Barisone- New Thread

Yes. Still another variation of RG’s version of the events that day. No wonder he can’t keep them all straight.


General comments.

Once the decision to lay charges and go to trial has been made by the state entity responsible (varies by jurusduction) the prosecutors job is to try their best within the rules of the court to get a conviction. The prosecutor doesn’t have the option to switch teams in the middle of the trial if the witnesses or evidence start to crumble. The prosecutor needs to soldier through and do their best possible job. Sometimes yes they lose.

Doing their best possible job is not evidence the court is rigged or prosecutor corrupt.

As far as contracts with Type B cluster fks. It’s not going to change things materially. The clusterfks are going to naturally prefer no contracts and loose arrangements. But they are perfectly capable of reneging on contracts or breaking the law when they choose. Like renting with a contract not paying rent refusing to vacate and then trashing the place before the bailiffs arrive. Contracts are no protection against sociopaths.


And Lauren almost forgot that in her testimony. She was like I got shot twice and MB ran around the table. Oh wait. First he tried to shoot Rob then he ran around the table :roll_eyes:


Yup. The only protection against Type B clusterfks (OMG… I love this description) is


If you have one in your life that you must maintain some connection to because they are a relative, or related to your employment

DEFINE CLEAR BOUNDARIES. Mostly… that’s for YOU. Not them. They don’t respect any boundaries. That is the nature of type B clusterfks. It’s important for you to define clear boundaries, so you notice EACH AND EVERY TIME they push the boundaries… and you immediately take action to disengage and back away from them.

I’ve found the only way to manage these people is to always go into every interaction with my own “disengage and escape” plan. So that the second the bull $hit starts (and it will… it always does)… I can disembark from that crazy train.

Long term contracts or agreements with a type b clusterfk? Very bad idea. Always reserve the option to immediately disembark from the crazy train. Any interaction or business agreement should be short term, and voluntary in nature. Not binding and not to be carried out over a sustained duration.


I don’t think it is so much about contracts as guarantees, but the (apparent ) fact that there was ZERO firm agreement. Therefore…. When circumstances changed (more horses acquired, work “slow downs” etc, there was not even a foundation to adjust, refer to, etc

That MB initiated this entire affair (by pursuing LK as a client) then failed to fashion (and enforce) a contract, Left him with little firm high ground when circumstances deteriorated. It does not reflect well on his business or professional skills. And leaves him vulnerable to a counter narrative by the opposition.

There was no evidence presented that the customer/client arrangement was initiated in a good/best business practices manner by the business owner.

If it had been, quite possibly more firm
Legal measures could have been deployed Sooner.

I had a friend to who had to evict a lease lesson horse. It cost her (and her partners) a grand total of $10k (including vet and lawyer.) the owner was a righteous nightmare, and if Friend had not done everything by the book initially, she would’ve been completely screwed when the whack a doodle got whacky.

A contract is no guarantee, but without ANYTHING you’ve got worse problems.


This is 100% true.

But… MB did have something in this situation. That farm was his property. He was asking her to leave and beginning the eviction process. She was absolutely refusing, and going to war over it (because that is her nature).

Whatever he did wrong business practice wise… he did not deserve her craziness.

And… she didn’t deserve to be shot. But personally, I still don’t know feel that I know how things actually happened at the farmhouse that day. And… he definitely was in the midst of a complete mental breakdown. Which she most certainly contributed to (“finish the ba$tard!).

Therefore… I think NGI might be the best outcome for this situation. And he will have mandatory mental health treatment, and psych professionals will have to confirm he is no longer a danger to anyone before he returns to full freedom.

Just my opinion.


the other arm is in the sling

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let’s go with ‘Maid with benefits’
and leave out the details after hours…


No it wasn’t.

Very well put.
I would add I hope LK finds some path to better mental health and addiction recovery. A lot of her abhorrent actions reflect a really troubled person.
It comes down to how high a barrier for insanity: MB was capable of getting the gun, loading it and driving to the house. Will the jury see the plausibility of an instant break with reality in the seconds or minutes of his arrival?
The jury cannot consider a provocation because the judge is ruling self defense unsupported, no consideration of alternate scenarios.
I think the aggravated assault fits the case because I don’t see the intent to murder has been supported.


I still say the gun being only loaded with 2 or 3 bullets speaks to a sudden defensive just in case type of action. No way no how was a plan to fire that weapon ever concocted


The “diminished capacity” may allow for aggravated assault but two shots to the chest is hard to explain away from anything but intent.


This is an interesting and really good, basic analysis. I was curious as to what legal people thought the ‘right’ charging option might be, after listening to Friday’s charging conference.

I sort of think aggravated assault might have been the right charge all along too. Woulda coulda shoulda.


Agree, the two shots and their lethal nature could qualify. I meant, I don’t think it’s been proven he had an intent to murder when he got the gun and went there.


2 shots to the chest can happen in multiple ways. You’re being disinclined to acknowledge that doesn’t alter this fact.


I read the statute. In NJ, aggravated assault includes pointing a gun, not even firing it.
So you can’t argue you never meant to fire it.


Were I in the jury my vote would be not guilty. It is unfair to add the assault charge now because the prosecutor was stupid.


Why has USEF/SS sat on the 720 page report filed by MHG and MB against Lauren after 2 1/2 years??? What are they waiting on. Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the report stands IMO and should have been investigated!


We don’t know that he even pointed it. All we have are statements wrapped in lies by acknowledged liars.


That was interesting. Thanks for posting it.

I looked around a little bit on YouTube and found another video with that same person discussing the case. I’m guessing it was maybe early on in the trial, before she revised her opinion of LK.

But towards the end of the video, she and the other person were talking about LK’s story of being shot and still running around the crime scene and doing so many different things. Even though this crime expert said that most of the time when people are shot, they just collapse in a heap on the spot, or words to that effect.

And they were lauding her for it, but the word they used repeatedly was incredible. According to Miriam Webster, the definition of the word is:

Definition of incredible

1 : too extraordinary and improbable to be believed

Or, you know, not credible. :thinking:

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