Barisone- New Thread

I also think men may relate to how hard MB worked to build his life and all of the responsibility he shouldered. I think the threat LK was to all of that and the fact that she seemed to be systematically dismantling it may earn him some sympathy.


I thought the judge was not allowing her 18 thousand + disturbing messages ?

Where can they be found

More good points.

Also, I’m adding 911 operator to the list of jobs to avoid.


See, I was that totally neutral observer and by the time she was done, I was pretty sure there was some big fat reasonable doubt in this case.

I have no idea what he was thinking. Maybe she gave him the impression she would come across as the sympathetic victim, and then couldn’t resist her moment in the spotlight, so to speak. Maybe he spent limited time with her. I don’t know. He did a much better job with RG, and everyone else except Moustache.


Exactly, re blood.

As for the hoodie, it started raining as the officers responded to the scene, so it may have already gotten cooler? I don’t think where she was sitting was in the shade.

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I’m thinking that may not have been his best decision of the day. Or the week. Or his life.


The thing is, I’m not sure he really sees it now either….


I noticed this was never mentioned.
Neither was RGs injury. No mention of him being seen by EMT or at the hospital, either if I remember correctly?


Maybe he did not actually get the chance to find out, if they were expecting MB to take a plea deal.

And by the time MB turned down the plea deal, maybe LK was already in Florida for the winter and did not want to deal much with the prosecutor if she was not planning to return to New Jersey for the trial anyway.

But maybe then when they compelled her to appear at the trial after all, he got a bit of a surprise when he put her on the witness stand.


RG got very cagey on the stand about his injury and treatment. I wonder if he was worried about what the medical records said, usually an er pulls a complete blood panel. I wonder if he was worried about certain illegal substances showing up.



But he’s the PROSECUTOR. So he had to know about her full criminal record. He had to know about the civil suit that happened in 2021, and the allegation in it that her own parents wouldn’t even allow her to stay in their house.

He had to have seen some of her 19,000 social media posts in the lead up to this trial.

So what was he thinking?!? If you know any of the background information, and have her behavior on social media… you know darn well that the wheels are likely to come off the bus FAST when she testifies.

Yet he put her on the stand, and gave her extra rope. Yeesh.

Full disclosure… when I dipped my first little toe into the previous Barisone Trial thread a little over a week ago… it was mostly because I was curious about LK testifying, and what would happen under cross. Because it was guaranteed to be… interesting.

Then I started watching and commenting… and boy oh boy… it sucked me in.


That question was asked during his testimony, and he fumbled around on the answer a lot. Even by his standards. Eventually he settled on the idea that he had gone to the hospital (the next day, maybe?) to be checked, but there was no further mention beyond that. No specific injury mentioned, etc.

Even though LK certainly went on about it at great length in her posts afterwards.


You’re right!! Where did we hear that he stated that?


Ooo, good catch.


Nope. And if it was a bullet wound I think she’d have made a huge deal of it…

Also, given IM’s reactions on here, I’d think RG would have made a big deal about his hand. As it was, he seemed to be confused when asked if he even sought treatment and when.


Eee. Sorry about your experiences with that situation.

Luckily for me, I have never had direct contact with anything like that. So I can understand why it would occur to you much more readily than it would to me.

I have to say that this whole thing reminds me of the stories you see on the news periodically that start out with: Florida man…, and then the whole news story takes all sorts of ridiculous twists and turns.

Maybe it would be easier to understand the whole chain of events if we think of some of the characters as Florida people, even if the crime happened to take place in New Jersey.


Eh….it’s water under the bridge now. My stepson got put in his place, and eventually the girl and her mother got their consequences too. He’s at least a functioning member of society. The ex-gf is in prison for murder.


In all fairness - NJ is full of challenging people. Seriously.

Have you ever driven the Jersey Turnpike? Sociopaths. Complete psychos. Ever been to the Jersey Shore, during the peak of the summer, when all the Jerseyites are out, and enjoying it? Yeah… Give me a beach in Florida any day. Just saying.

ETA: except during spring break. No no no. Especially not Daytona Beach during spring break. Nope. Totally nuts. Full of crazy people.


Maybe the prosecutor was afraid that if he tried to direct her at all, she would start screaming at him in open court. Or something similar.

I can’t say I noticed him doing a great job with RG, considering the way RG came off. But maybe he could have come off much worse, as hard as that is to imagine.

I have no explanation at all for the Mustache appearance. None. There were so many aspects of that testimony that seemed counterproductive to the prosecution to me.


I have spent a minute or two wondering how much is this his decision as an Assistant DA or whatever his official title is, and how much is him following orders from his boss? I don’t mean that in a complicated conspiracy, LK’s dad bought someone way. I just wonder if the higher ups in the office, who don’t see the reality and the nitty gritty of the case wanted the publicity of it.