Barisone- New Thread

just quoting myself now


There is no substantive evidence of the scenario provided by LK/RG, other than the word of two people who were demonstrated under oath to be drug users and liars.


It doesn’t matter, it just can’t be self defense based on the evidence presented and testified too.

It’s not being offered as an option, why is everyone arguing with me when that’s exactly what the court decided lol


Bob Abooey is clearly feeling rather smug and gleeful…



While Mr. B sat back and filed his nails. Lol.


Finally on a computer where the quote function works…

I think we are both in agreement here…that MB took the gun with him to where the shooting happened.

I didn’t feel that the identity of the shooter was challenged during the trial, only the circumstances surrounding the shooting. We may have interpreted the defense attorney’s questions differently, though. And, obviously, there is nothing wrong with that.

I hope you all have a good weekend! I was out of the office this week due to norovirus (no fun!), but it did allow me to follow the trial more closely, and I felt brave enough to chime in today–not normally something that’s a problem for me, but this is a tough crowd. :blush:


She apparently cannot learn from her mistakes and/or control her impulses to post on SM!


Because conveniently, it was never allowed in…



I’m curious to read the Nancy Jaffers articles on FB and the Bob Abooey comments on youtube.
Can you provide links? Feel free to PM them.

Most people arm up Accourding to the the dangers they are approching
She did assault him previous , dog had attacked clients and they threatened to use guns to take him down .I believe LK had her guns with her.
I would like to Know NC gun laws and how LK could legally own a gun with previous assault weapon charges and is on prescribed Mind altering meds .
Rob is a convicted felon so we knew he can not carry a weapon


Well, according to LK under oath on the witness stand last week, it’s all “just social media.”


Her “nasty, disgusting” SM posts are a fraction of her. I’ve met the woman. I’ve had interactions with her that I’ve shared in these forum discussions. It’s not her just her SM posts that have given her a bad reputation, it’s her real life behavior.


You have to consider the timeline, of getting the gun 4-5 days earlier, etc. Again, just going off the testimony.


I totally get what you’re saying, and on many levels I agree with you.

But a trial has to follow rules/laws. If you watch the charging conference, Judge Taylor did a fair job of laying out the rules for the jury to follow.

Step 1: did the prosecution show that the elements of the crime existed, regardless of whether or not MB committed the crime. Yep, Judge T says the elements that make up attempted murder - someone plunked two bullets in LK exist, and yep, there’s an illegal weapon.

If Michael and his defense team had stopped there, then it’s up to the jury to decide if those elements apply to MB’s actions beyond a reasonable doubt. (I don’t think they did. I’m still not sure that it wasn’t an accidental discharge in a scuffle)

But, the defense team asserted two affirmative defenses, basically saying, if the jury thinks MB committed the offense, here’s why it’s ok he did, and they have to give supporting evidence.

Not Guilty Reason of Insanity: the law requires a high bar to meet these elements and the judge thought, yep, the defense provided enough evidence to meet those requirements. Whether or not the evidence can apply those elements to the action is up to the jury.

Self-defense - that’s where Judge T doesn’t think the defense met the burden of proof to meet the elements of the crime. It would be different if MB could tell his version (or if there were a camera or hidden recording or something…but there’s not.). There’s absolutely nothing in evidence to show in that moment the “victims” provoked him to defend himself.

I think we can all agree that they provoked the hell out of him leading up to the date of the shooting, but that goes to his state of mind, and the insanity defense. Yes, he thought he was defending himself because he was delusional (it appears for good reason), not because there’s anything to say there was an imminent threat that required his defense exactly at that moment, that doesn’t include him getting the gun and putting himself there on his own.


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Please. I don’t want to hear any more self-aggandizing from that little man.


MB got the gun from RC when she arrived from NC with it (for protection during her car travel to NJ) and put it in his safe for “safe” keeping . Geesh, how do you arrive at the assumption that he took it 4 -5 days earlier with intent to use it to shoot LK? That’s a pretty long stretch IMHO


Oh, the judge who has demonstrated from the outset that he wants the state to win the case. He had apparently decided the verdict before the opening statements and by God, he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of shepherding the testimony toward the conclusion he wanted. One has to wonder why…


Any ideas on where this assylum might be? They’ve been closed since the late 1960’s.

Psychiatric researchers up to that time relied on them for research subjects. Nowadays they just visit the nearest VA hospital.