Barisone- New Thread

That is what the two defense experts were getting at. It wasn’t so much the fear that made him delusional, but the way he was processing and acting on the fear was leading to incorrect thinking.

If LK was listening in to his conversations, it would be nothing to set up things to play into those fears and ratchet up the terror. She would have had a blueprint on how to do so.


Oooh. I missed that detail!


Remember she said she couldn’t get it to open?

I actually did a breakdown of her statements of the shooting back in the beginning when I was appalled at her testimony long before I knew a thing about her.


I think it was about BOTH money AND rejection.

I think to RG, it was mostly about squeezing an actual payday for himself for once out of a situation involving Lk and the horses.

But for LK, it was indeed all about rejection.


Agree. And that is why I posted on the other thread that when he described MB as “alpha male,” I immediately thought “Oooh, there is jealousy there.”


And also a year and a half after the fact. What was the significance of even interviewing him at that point about his state of mind on the day of the event?


Dude had a relapse or two during that timeframe, based on his own testimony. Based on reality, a relapse or two is active addiction. A heroin addict is always looking for ways to finance their next hit, or pay off their old ones.


And if she was on with the lawyer in Rob’s phone when she got shot, why was she going for her phone to call 911 and then back to Rob’s to actually do it.

Their testimony is too confusing to make sense of.


Occupancy is given after a structure meets code as a residence and is for a lot of stuff. The BI guys said the barn wasn’t ever given occupancy for people, it was permitted as a barn. The septic system would have been just a part of it, maybe the expensive part.

The house was permitted as two living quarters not three. They were caught on that too. One egress from the basement

Fire walls and possibly sprinklers. Possibly water storage and flow for fire fighting. Electrical and plumbing inspections. Other requirements as well.

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Thank you!


I don’t believe for one second that LK would have left for any amount of $. MB could have offered a $100k and LK would still not have left, RG hell yes he’d take it and run as would JK. But LK , NO Way was she leaving until she felt she had won, whatever it took. Finish the b**t*rd. That is my personal experience with these sort of beings.


No, that’s my point. Faking the memory loss would actually make his situation a thousand times worse.


You thought this based on what?


strong text[quote=“Angela_Freda, post:1438, topic:771345, full:true”]

he also spent the least amount of time with MB of the three.

I thought the state’s expert spent something like 13.8 hours compared to 5 hours plans I forgot the other but less. I thought that was why the prosecutor asked those questions.

Did anyone hear if the reduced charges the judge was talking about still have the gun charges with it?

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My memory was that the fire marshal said the barn was structurally ok. That struck me because LK and RG said they wrote and hand delivered that letter because they were afraid of a fire in the barn, what with that faulty dryer and all.

The health dept lady said, too many people in the barn, you’re going to overload the septic.

MB never got a certificate of occupancy because he never intended to occupy it.

I’m sure there’s a million and one things he wishes he’d done differently and maybe somewhere in the 900,000’s is the septic tank and certificate of occupancy. The reality is LK and RG drove him out of his home, into the barn, and then right back out of the barn.


At two years, he would be allowed pre-release. It was around the time of the plea offer I think. I think there was a hearing and he said no to save money. The maximize of time served I think came from a poster at the time. I’ll try searching for something.

Oh ok! :slight_smile:

This has had me scratching my head for almost the entire course of the trial. LK, RG, and some of the cops testified that MB was standing in the corner of the bush, where that building awning is. This makes absolutely no sense with them saying that MB stepped forward to shoot LK. There’s no where to step forward to! There are two chairs in his way, stopping him from stepping forward. Especially if he then shot at RG. He would, as LK first testified, have to have run around that entire table, which is contradictory to all other testimony.


If he admitted to 2 relapses there were 5 or 10.

Addicts always lie. That’s just what they do.