Barisone- New Thread

I actually don’t spend much time in New Jersey. Lol.

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WOW. No wonder you know more about this type of thing than many of us do.

Did you hear a different ear witness than I did? Because the ear witness testified that it absolutely could not have taken place the way LK and RG said it did.


Well, they got publicity all right….


Could be. There were certainly quite a few headlines when it happened. Maybe they wanted to make sure there were headlines about a resolution that made them look good.

We’ll see how that works out for them.


You don’t know that. Only Rosie knows what happened first, the physical assault by L&R (Loser and Ratface) or the gun firing twice.


I’ve said it before….I’ve lived a version of this case. It’s just that two teenagers don’t have enough agency to be good at it. Throw in the ex-DIL and the Ex-wife….and it’s a well rounded education.


or the pandemic

if I remember correctly, RG appeared in court, the first time, with his arm bandaged such that it looked like some kid wrapped it, with toilet paper. But I digress… didn’t he appear in court, the same time MB did with his arm in a sling, face yellow with bruising, with his arm wrapped up?
But nary a mention. Weird.


Yes. Take into account projection and remember LK’s rants that MB was faking his arm injury. Now throw in Blob’s accusations that RG never did anything to MB’s arm…


I thought ear witness, LK and RG were consistent on the basic sequence of events in which ED called RG, asked to speak LK, RG handed LK the phone, LK says Michael is here, and she is shot while on the phone.

LK and RG differed in some details. It was a traumatic event for them as well as MB, right? When MB claims to he has no recall of the “incident”, you believe him, but you expect LK and RG to have perfect recall of the exact timing of the exact steps they took on the porch/patio? Of course you do.

Doesn’t matter what I think.

I hope Barisone gets a just verdict from the jury.

I’m predicting the verdict will be guilty of one count of possession of a weapon for an illegal purpose and either guilty or NGI on one count of attempted murder.


If I was on the jury I’d vote not guilty…I’d hang that jury…because of the reasonable doubt in my mind…bring in the cot & food because I would not be swayed.


This is just so ironic….,

I’m pretty sure LK herself has claimed, repeatedly, to have perfect recall of the event….


Sidebar (or sidetrack may be more appropriate). :upside_down_face:

Etymology of maroon per Wikipedia:
Maroon is derived from French marron (“chestnut”), itself from the Italian marrone that means both chestnut and brown …from the medieval Greek maraon.[11]

The first recorded use of maroon as a color name in English was in 1789.

Wikipedia also states the word is used extensively in multiple walks of life (religion, politics, business, the music world, education (school colors), and sports), to describe a color.

And I can also certainly see how someone could pronounce “moron” in such a way that another person may think they are saying “maroon.” Or how someone could (as I stated earlier) mean to type “moron” but ended up inputting “maroon” instead (thanks to autocorrect and not proofreading before they hit send).

Sidebar over.


Consider yourself lucky.

I will admit, my husband routinely tells me that I have a weird loathing of the entire state of NJ, and it’s not THAT bad . It’s a running joke between us. A lot of his family are from there. He swears there are very nice parts of the state, that are even slightly rural and pretty and horsey.

I have not gotten to visit those parts of that state. I have been limited to the crowded suburban parts, for in-law family reunions, etc. It seems the parts I have visited are populated by very aggressive people. People who all drive and speak… EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVELY. And loudly.

I don’t know if it’s the accent… or what. A heavy NJ accent is just… very aggressive sounding to me.

Which brings me to the judge in the MB trial. He’s got a significant NJ accent. It makes everything he says at trial sound just that much more hostile and aggressive.

Just my opinion. It’s stereotypical and unfair. But that’s how I feel. Just like other people feel that heavy southern accents sometimes make people sound unintelligent. I don’t know. :woman_shrugging:


Well, of those three people, only one of them was beaten over the head and choked to the point of unconsciousness. Which could easily result in short-term memory loss, as many of us know from first hand experience due to head injuries sustained around horses.

So there’s that.


See, I would totally think of it as a color first, somewhere between dark red and purple. Then I would think of it as an innocent insult from Bugs Bunny.

I did not know anything about a more negative meaning until today. So thanks for the heads up.

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Reasonable doubt is all that is needed. Was there “Reasonable doubt”?

  1. LK’s and RG’s testimony about the shooting incident and there locations didn’t match
  2. Was the crime scene tampered with? WHO had the video recordings of the events that took place that day, the police OR RG? RG testified the incident of the events WERE caught on tape, yet when reviewed, the recording was blank. WHY?
    In my mind there WAS reasonable doubt to the events that took place that night and that’s all that is needed.

Yes, and only one of them lost consciousness due to having lost half her blood volume and spent days in a medically induced coma, and weeks on pain meds.

Like Schlesinger, I find it suspicious that MBs amnesia happens to coincide with the period of his criminal activity.

MB could have testified. There is plenty he could have testified about even if he was claiming he didn’t recall anything for x hours.

Aside from how you would vote in terms of the verdict, what is your prediction as to how the jury will vote?


Bc they were so used to reporting him to people. SS, BI, FM, Police etc. It just came natural to them