Barisone- New Thread

I still keep thinking of that picture I posted of him earlier. Just sitting back, biding his time, examining his manicure.


Or…I highlight that part I want to quote.


To me, it seems a lot of the rambling that Mr B has allowed has been tactical. I know I’m nuts to go back and rewatch some of the testimony, but…sometimes it’s in those long-winded diatribes that those witnesses are tripping up on their stories, or revealing aspects of their character Mr B wouldn’t normally get in. At a minimum, the longer they drone on, the less the jury cares about what they have to say.


Given the nature of MB’s arm….it is entirely possible that if he didn’t fire first, it would be impossible for him to fire the gun after.

I can honestly see those two thinking in the heat of the moment that they’d shoot her to justify the horrible beating/possibly killed MB state he was in, and choosing her shoulder as a “low damage” area and then it’s worse than expected…


Regarding the last part that I bolded… I actually noticed that when the call was originally played. And found it REALLY weird. It stood out to me, more than any other detail of the call.

I wasn’t sure if it was RG, or the first officer on the scene who yelled to get the dog inside.

If it was RG… then he was yelling that at LK. But… when Bilinkas cross examined RG, RG claimed that LK was super weak by the time she was supposedly beating MB on the head with a cell phone, I think RG claimed she was on her knees at that point. Barely hanging on. And RG essentially implied that LK herself was overestimating and exaggerating the whole “beating MB on the head with my cell phone thing”

Soooo… if she was that weak, why was he telling her to get up and put a dog inside?!? That’s weird.

The way I initially made sense of it, was that maybe it was an officer yelling who had just arrived on the scene, and he wanted RG to put the dog inside. Or… maybe RG was yelling at the officer who had possibly JUST showed up right the. to put the dog inside?

But it’s really darn weird if LK had been shot twice in the chest for RG to yell at her to get up, grab the incredibly agitated dog, and put it inside.


The third thing LK says, the third section that is her speaking, she says she is losing alot of blood.
If she’s losing alot of blood at the point, it’s clearly visible on her shirt yes? Otherwise how does she know she’s losing alot of blood? This is well before he tells her to get the dog in the house.

I edited my transcript for the lines I missed in the mess that is my handwriting.

911 call dated 8_7_19.pdf (33.5 KB)


I would suspect that these male jury members may be petrified to ever go on a date again after absorbing LK’s antics.


And the officer testified to there being very little blood from her wounds and there was almost none visible of her shirt and hoodie…

Btw…who wears a hoodie in August? Was it that cold at that point in NJ? Or did it have other purposes?


Now I’m laughing as I wonder how they are going to include that on their profiles on whatever dating site they use.

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See, that’s what gets me too. I get it was HIGH STRESS. Take all feelings about the participants aside and boil it down to one out of 3 people has bullets in them. I would expect Lauren’s memory to be fuzz. I would expect it wouldn’t line up perfectly with RG’s or the attorney on the phone. My problem, from the beginning, when all I knew about Lauren Kanarek was her testimony, was her stories didn’t even line up with each version she gave under oath, even after having a chance to review her previous sworn statements. I worked for an attorney who loved to ask, “were you lying then (prev statement ) or are you lying now?”

So, LK gave more than one version under oath. RG changed a few details with each retelling, and along comes EarWitness, whose story doesn’t match any previous statements. And the 911 call leaves some doubt in my mind that any versions are the truth.


Heymer testified, after hearing the call played in court, that he arrived when he said
“Get on the ground! If you F’in move I will F’in kill you!”

His testimony is that that this is the first time you hear his voice in that call.
The first thing he stated when he gets there, which wasn’t intelligible to me, but from RGs response we can guess, clearly Heymer asked who or where the shooter was.

That is how the Prosecution time stamps, so to speak, Heymers arrival on scene in the 911 call.

So that comment about getting the dog inside can only refer to or be directed at those present, RG, LK and MB. RG is on top of MB, so he has to be telling LK to get the dog inside.



There’s a saying I have heard repeatedly from males of all ages that is quite crude, but it boils down to Never Sleep With Crazy.


What we didn’t hear from the first officer, unlike what we heard in the Miranda hearings, was that RG volunteered that there was a video of the shooting.


As I said in the previous thread, I just have a lot of trouble imagining anyone doing that deliberately. It’s a pretty big risk. Shooting the dog would have served almost the same purpose. “He was shooting at us and the dog jumped in the way to defend us!”

But obviously, you never know what people will do. Especially people with a radically different life experience than most of us.


Depending how macho some are, they might feel they could have easily handled the situation and think of him as weak. I highly doubt their "hearts are breaking ", a
comment I’ve read here a few times.



When it came to LK and RG, the longer they talked, the more they impeached themselves.

The prosecution did a good job I suppose at not asking obviously leading questions. But… I thought he should have cut both of them off at times. Reined them in. Tried to contain their testimony much more narrowly. Because… anyone who knows much about LK and has seen her posts on these boards knew there was a HIGH risk she would babble and impeach herself when testifying. The prosecutor didn’t se to know this before he put her on the stand though. It almost seemed like he encouraged her to tell her story, in an effort to make her more sympathetic.

Frankly… as soon as she started talking a lot, and editorializing… she became less sympathetic. Even to totally random true crime people, who know nothing about horses, or her reputation in the horse community.

I’m sort of stunned by the prosecutor’s choice with respect to how he managed LK on the stand. He’s a PROSECUTOR. He must have encountered MANY MANY people who are:

  1. Addicts
  2. Have issues with habitual lying
  3. Have narcissistic or sociopathic features

I just would have thought he would have a better plan for managing her testimony so that she came across much more as a fragile shooting victim, and her fundamental nature was minimized… or at least, not put on full display.


Let’s just say the fiscal impact was significantly positive. (Responding to MHM’s query as to the success of the lawyer’s comment in closing of a civil trial.)

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See, I guess I was thinking that very glossed over hand wound of LK’s was maybe from her firing the gun and the source of “all the blood on her hands”. She target shoots, she could have shot out the window. RG picked up the casing, and then whatever else happened, happened. She made a very strange play on wordy type reference to RG/JK having to come back and get RG’s clothes from the house….


People who use meth, heroin and crack are capable of inflicting unimaginable horrors on others. They are irrational and unpredictable and should be given wide berth. You can’t put anything past them & the plans they contrive.


I guess I don’t, especially not after my stepson and his ex-gf. His psychologist told us to expect him to harm himself if that is what it took to get what he wanted.