Barisone- New Thread

You’re arguing with me about something the judge has determined the facts don’t support so, I don’t really have anything to say lol I follow the facts and evidence of the trial. Not understanding the law and not agreeing with it are not the same thing.


The state never argued as to his charges for simply having the gun on his person. They argued his charges as to their theory of his intended use.

You are allowed in the US to have a guns, and in NJ specifically to carry a gun on your property generally. He was legally entitled to carry a gun anywhere on that property, for any reason, at any time with no explanation needed.


IMO - I will say that even without a self defense option, there isn’t any evidence that indicates beyond a reasonable doubt that Barisone shot them. If the police actually did their job, that might be different. So, in the face of basically “guilty” and “not guilty” at this point, I’m going for the latter.


Again, never said anything at all about owning or carrying guns. Not sure where you got that. I was referring to grabbing a weapon with intent.

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You said that getting the gun showed pre-mediation, which negates a self defense defense. I’m not arguing that is true in this case, at least according to the judge’s view.

But every person who deliberately carries is showing a level of pre-mediation. By having a conceal & carry and actively carrying, aren’t you (general gun owner) saying “I am knowingly arming myself and am willing to use deadly force”. My question is, are gun owners in NJ who regularly conceal & carry giving up all chance of using self defense as a reason if they shoot someone?


Here, I highlighted for you.

I’m not talking about this case in particular, and neither were you in this statement. I’m not going to let you just drop that kind of statement without pointing out the inaccuracies in your assertions.


You don’t understand the law or the difference in using a gun or deliberating getting one and going to someone to confront the, so I can’t really help, sorry. Read that link I shared it has a good layout of how it works in NJ.


Or, he could have wisely, been afraid of the agressive Rosie. Discussion of the dog was always sidebarred or objected to.


Oh. Remember all those social media posts LK made about actually having guns? Hollow point ammunition? Etc etc etc?

Gosh. Those posts, that testimony by MHG and the experts established MB saw on the days leading up to the shooting? They support the notion that MB may have believed they also had a gun…


Show of preparation, FOR A SELF DEFENSE ARGUMENT. As in, to be able to use as a self defense argument

Preparation, as in grabbing a gun to go to a confrontation. Not as in, carrying something to protect yourself legally.

Sorry, you arent putting things in my mouth I didnt say :slight_smile:


LK physically attacked MB the day before , she jumped in his way and grabbed his Truck door and slammed it shut . Their dog bit RC that week , Rob and LK both posting on S M bragging about their guns and declaring War on him , RG gestures a gun to his head in front of Blacksmith that morning.Considering all of their actions they declared on Social media that LK was checking off in her chess game , she DID go through and check many off .
Remember NOBODY was supposed to be in the home due to Fire Marshall orders because of RG and Lauren , he did not know that they got it reversed in the middle of the night .
I believe he went there to try one last attempt to resolve this one when he got out of his vehicle Lauren and dog attacked him and then RG jumped in .
The fact she did not answer her phone from her civil attorney tells me she had already smashed it over his ears .The Lawyer only heard TWO shots !
Most important , they allowed RG and LK to erase the camera and did not search Their vehicles or home or the mysterious "google " phone !

Camera being erased says it all to me.


So was he looking for a gun fight then?


If that is true, and it was something she did as a minor, and the parents did not immediately take every conceivable course of action to do something drastic about her mental health, they are as guilty as she is for every single thing she has done wrong since then. Full stop.


Evidence allowed in

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OMG people stop arguing with me over what you think happened. I know everyone has different theories, Im going off WHAT THE JUDGE and evidence points to. Argue there LOL


That syntax is … very familiar.


And God forbid the jury know anything about the absolutely heinous behavior of the instigators that led up to this tragedy.


Evidence testified to, sorry.

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Not posts, PAGES. 19,000 PAGES. That’s… a lot.


But you don’t know what his intent actually was. It was never testified to except indirectly via the psych experts…in which he was described as having an irrational level of fear, either real or made up, that he’d be killed by LK/RG.

All you know is what someone else said about his intent. Someone who was particularly biased and had a vendetta and lied.