Barisone- New Thread

That is a serious OUCH!

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I don’t say their actions were OK.
I am echoing the poster who said MB’s poor business practices left him vulnerable to their threats. If there weren’t building code and occupancy violations, it wouldn’t matter if the inspector was called. If MB had done legal repairs months earlier, immediately after the damage, he wouldn’t have been dealing with RG’s demands.
If this is SOP for horse businesses, this case should be a wake-up call that that model needs to change.


I totally, totally, totally do not understand how the judge can move the goalpost at the last minute this way. It’s not like he’s even moving it a little, he’s uprooting it with a backhoe and moving it to an entirely different stadium.

As someone else said, if there had been other charges in the first place, the defense might have presented different evidence or witnesses.

And the judge didn’t even make a decision known before the weekend so that Mr. B could plan his summation? So Mr. B may have to adjust his closing arguments on the fly on Monday?

With absolutely no legal knowledge, this sounds to me like a very valid reason to appeal.


That’s extremely odd to me…but then again look who we’re dealing with!

Ouch, how long if you remember did the stitches stay in? Hope you healed quickly and fully.

So that would make it 19 days after the shooting, maybe August 26th, based on the surgeon’s records that said she was in the hospital for 19 days.


A long time, 3-4 weeks at least. I broke it at the end of January. Didn’t have surgery until almost two weeks later, and was in a splint/brace for 8 weeks after surgery. It was a rotational fracture and the whole middle hand bone was ripped diagonally from knuckle to wrist. The 4th finger was fractured slightly near the wrist as well, but didn’t require repair. I have 6 pins about the size of an eyeglass screw. I currently only feel it when I try to open jar lids.


Certain Cluster B disorders cause the same thought processes. They are the center of the universe, they are never wrong, everything they do and say is RIGHT, telling lies is of no matter to them because they don’t recognize them as lies. It’s THEIR truth, so therefore it IS the truth - at least, until their warped little minds decide something they said no longer fits their game plan, so they say something else that may be contradictory to what they said before, but what they said before is of no consequence because their NEW utterance is THE TRUTH.

So couple that type of mind with the mind of a heroin addict. Dear God.


My hand surgery has a incision running perpendicular to that, but I was casted for 4 weeks post surgery so I never saw it until they removed the cast. I had an excellent surgeon and 3 years post op I’ve have to point it out to someone to see the scar.

I had dissolving stitches, but three weeks seems like a long time to have stitches still in the hand. I don’t know that that photo is clear enough to know exactly what that line on RB’s hand is supposed to represent. I do remember seeing that photo at the time and thinking it seemed like he recovered from “surgery” awfully quickly to not even have a soft brace on the hand.

ETA - mine was to remove a carpal boss, so they had to remodel the bones. With the direction of the scar, it was less likely to pull with any movement post cast removal, which might explain my stitches not being in as long.


Yikes that’s intense, so glad you only have minimal issues with it post repair.

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I have a picture of them still there on March 8th and surgery was right before Valentines Day…so, that is about 3 weeks at least…they weren’t the dissolving kind. At one point I pulled a couple in my sleep….

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Adding or removing charges is pretty standard, even after the prosecution has finished. It is often because of evidence or new facts learned during the trial. I don’t know what prompted the judge, did he say during the discussion? Or maybe he will in the charge.

Appellate courts have ruled new or amended charges don’t violate the defendant’s rights.


Yet more musings as to how big a shadow Daddy-O casts over that municipality.


For clarification - I was referring to RG’s stitches, not yours. (Ouch on yours ;( )Something tells me if he’d done the same damage to his hand, we’d definitely heard about it… And he likely would not be forgetting about it on the stand.


A few other musings just because I’m remembering:

Do you remember that LK posted here that the reason MHG wanted them out was because she wanted her parents to have the upper floor apartment?

The other one was that MHG’s kids had gone with their dad to a family reunion that week and RG was trying to figure out where it was? Did @LexInVA tell us that? It had to have been on here because I don’t have Facebook or Twitter or instagram, etc.

I don’t think I would have made up those two things.

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Ha, I just posted in a reply to the previous post on this subject that methinks Daddy-O casts a VERY big shadow over that entire community.


Take my advice…if you come off the horse…let go of the reins…

I’m also glad I healed so well. At one point I was looking up how to ride with a disabled hand just in case it didn’t…


I have no knowledge of anything MHG-related. I’ve only shared information about LK/JK/RG, gleamed from public records and social media.


No one is excusing her actions, just point out a Kindergarten 101 rule.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

He/she did it first is not an excuse for poor behavior.


This was said by LK. MH’s family has a beautiful home in NC and I seriously doubt they would give up their life to live in an apartment, particularly with MH’s mom’s health.