Barisone- New Thread

He said it was a possibility and neither the defense, nor the prosecution, dared to press him to be more specific on if it did or did not happen.

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This raises an interesting point, just for our random useless internet speculation:

Have you considered the MB’s amnesia really doesn’t serve him well at all?

Imagine if he hadn’t had a psychotic break (disclaimer: I absolutely believe he did) and however the shooting happening, he told a different version of the story to police. Such as, he was carrying the gun because of the dog, he didn’t know where Lauren and Rob were on the property, he went to check on the house, the dog went after him, he was screaming at Lauren and Rob to get the dog off of him, they were laughing at him, he pulled the gun and threatened to shoot the dog, Lauren and Rob jumped on him and the gun accidently misfired during the struggle.

That’s a much more credible story than the story currently being told; and Lauren and Rob are not credible witnesses. If he were in his right mind, either before or after the shooting, he could have totally sold that version of events. Or a different one, that’s just one I came up with in 30 seconds.

Why pretend amnesia? Why not present an alternate theory that’s more credible than the other side’s?

Also, malingering amnesia or pretend amnesia would require some forethought and pre-planning, and there’s absolutely no indication of that. His statements re: his memory have been absolutely consistent. For 2 and 1/2 years.


Bobby is on a threat roll. If he’s to be taken at his word… he may indeed be JK… Which would mean that the style of banter runs in the family tree.


But the gun arrived without his taking any action to get it and when it arrived he thought best to lock it up.


It’s really unfortunate this :poop: show didn’t happen at his facility in Florida.


I think I saw it in day 7, but I don’t remember which section.

She had blondish hair and she was wearing a light blue outfit if you scroll through to find it.

Of course she hasn’t. She has experienced no negative/unpleasant consequences for her actions.


until he didnt :frowning: regardless, it wasn’t self defense per the court.


I see a very fair judge who is trying to run a court that stays within established rules. I also see him once again reminding the defense that there are other choices, the original charges and now possible lesser charges.

The defense has walked through rules getting information in front of the jury such as hearsay or information MB did not know or alternative scenarios not supported by fact. The judge isn’t picking on him.


INTERESTING! I wonder if Bob is JK?

It’s definitely one of the two of the K’s. The use of emoji’s makes me think it’s LK though. Also… the way Bobby fixated on Joey’s comments, once Bobby identified her.

I think LK just threw out the retired attorney stuff as a red herring early on.


I noticed that comment as well. So apparently he was getting the drift of what was happening there, even if he was trying to prevent the jury from hearing all about it.


I know my opinion doesn’t count but it was 100% self defense


That was my thought too, red herring puff. But then I thought about Bilinkis saying that JK was the one drafting all of LK’s texts… and well, Maaaybeee there are 60+yr old men that type like 14yr old girls???


I disagree and if the jury finds guilty I think there is a very strong case for appeal.


Didn’t take long for her to find a way to get back on.


It’s too bad MB wasn’t able to testify to the events that day.


Ewwww :rofl:

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Right? She can’t just walk up to him and show him stuff.


I sort of cannot believe he dared to go in front of a camera again so soon after his last experience with it. Did he not grasp how bad he looked on the witness stand? (Not appearance wise.)


Wow! She just doesn’t learn…