Barisone- New Thread

It looked to me like he sat forward real quick and his eyes got super wide. He was very defensive after they got back from whatever evidence hearing about the recordings they had right after.


I know. But it forced at least a few people into nearby Air BnB’s. The lady whose daughter was a working student talked about having to go stay at a bib after all the inspectors left. I imagine MH, her dad, Ruth Cox and MB were the last hold outs.


Not so fast on that. JK was NOT willing to pay for any legal expenses involving RG.

If you go back and listen to testimony of both ED David and Stephen Tarshus, JK was CRYSTAL CLEAR with both of them that the only person they needed to legally deal with, or actually represent (in the case of David), was LK.

No paperwork involved RG.

I put forth a theory earlier… that I think RG played a key role in the mess over the few days immediately prior to the shooting. I think he knew that once he and LK were out of MBs place, pursuant to whatever deal JK negotiated… RGs opportunity to get any extra cash compensation from MB was OVER. Unless RG could afford to hire his own attorney to represent him in suing MB.

And RG couldn’t afford that.

So… he and LK resorted to squatter tactics. To me… that’s the sort of crap that people from a lower socioeconomic bracket pull. That’s RGs world. People who come from LKs world and who have wealthy Daddies that hire lots of lawyers? They get into heated negotiations involving their exit from a property. They don’t just squat.

I think RG played a key role in upping the ante at the very end.

I also wonder if he harbored his own bit of rage and resentment against MB. It makes me wonder what RGs role was in the immediate moments prior to the shooting. When he supposedly went out and “spoke” to Michael, while LK was right behind him. Maybe RG went to rush at MB, and then attacked him. And MB pulled out his gun and tried to fire at RG in response… and missed… and LK got hit accidentally.

Just a guess. Speculation. But… I wonder.


Very plausible being the ear witness lawyer stated he only represented LK.

So clearly RGs butt was not being represented there and maybe elsewhere.

Also unlicensed contractor seeks payment is not a case any lawyer will take.



Let’s be real… RG had been smoking crack that summer. He’s also had problems with opioid addiction. He saw a scheme to squeeze a significant amount of cash out of this situation.


That’s my point. If they had applied for permits to have permitted living quarters, the building department would have required a larger septic tank, and a bunch of other expensive stuff. Therefore, the owner (MB) decided not to pull permits for the living quarters.


And a LICENSED CONTRACTOR is the one to get the permits.


Which to me spells “reasonable doubt” .


A guy who chooses to stay IN jail, when he is offered the chance to leave, because he’s afraid someone is going to “finish the bastard!”, says a lot about his fearfulness (thus the need for protection).


And who decided to hire an unlicensed contractor?


The guy who tried to make deal so he could appease his histrionic grifter student?

By all means that deserves the death penalty!!!


Seriously? Really? And which one decided to ramp it up to “Finish the Ba*$ard” and texted that order to RG and possibly her father. Got it.


Maybe LK couldn’t actually afford all those horses and this was the only way they could manage and MB was foolishly being a nice (naive) guy.


Right and the one he tagged is not the horse one.


So your point is, that in that last week of July, beginning of August, when LK had driven MH, her kids and MB out of their home and into taking up sleeping in the clubhouse, they were supposed to stop, pull permits, hire a contractor, dig up and replace a septic tank and it’s leach field/cess pool?

Or, conversely, leave his property and his horses entirely? Clearly MH got her kids out of there ASAP, but hell even other boarders were making arrangements to move their horses. So MB was supposed to just leave them? Ok.

I’m not saying shooting her was the answer, even if you believe the story LK gave. It clearly wasn’t. But she backed him into a corner and continued the pressure on him even while her dad and attorney were working out the exit plan.


Septic tank lack of capacity and no occupancy.


No occupancy because of the septic tank capacity, correct.


if only there was a house they could have lived in…


It’s amazing that after all this time, and all these posts, and the exposure of the grifters there are still people here desperately trying to paint them the innocent victims AND thinking if they post that enough people will finally be convinced.

This despite the fact that only 9% of those polled on this site believe MB is guilty.

At what point do you LK supporters realize that no matter what you say public opinion will never swing to LK.

The jig is OVER and it’s been OVER.


MB would have been given a time limit to expand the septic tank system.

They were kicked out because the barn was never given an occupancy.