MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

You nailed it.

There was an earlier post from CH … maybe 50 ago, that FINALLY responded to my queries about the victim impact statement. She brought up either a sentencing or parole hearing in relation to that. AGAIN… it’s more of this conflation between MBs ongoing commitment situation, after being found NGRI, and the legal situations and hearing processes related to guilty people.


Have you ever filled out a lease, for personal and/or for business matters, that inquired about being previously depressed? Having PTSD? Having been a victim of domestic violence? Of course not. Those are discriminating factors. SGF had no obligation, nor would they be within their legal right, to ask any of these questions. SGF should be held accountable just as much as a landlord with a depressed tenant.

The factors that SGF did have to go off of, such as a prior criminal record, prior financial history - all the normal and legal aspects of a background check to determine rental eligibility, checked out for MB. He was a good candidate for rental.


Plus, he was part of SGF.


Too bad there weren’t background checks for boarders.


Wasn’t there a court document listing the aquitted charges? All of them? I can’t find it, its 2/3’s of the way back through this discussion, does anyone have it, I’d like a copy, and to look at it more closely.


MichaelBarisoneAcquittal.pdf (56.6 KB)


So here’s the Court’s official disposition of the charges against Michael Barisone: Aquitted.

This is a Judgement of Aquittal and a list of the charges he was Aquitted on. All four charges, he was Aquitted. For varying reasons, but, he was Aquitted. Apparently! Come to find out! Surprise! Who knew!

He plead not guilty, and the charges were dissmissed/aquitted.

At the bottom, it is detailed that he has 0 custodial term and 0 probational term. He won’t be on Parole. He won’t have to report to a parole officer. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch-o Baby.
Nobody gets to give a victim impact statement in any subsequent hearings, because any meetings he has, medical appointments, hearings about his health or mental progress aren’t any of their business.

He is committed to the care and custody of the DOHS, on a Krol status. There are many ways and means that people are comitted to the care and custody of the DOHS, but his is through the Krol program.

None of this means he is guilty. Not a little guilty, not not-guilty-but, not could-have-been, would-have been, should-have been-guilty, not wait-a-minute-guilty, He’s Not Guilty. There are reasons WHY he’s not guilty, but there always are with a not guilty verdict. Reasons why. He won’t receive a felony or misdemeanor, or anything on his record. He won’t be on parole. He won’t be supervised by the Court for any period of time for criminal activity or criminal custody. He’s been handed over to a hospital for mental health treament by the court who was able to intervene at the end of the criminal trial and insist he get treatment. But as for the criminal charges, He’s NOT GUILTY. He can’t be charged again. He can’t have this ammended or changed. Not Guilty. Like it or not.

Now, certain people can jump up and down and turn cartwheels, stand on their heads, wheedle and whine, obfuscate and stutter, wrangle words and wring their hands, but it won’t change the disposition of these charges. Not Guilty. Aquitted. Done and done. So stop your blubbering and wishful thinking. Stop re-writing words given out by the court. CH is working herself into a grand old delusion having taken a particular fascination with the word. And if I hear any more from her, or anyone, about his being guilty, I’m reporting you to the mods for lying and posting false information. Just stop.


I know that CH finds it some how wrong that people post at weird hours and here it is 4am and I am posting but I had a thought. No worries, I did not get up just to post or stay awake thinking about this. I am already showered and morning chores are done. Gasp. I know. Silly to have a different schedule than you.
I wonder how Judge Taylor would feel if Kirby and Jonathon refused to answer a subpoena in his court room. Then claimed they answered, the lawyers must of lost it but we now need an extension please.
I also wonder how Judge Taylor would feel if Lauren refused to show up for a deposition in a case she filed.

I mean, if they were normal people, not people he clearly had some type of feelings about or need to keep happy, whatever that is.

I am sure their actions would be frowned on.


Would 48 Hours even still be following the case since the criminal trial is over? I wish they were so they could cover LK’s horrible behavior on-line since the trial. I hope the K money hasn’t been used to influence the reporting on 48 Hours.


Thanks for verifying what I’ve suspected since the beginning. Good work!


I must have missed somewhere that Taylor is also a qualified psychiatrist since he obviously thinks he has a clue what MB can emotionally handle. What an a**.


Having watched Taylor’s behavior during the trial, I think you’re being generous with this interpretation.


More info I wish the 48 Hours people were privy to.


This is a very valid point and I had not thought of it that way.

Though with both Kirby and Jonathan Kanarek not responding to their subpoenas I sometimes wonder if Jonathan is actually proud of how his Prinzess turned out.

Hearing today on Lauren Kanarek’s deposition…hopefully this judge is not making himself look quite as silly as Taylor does as he bends over backwards to please the Kanareks.


Do the Mobettes dance?
This is starting to sound like fun.

Note, I am thankfully part of the elderly crowd because I can not dance so I would ruin all the routines the Mobettes tried to do if I was part of them, but darn it would be fun to watch the Mobettes swirl about in their bathrobes and slippers.


I don’t know if Mobettes dance, but I do know that Pyrettes sing and put on performances.


This applies not only to LK but also to some people who like to post here.

Though I love your posts VHM, you really are wasting your time and keyboard clicks. It could not be more clear that some people do not want to discuss, they want to engage in conflict, so they make conflict.

This made me giggle a little. Routine. Horses = routine. Going back to caring for horses will likely be the most amazing thing for him for so many reasons but there really is not something that has more of a routine than a well run horse farm.

Hey CH, weren’t you asked, well told really, to not reference @eggbutt? Did you forget that all caps and bold demand/request?


I agree with your thoughts here. This judge is not making himself look good at all.
Well, he looks good to the Kanarek family, which appears to matter to the judge more than it should.

I also agree with the thought that being tossed in prison and then in a state psychiatrics facility, where the treatment is limited is enough for someone to need some treatment before they step back out into real life.



Thats why she did it. Passive Agressive, thy initials are…


Well, think about it, look at the cries here on COTH to not hold LK responsible because she was injured.
If they continue to have someone to point at who harmed her, even with plenty of reasonable doubt that he did, she continues to get a pass.

Makes sense they will play this card as long as they can.
Because LK isn’t likely to stop the behavior that requires the “pass”.