Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

He didn’t file anything that said that. That dollar figure came from Great American, which they stated was based on conversations with Mr Deininger.


No. They teleport.


No. Your recollection is inaccurate, at least to my memory. I have never thought Barisone would be “released by Christmas”… it’s well documented that it takes time and that the system is broken. And I don’t recall anyone being ridiculed for saying so.

Also, nobody is saying the jury was railroaded into anything. That is simply untrue. Having served on a jury myself for a crime that involved a near-fatal shooting, I can attest that deliberations are just that - they are conversations and debates. I am also an avid true crime fan and have listened to multiple podcasts featuring jurors. Peoples’ opinions change over time, and people DO make compromises.

On our jury, we were hopelessly deadlocked with a few who very obviously misinterpreted evidence being the hold outs. We were extremely close to hanging, with a foreperson who wasn’t a strong personality. There was a lot of in fighting. I finally lost my patience, and asked the hold outs if they would be amenable to recalling evidence and testimony to clarify the points they were so clearly wrong on. They were. So I became the de facto foreperson and we requested a review of said evidence and testimony, and reached a unanimous decision in 15 minutes. I want to believe all of us were 100% on board with our verdict, but I don’t know. The holdouts may feel otherwise. I hear a lot of jurors in media saying that they felt compelled to compromise or otherwise “vote” with the group because they either misunderstood the law or felt peer pressure.

So, ANYONE saying they know why the jury voted without jurors coming forward is lying.

And again, NOBODY is saying the jury was railroaded, and nobody misunderstands NGRI or Krol, what they don’t understand is how someone can be denied the prescribed steps and timeframe for benchmarks, can be denied treatment, can be deemed “crazy” for stating truths, and can be deemed not a danger/no longer insane, etc, and remain hospitalized.


I love when more knowledgeable people school the less so. Thanks, @LilRanger!




This makes precisely no sense in a society where you can sue anyone for anything, and where capitalism reigns. You can settle for $1, you can settle for millions. We don’t exactly need to encourage people to sue in the US. :rofl: Settling “nuisance” lawsuits happens ALL THE TIME and does exactly what you describe.

Settling for a small amount of money that costs less than what it would cost to defend (even when you are in the right) makes sense financially for many, many companies… including insurers.

I assume you know that insurers make money off of all the clients who pay their premiums and don’t file claims? And those who they deny coverage to and don’t have the will to argue? Or, for the truly bad actors, all the people they “cover” with really crummy fine print? I once had a provider cap burns at $500. When I incurred $15k in vet bills, they would not budge. I didn’t fight it,… I found a new provider. $$$$$$$ in the bank for them. I suppose I could have sued, but I didn’t have the money or the heart to do so.


Dang, I thought his explanation made perfect sense, but I read the entire document, of course, not just snippets to bolster my narrative. I can also generally comprehend what I am reading with clarity.


Unfortunately for you, the relevant case law and how it’s applied doesn’t apparently differentiate between caliber or power of firearm or weapon, nor age of the accused.


I wish the two posters, who seem to always think they know everything and are correct all the time, will enlighten us to what the Kanareks expected the end result of their apparent reign of terror that August 2019 to be.


Well, I know what LK claimed it would be and what it would entail.


I can answer that (waving hand in the air frantically). :raising_hand_woman:

They wanted MB to kick MHG to the curb and make LK the darling of the barn - not only acquiesce to all of her demands, but also lick her boots while genuflecting in JK’s direction.

IOW, treat them like the demi-gods they perceive themselves to be. :upside_down_face:


……pay her a “settlement” on top of it all….

Plus there would be a lawsuit and the police and vet would testify and they wanted to warn MHG to “lawyer up”, and Tarshis was supposed to twist MB’s arm as well……


Meh, just give her the barn. He had another one so no biggie.


Now now, they never wanted to run a barn….

That is where forcing MB to lick their boots came in…


No if LK wanted a barn she would have one.
There’s a difference.

It was about how wronged/slighted she was and someone had to pay.

Money, all about the Benjamin’s baby.



No no no. You lie by the pool and MB pays you rent on the stalls he uses to train your horses.


I think that one lies by the pool at night to keep up her moon tan.


My horse affirms that this is the tactical move she prefers in case of plastic bags, dogs, deer, cats, miniature horses, foals with zooomies, shrink-wrapped deliveries of stall mats, sweatshirts on car hoods, hoomans who drop rails on the ground when adjusting fences, and other H/J horses deigning to tap a rail or have a rail down. She would like me to clarify that prefers to execute about 3/4 of said move and then run like her life depends on it.

ETA; and she also wants you to know it is likewise appropriate for newly delivered gravel piles, anyone doing fence or pasture maintenance, the garbage truck, bikers and certain newly planted trees or shrubs.


And don’t forget the metal measuring stick that falls when the wind blows and Doves. They are tricky little suckers

Yep human you now on the ground.

Not my fault.



You reminded me of my personal favorite: new jump in the arena. Doesn’t need to fall over in the wind, but bonus theatrics if it does.