Barisone- New Thread

Just noting… she has admitted on the stand that she has an opioid addiction issue spanning years and years, and is on Suboxone all the time. It’s a regular prescription for her. So she has an opioid tolerance that is completely different than that of someone else who doesn’t use those medications regularly. The weeks of pain meds post surgery did not affect her the same way they might have someone else. That’s just how opioids work in people who habitually use them vs. people who don’t.

I would think that the anesthesia involved in her immediate surgery, as well as the medically induced coma WOULD have impacted her memory. Anesthesia is weird. And the longer you stay under, the greater the impact on your cognitive perception of things. And memory.

Of all the things that make LKs recollections of the day of the shooting unreliable, the thing I find most persuasive is the considerable anesthesia she experienced shortly after the shooting.

Last thing… MB had a documented history of 8-12 concussions over the course of his life. Including a skull fracture at age 8. It was documented at the hospital immediately after the shooting, that MB had been beaten about his head. In fact, RG and LKs testimony of events concurs with that medical evidence. In fact, they even said he lost consciousness during part of the struggle when being beaten about the head. MBs description of losing memory with respect to the immediate timeframe right around his head trauma that day? It’s completely consistent with amnesia related to concussions… most especially in people who have an extensive history of prior concussions.

I find it odd that people are choosing THAT aspect of MB to doubt. I could understand doubting the degree of persecutory delusional disorder… and someone thinking that it just didn’t quite reach to a level that made him not responsible for his actions. But why focus on his amnesia, and doubt that? There’s overwhelming evidence that is very likely real.


There is a plethora of reasonable doubt in this case…
" reasonable doubt is any reason to doubt anything that the prosecution is trying to prove in its case . If a juror has any reason to doubt anything about the prosecution’s case, that’s reasonable doubt, and that juror should vote not guilty"
Bilinkas opened the door, just enough, and gave the jury enough site to see a potentially different scenario without fully opening that door.


I also noticed how - um - evasive he was about answering that question. It was almost like he was thinking, “What injury?” It took him a moment to - um - recall that he had supposedly suffered a hand injury in the scuffle, and also to recall that he did go to have it looked at the next morning. I thought his hesitation regarding that question quite interesting. I thought he was stalling for time as he desperately tried to remember what he had told whom.


Which is even more interesting because he supposedly had to have surgery, twice, to fix the broken hand.


I know it is a thing in today’s pop culture to malign “Florida people,” but most of us are actually pretty darned sane! :smile:

Edited to add that I would wager that most of the “crazy Florida people” are transplants from elsewhere (like New Jersey). :laughing:


This happened in the Casey Anthony trial. Jurors found her not guilty, but after the trial at least a few spoke about it.


Really great points. Why would he yell at her to put the dog inside? I could see him saying it if he didn’t realize she was shot, especially if she were still on her feet, but the blood should have been a huge indicator. And didn’t she say, out loud on the 911 call, she had been shot? Wouldn’t he have heard this?

Any why didn’t he toss the gun or disarm it and start emergency care (for lack of a better word) on LK’s wounds? He would have been taught how to care for gunshot wounds in the USMC.

As far as the broken arm, maybe it was broken after he was rendered unconscious. According to RG, he punched RG and then put him in a chokehold where he soon passed out, but didn’t RG also state MB was knocked unconscious twice? If so, how did that happen?


What we know for facts

Michael had a gun;
Michael went to the house;
Lauren was shot;
Michael was beaten by Lauren and RG;
Michael was attacked by their dog;
Lauren and RG are admitted drug abusers and liars;
Lauren is bright and creative (per the prosecution’s EW);
Lauren was out to destroy MB;

What we don’t know was the order in which the events took place, and, with a “bright, creative liar” on the stand, I’m not sure that I could believe her version beyond reasonable doubt.

I had originally thought that MB would get the Not Guilty/insane verdict, but he just may be Not Guilty based on the above.


Crazy people from New Jersey. :upside_down_face:


I have thought the same.

OMG! You’re so right! :rofl:


Interesting to hear that the arrogance of the prosecuting attorney was a huge turnoff to the juror that was being interviewed.


I have no idea. I have not heard the summaries yet.

See, I’m funny about waiting until the case is actually concluded before I make a decision. Unlike many other people, it seems.


Meh. I live in NJ and Florida. Miami has far the craziest people. If you want to see crazy, go on Instagram and follow onlyindade.


Couldn’t the same logic be applied more convincingly to LK & RG given that Barisone showed up with a gun? If they felt that they were in imminent danger, couldn’t that justify beating him?


I thought the same thing about a couple of different questions he was asked. It seemed like he had to stop and think what on earth the prosecutor was even talking about at the time.

I will also add that the wrapping job he had on his arm in that one picture would have been a pony club fail, even for a D pony clubber.


Thank you for that!

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If somebody shows up with a gun, would you want to go after them and beat them with your cell phone or attack them? Or would you want to get away from the far more deadly firearm?


It would be hilariously ironic if that little nugget from the Mustache comes into play as a way to discredit her version of events.

