Barisone- New Thread

The judge said that today in their little pow wow.


He really hasn’t though. He’s just being a judge imo


:rofl: :rofl:

it was for the comments link hahaha sorry

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If he’s not guilty, how can the judge put him anywhere? And who is to decide whether he needs inpatient or outpatient care? If he’s not guilty, how can he be put in an inpatient prison?


I think that was because MB was hamstrung by not being able to remember what happened. At the end of the day, even if he had, it still would have been he said/she said. Based on the opening statements, I think the attorney was a bit more liberal in implying that MB might not have ever shot the gun at all. The police certainly never independently proved he ever had the gun.

And certainly, people purposefully put guns in their pockets, walk around all day, even get into confrontations, and never actually pull out their guns and shoot. It’s just not enough to say putting a gun in your pocket because your afraid = intent to kill someone or that it means he with out a doubt fired first when the other side has the optics they do.



Huh. Interesting. I did not realize that was a thing. I knew there were people who helped with jury selection, but I did not realize that it would continue throughout the trial.

So a jury consultant would observe the reactions of the jury throughout the testimony, and then help the attorney form their closing arguments?

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One of these places maybe?,people%20with%20serious%20mental%20illnesses.

If he’s found not guilty by reason of insanity, he’s going to be held and evaluated to see if he’s a threat to himself or others. If he passes that step as not a threat, there may or may not be conditions regarding ongoing mental health treatment in his release.

If he’s found to be a risk to himself or others, he’ll receive care and periodic evaluations until he’s deemed safe.


That has been testified to as having the reasoning to put it in a safe place so LK couldn’t get it and kill them with it?


This is a point. Just because he put a gun in his pocket doesn’t mean he intended to use it. So then prove it was he who used it.

For all we know, it was in his pocket and RG and LK beat the ever loving crap out of him, and RG found the gun in his pocket and HE took it out. When MB woke up form being choked, he night have grabbed it and started shooting, thinking he was defending himself. BUt we can’t ever know how it happened.


I must have missed that part. What did the cop say?

Those provide evaluation and care. they are not long-term prisons in which to dump the unwanted.


Cop had no idea


Do they not keep prison patients also?

At some point, we are responsible for our own decisions and actions. Lots of people have bad childhoods and move on. Starting about teenage years, parental control is less influential than peer pressure. Add drugs and alcohol and they have even less. Trying to get someone in rehab against their will or even to admit they have a problem is not possible without the person owning the behavior.


The defense never brought any evidence for this is my guess.


My understanding is that you had damned well better be able to prove you had no other option, if you shoot someone. Carrying a gun means you could potentially use it to defend yourself. But you will still likely have to prove you were justified in shooting someone. (For civilians) Having a right to a gun is VERY far from having the right to shoot someone.


I’m not going to repost those screenshots, but I wonder when Bob-Abooey (aka LK) plans to show them to da judge. At a meeting in his office, or Daddy-O’s office? Maybe over drinks at the next social gathering between Taylor and Daddy-O? Maybe at the golf club they hang out at?


Greystone Psychiatric Hospital would be my guess.