Barisone- New Thread

Or, like the Bob Newhart show. MB wakes up in bed, it was all a bizzarre dream and looks over, and on the other pillow is…his first wife.


If he can’t have an association or transaction with a USEF member… How does that work?
Or am I misunderstanding the restrictions SS applies?
I never ventured down that rabbit hole thread.

I think selling through a realtor is far enough removed from their purview that it is ok. After all it is a one-time real estate transaction. Not training, coaching or an ongoing rental or lease. Simply my guess.

Presuming any verdict other than NG or NGI.


Please trust me on this, Michael has received and is still receiving the most amazing, loving support from many, many friends (and strangers). There is no doubt who the real victim has been in this horrible situation that could have been avoided if three monsters hadn’t made a game of destroying this wonderful man. Biased? Hell yes I am!


Does that give grounds for a mistrial?

“Excuse me, Judge, I have a motion?”
“Lets hear it”
“Move for mistrial”
“On what grounds”
“Jury was compromised by having their names read aloud. They’re afraid of the witness, Judge”
“Okay. I have another motion.”
“Okay, lets have it”
“Move for a mistrial?”
“Yeah, Mr. Bilinkis, what grounds?”
" Prosecution testified during summation on matters that weren’t disclosed during the trial?"
“Yeah, no, not gonna happen”
“Okay, I do have another motion, Judge”
“What is it, Mr. Bilinkis”
“Move for mistrial”
“Mr. Bilinkis”
“Its a real motion, its all typed up and everything”
“Okay, what is it?”
“The prosecution didn’t prove its case”
“Mr. Bilinkis, sit down. Wait. Do you have any more motions?”
“Yes, your Honor, I have another motion here. Its a motion for mistrial”
“What. WHAT! Read it!”
“The witness for the prosecution has been threatening people on social media about suing them when they comment on this trial.”
“No. No, no, no, Bilinkis.”
“She’s telling them she’s sending the Baliff to their house. She says she’s sending their names to you.”
“Bilinkis, just stop.”
“She says she has your address, Judge”


“Motion granted. We’re done here”.


Ya know… SafeSport works on a “preponderance of the evidence” standard. And can look at a broad bit of information when making their rulings. So… they certainly can look at LKs texts, etc, and co sides them.

Also… they can issue rulings that ban certain competitors from contact at a recognized show, etc.

MAYBE, if he has a conviction of some kind, he can still compete, it have a limited sanction that is specific to LK? Limiting his co tact with her?

Just a thought.

Also… again… SafeSport really needs to investigate if it was used in a “weaponized” attempt as part of a bigger harassment campaign by a disgruntled athlete. They can indeed look at ALL the texts, and ALL the social media posts, and interview ALL the witnesses… and make a ruling on that.


How telling that she used a proof or copywrited photo on her profile.


I am going to agree with MHM. Despite my feelings about this trial and Lauren’s behavior during and before it, her riding ability is irrelevant. There are plenty of other things to discuss than where her hands are in a video 3 years after the shooting.


Haven’t they had all that for four… Err two years?
700 pages from MB and MHG?

If they’re going to do anything about her bullying harassment, imo they should do it before a resolution of this court case.
Otherwise, if he’s convicted of any of it, it could look like it’s retaliation.

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In other news… Bob Abooey is still going in the comments on the Law & Crime videos. As of midnight, eastern time, “Bob” was one of a handful of people still commenting on yesterday’s videos on YouTube. Bob seems reactive to comments about the victims, and random people saying that they lacked credibility…


Is there any sort of legal precedent for that situation? I would think there had to be juries involved in mafia cases and the like who were probably at much greater risk.


That goes without saying. It is such basic business sense that it is a given, whether people do so or not.

Saying it in response to the poster who was contemplating a podcast about this case the way you did (stick with public info and make sure you have a lawyer) was not neutral business advice from you (unasked for, I might not).

It was clearly a reference to needing a lawyer if one dared to discuss anything involving the Kanareks. And that kind of intimidation and chilling of public discourse is repulsive.

NB: I am not saying that you are the party doing so, but you are certainly the party highlighting the issue in a way that suggests you think the K family’s long-standing tactic of intimidation/silencing through the threat of legal action, even on matters that are not legally actionable, is just fine with you.


That’s an interesting perspective. I hadn’t thought of it that way - in terms of retaliation.

In general, when there is pending criminal action, SafeSport puts people on a temporary ban pending the outcome of the criminal issues. I think that is what they have done so far with MB. Another example is the Fellers case.

Personally… I suspect they waited to do anything about LK until after the criminal case finished, because of the optics of doing anything wrong resembling “victim blaming.” BUT… this is SUCH an extreme case…


Honestly, as threatening as we might perceive these people… our legal system has ways of dealing with these issues. People with serious mob and gang ties are prosecuted in court all the time… and they figure that out. I think the jury can figure this one out too, regardless of that suspicion that one of the “victims” might later try and cyberstalk.

However, I do think there is a high probability the jury might hang for a number of reasons unrelated to feeling threatened by the victims.


Don’t be deliberately obtuse. It is very unflattering to your own intelligence. As I said above, you are not giving neutral [unasked for] business advice so don’t play the disingenuous game of suggesting that you are. It is dead obvious that you are not.

Don’t call other posters’ comments stupid. Such juvenile swipes reflect entirely on your own character and not at all on others.

I am an attorney and have even less of a need of legal advice from you than I (or anyone here) have for business advice.

Do not worry your pretty little head about the business and legal acumen of the rest of us. We’re good and we will definitely ‘do us’. :roll_eyes:


Here’s a great post from Facebook that sums it up for professionals -


Sadly, if MB is convicted of anything his career is ruined. If he remains banned from Safe Sport that will cripple his business. I have many friends who rode with him and they all loved their lessons/clinics and improved in their riding.


I think you mean witness for the PROSECUTION.


Couldn’t agree more.


You keep saying tit for tat, they were equally bad. But, LK/RG/JK were the ones that systematically set out to ruin MB. It was admitted. They mocked private conversations, stayed when it was clear they were no longer welcome, tortured MB (finger to head like a gun), watched him disintegrate (Finish the bastard). To me, that does not equate to failure to get a signed contract. For all we know, MB didn’t know RG was not licensed. They may have said he was. In hindsight, that was a bad decision. But compared to mental torture??