big fail.

And it seems to be very similar to one of LK’s refrains and one of the other poster’s reviews of MB….so I’m not sure it’s really any big indication of anything……

Most people focus on the highlights of their careers. Just saying.


So @Joanne and @Sdel do y’all want to talk about the K’s and other posters?

I think the rest of us want to discuss the KROL hearing. It might even keep the thread open long enough for Judge Taylor to make his decision.


Can someone explain to me how discussing Nancy’s article about the Krol hearing is discussing other posters and trying to close the thread? Talk about one giant leap!



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Not true Eggbutt. I was there.

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Wrong.we never tried to kill two people. Also we follow the rules to the best of our ability and do not believe we are above the law.


Just proves that you can’t read.

Got it before you edited.