Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I don’t know anything about Boyd Martin other than what I’ve seen in videos and on social media.

But based on my impression from those sources, I imagine he would either laugh in JK’s face, or give him the tongue lashing of a lifetime. Or possibly both.


I keep saying to myself, who does this sheeeeeet?

Entitled grasping at straws, cleaning up his daughters poo at all costs.

If it weren’t so sad, it would be funny. It is ridiculous.


Apparently I was the poster Jonathan Kanarek decided to hate. Apparently I had written a post about the kind of parents who create a monster, and he wrote to the editor of the magazine to demand that I be banned. According to COTH authority, their response was minimal, to reassure him that, as he was quite familiar with, they warn someone about their posting and then if they persist, they ban them, in essence recounting the rules, and that was all. Their interatctions with him were and remain minimal or nothing, I was assured. They noted that when Lauren posted insinuations about being in league with the magazine against me (she named my username and referred to Rasin. the editor) it illustrated to them how she creates her lies.

I am posting this so that any others who might be threatened or intimidated by Lauren or Jonathan realize that there is little reality behind what they say. If its inappropriate, Mod can delete this.

If Jonathan Kanarek will write like that about a nobody like me, imagine what he writes about Michael Barisone, and to whom. What completely toxic family.


The fixation LK, JK and KK have with this forum is bizarre.

This is a SMALL forum in a SMALL corner of the interwebz based on equestrian topics and an equestrian magazine that is interesting to a SMALL percentage of the population. A very select audience. But one that LK chose to perform for with glee…

And yet the posts on YouTube - out there for all to see should they desire - outdo anything ever posted here. And a lot of it ginned up by LK herself. One would think their wrath and childish antics would be focussed there - complete with letters to TPTB demanding that certain posters be banned and certain videos be removed… much bigger prey.


But no, she does this everywhere. The whole family does this everywhere. What do they think when the write their poison missives, like sending them to a poster’s employers and trainers (yes, that was done to someone else)? That the person receiveing them will be horrified about the subject, and someone’s life will be ruined? It doesn’t occur to them that the letters will be giggled at, and shared, and ignored as written by someone who is unhinged? Bringing them out into the light is what disempowers these people so they shouldn’t be kept secret. Even the judge who received one especially inappropriate letter from Jonathan Kanarek declared it before the court and put it into the public file, because it was so inappropriate.


Methinks they have the wrong person in Greystone


This is why LK figured she would send messages to me and others threatening to sue. To intimidate and bully. When I shared her love letter to me it must have really unbalanced her and her modus operandi.

I believe her bullying was learned via copying her dad.

Hopefully they’ve been exposed where they can never bully anyone again.

To anyone who can’t resist taking them in because of the promise of money: There is no amount of money that makes it worth having association with these people. And guaranteed IMO one day the target will be YOU.


There is that one guy who responded to one of her YouTube rants that said she got him kicked out of a barn and cost him his $100k+ job.


And over what, one wonders? Denying her use if their bridle? Or something equal in nonsense?


I am just left shaking my head and it’s not because the gnats are out.

There are just no words for this behavior. None.

The actions and the nerve that this family is doing to complete strangers on a small horse forum who dares questions any of the events of the day and the days leading up to the event is to me just unreal. I can’t even imagine what they did daily to MB and all those at HH and for how long?

How hard would it of been to just say “MB I don’t think this is working out and I would like to give notice that I will be moving along” Not hard, but they had to make it into some game of how wronged they were, so they could win.

It’s just sad to this horse that humans can be so awful to each and one another.


And really no one can really claim a win. No matter who wishes to spin it that way.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Or fingers…


They will never attack the posters on YT like they do those here. For some bizarre reason, they feel like they can bully anyone here and nothing will happen. Way too many posters on YT to bully. I guess they care what we say MUCH MORE than they admit. Sick, sick people.


. 1 Timothy 6:10

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”



There are some folks in this world who cannot distinguish between the ACTUAL truth and the “truth” they have made up to fit the movies in their minds. Toxic and malignant narcissists, for instance, believe THEIR truth is the only truth that matters. They cannot comprehend that there is something called the ACTUAL truth, that is based on facts and evidence. No, the only truth is what exists in their own warped egos.


There may be better terms than “human” that can be applied to some of the players in this sad saga… :wink:


Chestnut Mare?

horse snort, giggle



Not even the chestnut mares deserve that….


This portion of the population represents the group that LK sees herself the star of. Once she realized that she wouldnt be the star due to her riding ability, we have to pay. High school nonsense played out on an adult stage.


But, but she was so sore from her ride the day before!

Do you know how to fix that? Ride the next day—Duh!