Barisone- New Thread

Agreed. I’m pretty sure they’re not getting so involved/aren’t going to Paradigm to have a talk.


Daddy will just buy her her own farm.


Which would be fine (I don’t care what they do or how they spend their money), but there would have to be people working on that farm. Not sure who would want to be employed by them. There are desperate people out there though.


Ok I stand corrected.

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USEF utterly failed MB for not taking earlier reports about Kanarek’s behavior seriously. They have to explain their lack of action to all USEF members IMO.


Who is making excuses for LK? Her behavior is inexcusable. That’s not the point of this trial, however.


Where is Paradigm? There is a farm by that name not far from me. The thought of LK that close is unsettling.

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From my understanding juries in general are not supposed to know when the defendant has been held in prison. That’s what we were told by the judge** after the trial. In our case it was clear the defendant was held (jail calls were part of the evidence), but that’s the exception.

**After the trial was over and the courtroom cleared the jurors we’re invited back to the courtroom where we could talk to the judge and court secretaries. That was very interesting.


I imagine it will not be all that comfortable for her in the dressage world. Didn’t the lawyer describe it as ‘incestuous’? I know that he meant very small when he said that.

I also know she will wail about it being unfair and everyone is just getting behind the Olympic rider MB who feels entitled and privileged. I hope someone can explain to her that, if indeed she finds herself persona non grata in the dressage world, most of that is her own behaviour, not what happened with MB.

If you take MB completely out of the equation, the fact remains that no one wants to be associated with the kind of people she and her family/entourage were exposed to be during this trial. The drugs, the illegal recordings, the absolutely BSC SM postings, the racism, the tearing down other riders, the positioning herself to have a go at SS and USEF, the father getting involved yell at and threaten people on behalf of his 40+ year old daughter, not leaving a facility when it wasn’t working out, scratching more than she shows, not turning up for lessons, the arrest records, the gun postings, the absolute :poop: show all over every SM platform one can imagine, the never ending threats of litigation to people known and even unknown posters on a horse forum. Hell, she’s now threaten to tell on rando YouTube posters and send the bailiff for them! :rofl:

Who in their right mind would EVER want to be associated with that king of person? Someone who threatens as much as she does, why would you ever have her on your property? It’s only a matter of time before she gets a bee in her bonnet about you or a member of your staff or another of your clients and goes full wackjob on the whole place. Who the hell would sign up for that?

And that has zero to do with Michael Barisone. People are going to want nothing to do with her because of everything we now know about her outside the Barisone incident. This trial could never have happened and what we know now is enough for all decent, sane people to say, nope, hard pass no matter how many horses you have and no matter how much you’ll pay.

And she has no one but herself to thank for that. Well, maybe her dad, too.


I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around how the jury can render any decision. There are no forensics, LK admitted to lying, LK/RG/ED all have different stories about what happens. mr B could not provide another alternative that the scuffle happened first which I completely don’t understand because I thought the job of the defense attorney was to show other possible options to show reasonable doubt. As a juror, if there is no definitive evidence of what really happened, how can you come to any decision? As a juror, can you just throw up your hands and say no decision?


I assumed Mustache was attacking Hasson because they are both psychologists and Simring is psychiatry?

I wonder why the defense had their experts in that order? Wouldn’t you put the heaviest hitter last, to end with a bang?

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Apologies if this has already been addressed. I am trying to catch up with overnight postings but still have a way to go.

I started wondering overnight if LK/RG are allowed to sit in the courtroom now that their testimony is finished. Has JK been allowed to be there? What about LK’s other family members? If they were not on the list to be called to testify, couldn’t they be allowed to be there?

And what about the folks who testified on MB’s behalf? Are they allowed to be in the courtroom now that testimony is finished?

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I think Simring was able, and B knew he would be able, to get a lot of things into evidence becaue of who he is and the Judge liked him and Prosecution liked him etc. so the second guy could elaborate on those things, but if the little guy went first, he would have been shot down alot harder. It was a strategy I think


But he and mcgrain could train young horses for resale?

Honestly, if there’s a chance of bumping into LK, would he want to risk being at a show?


He’s such a hanger-on, a tailcoat grabbing maroon.


It depends on prior relationships, etc. I do know of one difficult client who was passed around like a hot potato between a few different trainers. She wasn’t close to the level of Lauren and Rob, but she was… very trying. Every time she was “fired” or left, the trainers did give each other a heads up, or had a quick chat to discuss what blew up this time. All the professionals knew each other well. If this particular client had just hopped to a random trainer, I’m sure it would have been different.

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I have wondered if this clueless idiot, who knows the parties, especially the K clan; and would have met the prosecutor; and has a “princess” for a client ever posted on a horse related forum?

I nominate you as jury foreman (forewoman?). :smiley:


I did not know that you could not have students with a SS ban…I thought it just meant that you couldn’t show under USEF or go to any USEF events. USEF does not control lessons or most clinics so that’s a little baffling to me.