Barisone- New Thread

So interestingly enough that news report states that RG told police MB came to the house with a gun, a fight erupted and then he shot LK and tried to shoot RG. That makes me think there is validity to the theory that RG was beating the crap out of MB before the shooting.


Thanks. You have been a wealth of LK/RG/JK information—kind of like our own COTHIPEDIA—so you were just a guess! I can remove that reference if you would like.

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Their testimonies differ in many way…important ways that is!


Oh dear, another little fib!


This is terrible but I cannot help but wonder…if the ‘bombshell’ is that Daddy-O worked his magic even before the trial began.

And Rob’s hand looks like my shoer friend’s hand when he had 16 stitches from a dog who tore into him for hoof trimmings.


I just hope Jury sees right through all of this and Finds MB

The judge has not allowed so much of the evidence in and just confirmed on Friday that he will not be allowing Defense to claim self defense or allow Blinkas to actually tell the truth during his closing arguements .
Of they find him for insanity plea This judge will send MB away for the rest of his life .

This was one of the most corrupt , circus trial I Have ever witnessed.
MB has more than enough ground for an appeal but that could take years and cost hundreds of thousands dollars …


I listened to the charge conference this morning while assembling lasagne. The judge said that he would have something ready for the lawyers by end of day Friday. So I think they’ve had the weekend to prepare.


Just remember…the bigger they are…the harder they fall :grin:


The dog bit RC , MB and the officer and by the sounds of it , Accourding to the young working student , most feared that dog .( remembar the judge jumping in on that one too)

You know the saying
" dogs are just like their owners "

I feel sorry for the dog .
It must pick up all the bad aura and stress around those two




YES. Do not try to be noble and hang on to said horse so he/she does not get the other horses in the arena worked up - just let go!! Never mind once - several times! Your hand and fingers are no match for a 17 HH warmblood mare or even a 14 HH Haflinger! Or… years later after multiple broken fingers, you have very, very gnarly-looking hands…

#sigh :pleading_face:

Yes - he would have been brandishing it like a badge of honor… I do not recall seeing anything like that in LK’s video from the hotel room after she was discharged.


He was very busy cleaning up the crime scene !


Unless it was from a dog bite, which very well might be.


the end of the sixth paragraph… they made that statement outside his room? Where? When? In front of whom? The farrier?

The two had been living on Barisone’s property rent-free in exchange for training horses, but that training agreement had ended and they were supposed to leave, Simms said. They would not, the defense attorney said, adding his client was living in a state of “constant fear.” Moments before the shooting, Barisone’s lawyer said, both Kanarak and Goodwin had called child protective services to make a “bogus” report that Barisone was abusing his two kids, who also lived on the property. Before that, Simms said the couple, standing outside Barisone’s room, had told him, "We’re going to do everything we can to destroy you."


There were a lot of things wrong with that article—but that one……???

I’ve gone back and started reading the “Woman Shot at Barisone Farm” thread, and zeroed in on La-la’s very first posts in or around September of 2019, as well as some of her quoted social media posts, from FB, which were shared to that thread.

She was indeed claiming back then that MB “owed” her & RG $50 k, for work done, and that they were about to present MB with a “bill” right when the shooting happened.

She mentioned back then that MB had “just” received a big check from he insurance company. Multiple posters asked how she knew that. I don’t see yet this if she ever provided a clear answer.

And… the rest is just NUTS. She was still VERY fixated on MHG at that time. Incredibly so.

And yes… I do know LK lied like a rug on social media. But… it’s interesting to try and follow the hints and breadcrumbs to see if we can discern any truth about what happened… and why it happened.


Maybe reporter should have been called to testify. Maybe then, self defense would have been at play.

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That was extremely interesting to see, and it made it much easier to get a better idea of the orientation of the house on the property. Thanks for posting it!

I agree with whoever said that the word porch means something entirely different to me. That just looks like the landing at the top of the steps into the house. The porch is the much bigger structure on the front of the house facing the road.

As an aside, that is some pretty sloppy journalism. In addition to some shaky factual statements, they spelled LK’s last name wrong every time. That’s pretty basic for any news story, I would think.

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Did anyone else notice during Rob’s testimony he didn’t seem particularly pleased about leaving NC to be traipsing around FL/NJ following Lauren around doing laundry? He all but said he had a good life in NC with his friends and whatever! I imagine he expected she would be in FL a few weeks only to be called and ordered to pack everything up and head to FL for the duration! There is a term in the South for men like that which would raise flags if I posted it here!!!


Or be a former eventer, get bucked off on a trail ride and not want said horse to get loose. Then have said sh*thead horse land on your arm , still wearing winter borium cleats. That’ll make a mess of your arm. Ask me how I know… And of course it was the other arm.