Barisone- New Thread

ah yes, I missed that.

Generally the jury votes on it. Or someone volunteers. The jury works that out.


Was Mr. W previously not an alternate?

Edit to add, you can ignore this question now. It took forever to post and now I see others have answered it already.

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Taylor just mentioned there is a separate room where they ‘house’ the alternates. This answers a few questions previously brought up about what happens to the alternates.

He just swore in the staff that will monitor each room


Thank you!

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Thank you

Da Judge ruled that they can’t use a self-defense argument.

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AGAIN. Man. We just heard the whole list of alternates!

ETA - there was at least one Ms. on the list out of the 4 that I caught.


lol Im aware


I will take your word for it. I just remembered someone arguing here that he could have gotten it on his hand from being near the gun going off.
Didn’t see the update. The police did mess up there if true. But they have other evidence to prove he shot her.
I am thinking aggravated assault and gun charges, possible NG by reason of insanity.
But nothing would surprise me.

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Judge just listed off 4 misters that are presumably the alternates. Their names shouldn’t be public like that. Nonetheless that means presumably all the women made the actual jury.


The judge isn’t the one controlling the audio, fyi


GEE…he just named a few more…PRICELESS!

Was there? I heard 4 MR’s

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Ugh… I’m soooooo far behind, I feel like I’ll never catch up.

The second was a Ms.


What is the potential sentencing if MB is found guilty of the aggravated assault (or attempted aggravated assault) and guilty of the gun charges?

I won’t swear on my recollection :wink: If you heard 4 MRs, then maybe I’m wrong :slight_smile:

Right! Maybe they need to have a delay on their broadcast so they can control what is heard better.


Oops, they did it again, but with all four alternates.

It sounded like two of the alternates were women. So does that mean there is one woman on the jury with eleven men? Good luck to her.