Barisone- New Thread

I think he had people in the barn for years.

So that call to the town to have the BI out on 08/06 caused SERIOUS challenges for MB. Once these issues are identified by the town… he’s going to have to address them to get the house legally habitable again. And he can’t have working students or Justin Hardin staying in the barn anymore. It’s on the town’s radar.

So MB was facing paying out significant cash/ arranging for new living situations for multiple employees, as well as himself, on 08/06. And having to pay out significant cash to get the farmhouse repaired, and up to code, so that they could fully utilize and reoccupy it.

RG knew EXACTLY what calling in that BI would do to MB financially.


Dr H spent 37.5 hours with him. I’d have to look at my notes again on Dr S but it was more than 13 hours and it was extremely close in time to the shooting, like two months?


I already asked about basement egress because I knew that’s a thing and was told there were two.


Law and Crime interview with ED.


How do you know he said no to save money? My immediate thought that if he stayed in jail then LK couldn’t concoct fantasy stories of him leaving the state to stalk her.

I have no doubt that plenty of friends would have offered him a place to stay. You see SOME people, they have friends.


Ok, you’re right on Dr S. He first met with him Sept 6, one month after shooting, for two hours and then four times the following April for an hour each, so 6 hours total.

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Just a note to say I deleted my post stating the opinion that MB could still have a good life/career if he accepted a lesser charge. I didn’t realize an SS ban would prevent too many activities that he would still want to do (clinics, training FEI students, etc).

Thanks for the education, COTHers! @Knights_Mom @RegentLion

P.S. I wanted to explain the deletion so no one thinks I’m a part of the LK school of editing/deleting posts to cover their own bad behavior. :grin:


Can he really not count to 3? Or is he just that confused about time measurement? Because he keeps saying 4 years…


I wonder how many of the jurors have pulled permits for every single job they’ve done, written contracts for every single agreement they’ve entered, hired only licensed professionals.

To those of you who say MB could have avoided this series of events by following the law to a T, I say you don’t live in the real world and you better hope you never run into a predator like MB did.


MB caused his own problems. I don’t know if RG was worthless or a good worker. MB, per Knights_Mom, could have ended up with 3X the amount alledged to be owed to RG as an unlicensed contractor if RG had tried to get paid formally. RG had no way to pursue disputed payment m, no mechanic’s lien, but he did know all the shortcuts MB had taken through the years. RG also testified he told MB that MB as owner could pull the permits.

If RG was a fairly competent handyman, he would know where code was violated and just how to turn that in. I’ve seen stuff like that happen with contractors and disgruntled employees before. It’s pretty common.

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You’d be surprised how many people have difficulty with time measurement. If you write out: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, that is four items. But really only three years.


This is called EXTORTION.


Who the he’ll has the time or desire to fight a broke crackhead in court? Be real


Why Isn’t he following the judge’s instructions which are always “please do not discuss this case with anyone?” He’s a lawyer. Shouldn’t he know better? This guy is unreal.


Ok, I’ll let it go.


I was yelling the same thing at the screen.

And you would think someone might have pointed out to him afterwards that rather glaring factual error on the witness stand. But apparently not.

Or maybe he has decided that that’s his story, and he’s sticking to it, regardless of the accuracy of it.

Hmm. That sounds familiar.


Technically we aren’t even at 3 years yet…


Exactly. That is why @CurrentlyHirseless said negotiating payment may have been cheaper. MB should have done it correctly anyway but it’s fairly common for people to not do so.

It could have been a fire hazard much bigger than an old dryer. No plumbing or electrical inspections. No water storage and fire pumping capacity. Exits. Obstructed doorways and aisles. The icky septic tank is a heath hazard as well. Did the extra plumbing have backflow prevention?

When one BI comes out and then goes back to get a team together on the same day, that is not good. Corners were cut for a while not just lately.

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