Barisone- New Thread

Well, it sounded like they had one big interest in common, anyway.


I’ve sometimes heard it used as “screw someone down on the price,” which also works.


If I copy text from a google doc, how do I paste it here?
When I copy it on Google docs, by highlighting and then Edit/Copy… how do I bring that text here to Copy/Paste?

For @Jealoushe I typed up the 911 call into Google docs, but can not seem to drop it here.


I think Rob’s single biggest interest was preserving his spot in line for LK and her dad’s money. And he was going to primarily follow her marching orders because it helped him in that regards. I don’t think he was hellbent on destroying Michael the way she was. He literally couldn’t afford her kicking him to the curb without actually getting clean and finding a job. He testified to his “relapses”. My gut tells me he was in way deeper than a couple relapses and he wasn’t about to cut himself dry.

In the end, the results are the same.


Just curious. Did you include the comments from Rosie? If so, that probably doubled the length of the transcript.

Poor Rosie.


Well, that’s two of you.


For @Jealoushe I typed up the 911 call into Google docs, but can not seem to drop it here

Can you screen shot?

If I included every bark… ugh… in fact to hear I had to have it so loud, it sounded like Rosie was on the couch with me.
My poor dog!


I don’t think so. That is not my forte.
I’m using my photo laptop so I’m lost since I never use this laptop for anything like this.

Gotcha, can you print to PDF?

Is the call or the cop testifying about the call?

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I said all along that an assault charge was an easier charge to get a conviction for. But the prosecutor believed what his witness told him. Thems the breaks. Just because he’s realizing acquittal may be down the road he shouldn’t get to change his charging. Had that assault been the charge all along it’s likely the defense could have been different or different witnesses and testimony made. To my mind this mid trial change severely prejudices the defendant and is not at all in the furtherance of justice.


911 call dated 8_7_19.pdf (33.5 KB)


a transcript of the actual, noisy, dog barking incessantly, F-bomb laced call from the portion we heard in the trial.
Lemme know if that download works


I wondered the same thing about the idea of self defense, if the judge could just boot it off the table after the defense rested.

Surely it should be up to the jury to decide.


It worked for me. Thanks for doing that!

And for color coding the different speakers. Nice touch. :+1:


I’m confused about the very … binary?.. rules, that the jury can only consider that the case is Aggravated Attempted Murder or… the other option he’s offered.
Were I on the jury, I would see self defense and want that as an option.

That they are not ‘allowed’ to consider alternative scenarios, either presented to them by the Defense or that they can imagine themselves… when the one presented by the witnesses is so problematic… is something that would totally trip me up.


Then most jurors would be like fine, not guilty


I’m thinking that, AFTER this trial, a bunch of the jurors will be scrambling to their Internet devices to “google” Lauren…


It was very, very hard to hear, especially with the dog, but also because the phone gets put down at some point, and other times it’s just one person talking over the other or you hear the other party present in the background, which I included if I thought I cold hear it clearly enough.
So I thought the color was helpful

There are gaps in vocalization too, between speakers, that I could depict. It’s pretty long. I wish I had timed it.


I think if their only option for a guilty verdict is to say, “I am convinced that the prosecutor’s description is exactly what happened, even though there is no physical evidence to support it,” then there should be enough reasonable doubt for them to find him not guilty.

Because the prosecutor’s story just does not hold up when you really examine the physical evidence (or lack thereof) and the conflicting stories of the main witnesses.

I mean, really, the police did not do any testing on any of the people at the scene regarding gunshot residue? Fingerprints? DNA? Seriously???