Barisone- New Thread

If this ever airs on 20/20, do you think the lawyers and judge will give their own personal opinion on how they feel about those involved in the case?

It seemed as if Taylor was trying to suggest lesser charges so MB could be charged with a lesser crime. Sort of giving him an “out”; almost as if he can see how MB was driven mad by these two and doesn’t think he was in his right mind and attempting to murder them.

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I think he was giving the prosecution an out…


How do you know that?

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Baloney. They may (and probably were) grappling for control of the gun when it discharged.



As in, “The prosecutor did not prove the murder charge beyond a reasonable doubt, there is no physical evidence to support the case, he let these train wreck star witnesses run amok on the stand, they were shown in the testimony to be liars and drug addicts, the other prosecution witnesses he called actually helped the defense case. After all this publicity and news coverage, we need to get something here other than an acquittal, so we can introduce a lesser charge now at the last minute to give the jury that option.”


As I recall LK said that the basement was being renovated so that MHGs parents could visit occasionally.

I’m thinking it was a joke.


Did the judge come up with the “lesser included charge” or was that the prosecution who requested it be included as an option?

(I can’t recall whether they settled on aggravated assault or attempted aggravated assault. I’m also not sure how you can attempt to assault someone. A quick check of the interwebs suggests that “assault” already is “an attempt to cause harm”.)

I’m also not quite clear on how you can move the goalposts this late in the game. He was accused of attempted murder. That’s what he was defended against. If the charge had been different, the whole defense strategy may have changed. Or is this totally normal and the defense knows that the charges may be reduced at the end?


oh, thanks - I can be dense…

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You mean LK, the one who admitted under oath on the witness stand last week that she lies all the time?

Got it.


We don’t know for a fact that MB even pointed the gun. The only eyewitnesses who testified are known liars [and let’s say it again - drug addicts] whose testimony about the sequence of events didn’t match. And the testimony of the “ear witness” only added to the confusion about what actually went down. Add in the shoddy police work and there is plenty of reasonable doubt.


I came in as they were discussing it so I don’t know who brought it up.

To me, the reasonable doubt, considering how much the witnesses were proven to be liars, is that there was no physical evidence that he shot the gun. Put evidence that only he shot it in my hands if you want that guilty verdict.


Considering all we have seen, heard and read these past couple of weeks, I should have been clear it was just something I can imagine the 48 Hours host saying when the show airs down the road. My apologies!


Lauren Camerak?


Me too!

Yep, where are the police reports regarding GSR on the hands of the grifters? Oh, right, there are no such police reports because the Keystone Kops neglected to test them. What a fustercluck.


Now that would have been an understandable mistake. Lol.


Moving now to the addition of an assault charge is unfair to the defendant in that by doing this AFTER the Defense closed denies the Defense the opportunity to defend against this charge.

Not guilty. The Prosecution failed to meet their obligation.


Can the defense just refuse to accept it, or is it two (prosecution/judge) against one (defense)?

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The defense has argued against it, judge gets to decide. Wonder which way he’s going to go…. :roll_eyes: