Barisone- New Thread

If he’d already sold himself as Mr Handyman, maybe MB trusted him to winterize before they left?
I forget, did we learn what caused the pipe to burst? Was the heat in the house off over the winter?


You can have students but it would be a violation for a USEF member to train with him if he’s suspended.


But doesn’t one of the people at Paradigm train with Brock?


Which would never end well.
She doesn’t have the people skills to run a barn that doesn’t fold pretty quickly, or at least to the point it’s basically a shambles.
I think Daddy probably sees that even while not openly admitting so to her.

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I am slightly ashamed I haven’t been following this epic thread more closely! So forgive me if I ask a question that’s obvious and was answered a million years ago.

How and why did a trainer of Michael Barisone’s caliber and reputation become involved with this woman?

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I see, thanks for clarifying. That makes sense.

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I haven’t read the article, but it is apparent from the Bronze Medal statement that it was written by someone who obviously doesn’t understand dressage AT ALL. LK apparently mentioned to the author that she (LK) has her Bronze Medal (or was close to getting it when she was shot - I can’t remember if she ever got it or not). And author assumed she meant an Olympic Bronze Medal, because that was the only type of Bronze Medal she (author) had heard of.

A similar situation happened some years back regarding a local FEI trainer who had a (new to horses) client who heard he had “a Gold Medal” and was telling everyone the guy had an OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL. Said client was gushing about it to her hairdresser, who was married to an upper level dressage rider, and happened to also be my hairdresser. We had a good chuckle about that. Although it is sad because the guy used to be a decent person - and a good enough rider/trainer to have achieved a USDF Gold Medal - but he fell into the drug culture and then into the porn culture and worse. (He has been in prison for some years for [edit] attempted child predation.)



Except he tagged the wrong book.


When he was going to testify, they held a …whatever… And said he couldn’t be because he was testifying.
But then he never did, which is interesting on its own.
So, I wonder if at any point he was allowed in, also.

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Bolding mine. I’m assuming this was a typo and supposed to be tweaking, but the visual :rofl::rofl:


Here’s my theory, and it is only a theory, completely divorced from any contact with the people involved but based on my own bad experiences with clients I should have seen coming:

Barisone sees her at shows. She is a competent amateur, with the money to buy nice horses and pursue serious training goals, but is not being terribly successful at the moment.

He thinks he can help her, that she would be a good fit for his program. He might get a heads up from other pros that she’s flaky, doesn’t show up for lessons, etc.; but Barisone thinks he can fix that. There was a lot of testimony about him being a gifted, highly sympathetic coach. He may of felt his approach to her would be different, and therefore more successful.

Barisone proposes that she move to NJ and live on site as sort of a remedy for the alleged flakiness. Perhaps saying something like “If you want to get serious about your riding, you need to be getting on more horses and taking more lessons; that would be easier if you were on site. I’d like to help you, come to NJ.”

To this end he sells her the schoolmaster someone mentioned.

She gets to NJ and for a while it seems to be working. She gets one of her qualifying scores for 2nd level. But then the addiction and mental health issues come to the fore. He realizes she’s not actually serious about improving and competing and there’s friction.

He stops spending as much time with her and asks his assistants to take her on; she’s offended and the whole thing starts to unravel.

That’s my completely invented narrative that may or may not fit the facts.

PS - Based on my own experiences, I can tell you, a client that you believe you can help is incredibly attractive.


Well started off as a joke lol still not convinced it wasn’t him but not allowed to discuss on the forum :eyes:


That makes sense, and is incredibly sad, given how many non-flaky people are surely in such a well-heeled area with deep pockets and “enough” talent (or at least enough drive) to have easily filled such a slot with minimal drama. But, as you say, some teachers by nature like to be “fixers,” despite the often-cited adage of “when people tell you who they are, believe them.”


They don’t usually have a lot of drama on the comments from what I have seen, I read the DM daily lol it’s like trash tv but trash news. The drama is usually on the comments in on their posts on FB or Twitter though.

You can’t have students who are USEF members because they would get struck off the roles. Not permitted to train with a banned or suspended person.

He wouldn’t be permitted on show grounds where USEF holds sway.

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Barisone was unaware of the drug use, the banning from parents’ home and the general level of nastiness towards “little people” that LK generates and then leaves in her wake. I suspect he was her first BIG mark (outside of her family). All those years of tormenting “little people” encouraged her.

I believe much credit goes to JK for not letting her face serious consequences for her actions years ago. Cutting off the money spigot or at least setting it to “trickle” might have set her on a different path.

One far, far away from Barisone.


Please don’t paint all newspapers with that broad brush. As others have said, the Daily Mail is an inflammatory rag along the lines of the National Enquirer.


What earlier reports?

I cannot figure out how to quote on this board!
But this leads me to a question. As an experienced prosecutor during pre-charge fact finding, could he not see the shoddy police work and victim background (just a couple of examples) and think they didn’t have a whole lot to go on? This can’t be this guys first rodeo. But hopefully that will at the very least get MB a hung jury and they won’t retry.