Barisone- New Thread

On Mackinac Island here in Michigan (transportation is horse/bike/walking; motorized vehicles are used ONLY by emergency services/people), tourists are/can be referred to as “Fudgies” by the year-round residents. (Mackinac Island is FAMOUS for the fudge-making industry, lots of stores, VERY delicious.)

Beling called a “Fudgy” is NOT a compliment…

Whatever you say. You have demonstrated expert knowledge thus far, so you must be right. I bow down to your expert legal opinion.



Oh I totally pictured both of them in an upstairs apartment, TWERKING - and they were too heavy so that caused the the pipe to burst (yes, I’m a macaroon :crazy_face:)

Tweaking didn’t even come to my mind :rofl: :rofl:

Edit to change word to macaroon after reading posts about the origin of original word used :grimacing:


The thing that really jumped out at me from reading the transcript in (figuratively speaking) black and white is that almost the first thing LK said in the first line was that Michael Barisone shot her. Not “He shot me” or “Michael shot me” or even “That ****** ******* shot me.”

But his full name, first and last. As if it was important to get that on the record right up front before getting distracted. :thinking:

That just seemed odd to me.

Edited to add: After looking at it again, I noticed that RG did the exact same thing, referring to him by his full name, Michael Barisone, as if to make sure it gets on the official record.

And this was just moments before the first cop showed up on the scene, so obviously MB was already on the ground, underneath RG, beaten over the head for seven minutes, according to LK’s statement to the police. Choked unconscious, according to RG’s testimony on the witness stand.

So why did they both feel the need to identify him by first and last name in the heat of the moment? Did they think he was about to get up and run off at that point and the police would need to track him down from his credit card use? :woman_shrugging:


this is what prompted me to transcribe the 911 call, because in it she’s already shot and it doesn’t bear out her claim to what went on, imo


I was just watching an old re-run of Bones. There was a trial, everyone felt the defendant was guilty, however one juror said they could not convict because the Prosecution failed to provide solid evidence.

Made me think about this trial.


Thank you for doing that! It was hard to follow the 911 call. Are you willing/interested in transcribing the lawyer call? I’m curious how they fit together.

I’ve mentioned before, I was on a 4 week murder trial in 2019. Four MS13 gang members murdered a man. My trial was for 2 of them. One pled out, one was sitting in prison for another murder in CA. We voted guilty, they were both given 55 yr sentences. Info we were told by their own defense attorney afterwords proved our verdict was just. He appealed on their behalf and lost.

Thinking on the instructions we had from our judge, a few things stand out to mr on this trial. And trying to block out knowledge from following this for 2+ years, only going by court testimony

It has not been proved beyond a reasonable doubt, in my mind that:

MB did not plan to kill himself
MB was not armed to protect himself from the dog, who was known to be aggressive
MB was not armed ro protect himself based on veiled threats from LK and RG
MB deliberately shot the gun.
How the scuffle actually occurred, timing and how the gun went off.

It has been proved, in my mind:

The testimony by the witnesses is not consistent nor credible
The police work was unprofessional and shoddy. Major errors were made. MAJOR ones.
MB was mentally unstable at the time, and the psychotic break was real.

I could not in good conscious vote guilty.


Please don’t taint delicious treats with the association to evil vile characters
Let’s all come up with something yucky, maybe a hated veggie or something
Meant with humor and sarcasm


Did we ever hear the lawyer’s call? I thought we just heard his account of the call.

I mean, I guess it’s not impossible that he could have been recording the call for his own records, but I don’t remember hearing it.

I do remember him saying he only heard two shots, though.


It appears that a sentence for aggravated assault would be a maximum of 10 years, less if it is second or third degree. If you have to serve 85% and with time served, Barisone would serve another 2 or 3 years, I think.
His plea deal offer was to serve 8 1/2 years. Conviction on attempted murder would be 20 years.
That’s quite a gamble, if he loses.

Often 911 dispatchers ask if you know who and what the shooters name is. Does the audio have the 911 operators voice too I can’t remember, I haven’t listened yet saving that for later tonight lol

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According to the transcript so kindly provided by Angela Freda, LK told the 911 operator his full name before the 911 operator could even get a word in edgewise.

The 911 operator was still trying to find out what town to send the ambulance to at that point.


If any of them had ended up dead they equally wouldn’t be able to say.
That wouldn’t change that it’s possible, even probable.
I think the word I used in the past was plausible.
But it’s also why it’s nice when forensics are done, so there’s an attempt to verify the stories of unreliable witnesses who often don’t tell accurate stories because of stress, etc

In the 911 call, RG states that MD fired three or four shots, while stating his gf is shot twice.
So doing forensics on the scene might have cleared up that one aspect. If it had been done.
I think it’s a shame that , whomever… chose not to do even the basics.

It’s amazing to me that I can’t recall so much about this trial, but did they ever go over that vicinity with metal detectors?



Sorry, what or who is LauBert? I googled nothing pertinent came up… Thanks!

I find it rather interesting that the terms “moron”, “imbecile”, “cretin”, etc., which used to reflect actual medical terminology have been reduced by general usage to insults.

Nontheless, there are other terms one can employ which do not run such a risk of offending people by using terms that mean (or meant) mentally or intellectually challenged, as those people are not assholes by virtue of their limitations.


Clearly there does not need to be a gun involved to feel you are in serious danger. Case in point, MB ended up beaten over the head, unconscious, with a damaged arm.


I believe they said they did, but never found any bullets or a third shell casing.


Yes 911 voice is on it, but it’s often hard to hear it because LK and RG are speaking or the dog is barking.
I wonder if it’s possible, and what it costs to re record that call, taking the dog out?

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