New filing on ecourts re MB

I think it’s really funny that a few posters are making some pretty ridiculous assertions, and really mind boggling that we are revisiting that old canard that LK wasn’t asked to leave prior to August 5th.

Anyone who has spent any significant time in the horse business at a certain level will know that:

  1. Importing a horse takes time, even under the best of circumstances. It’s quicker if it is a healthy gelding, less so if it is a healthy mare. It’s not quick at all if there are any question at all to health. If you purchase, say, a young stallion but want to geld it before import, longer. If you want to collect then geld, even longer. I won’t even get into importing a stallion, because LK has no business riding one from what I can see. Anyways, I know people who have owned a horse for months prior to its successful arrival at their farm. And we have all seen the importation horror stories regarding delays and horses who never arrive because of issues.

  2. As such, MB could have agreed to the horse coming prior and was no longer amenable by the time the horse was en route. When did he say yes? When did she purchase? When did it leave Europe? How long was it quarantined? We simply don’t know the timeline, and there are many variables.

  3. Expanding on that, there is no way to know when LK floated the idea of importing another horse, unless I am forgetting. MB could possibly have even said yes when LK was just floating the idea - many, many months prior. It often takes time to find the right horse, even if you don’t fly over and try them. Maybe the broker (I forget her name) knew LK’s type and already had one that fit. I doubt it. He could have said yes before or at the start of her search, and who knows how long that search took.

  4. I know of precisely zero barns that would not make you pay upfront for the month, even if you were unwanted. Until your horses are off the property, they need to be fed and cared for. Margins are thin, and nobody is going to foot the bill for housing one, much less 4-5, of them before you actually skedaddle.

  5. The idea that SS would even raise an eyebrow about some supposed “power imbalance” between MB and MHG is utterly hilarious. These are two consenting adults who are both professional riders. Sure, the older male one has seen more success to date than the younger female one, but… so what? Hell, it seems like half the marriages in this business (at least the H/J world) are between trainers and their former students, working students, clients and assistant trainers. I am exaggerating, of course, but my point is that I could post a list a mile long of romantic couplings that are potentially eyebrow raising (to gossipmongers, not SS)… unlike this one, which is par for the course… and LITERALLY NOBODY CARES. Unless one of the two consenting adults complains, whose business is it anyways?

I am sure I am forgetting more things posted by a select few (or one?) that could be easily rebutted by anyone who has a modicum of knowledge of competition horses and what comes along with owning, boarding, riding or training them… but it’s been a long day.

Thanks for the laugh, though! These wild assertions really prove how little certain people know about this sport. Hilarious!!



Barisone- New Thread

Barisone- New Thread



Just came here for this portion, so I snipped the rest. Neither you nor your buds revived slide bite. Alright. Cool story. I haven’t either, but other people have. It does happen.

I don’t know what a .45 has to go with anything here since one wasn’t used here and it isn’t the only caliber to choose from. I don’t find cleaning that much of a bear, but to each their own.

As for safety briefings. This is the US of A. Damn near anyone can get their hands on a gun, safety briefings be damned!

Anyho, if an injury looks like slide bite, it could’ve been slide bite. It also could’ve not been slide bite.

So you’re experience isn’t so relevant here, but a guess a somewhat relevant anecdote nonetheless? I dunno.


Didn’t LK testify that they beat him with phones? Phones could protect your hands.

Ultimately, who knows what else they beat him with. Hands are not your only weapons. Feet, knees, elbows… and that’s just your person. There were all kinds of other weapons around and since the cops didn’t collect the obvious forensics, do you really believe they checked every chair, stone, brick, or god knows what else was lying around that (if my memory serves) trashy looking yard? I doubt it.

The relevant point is his injuries aren’t consistent with someone who beat another person with his hands. They are more consistent with someone who fired a gun.

His injury isn’t consistent with using his fist as a weapon to beat someone. And that explanation for the injury doesn’t hold water.


And now you, the self proclaimed sweet, gentle, polite, and reasonable person, are now the end expert in weapon and fist fighting. Ok. :joy:

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Your not making a good point.

The fatal flaw in the whole story that anything was broken is that RG was not wearing a cast for weeks afterwards. No doctor would tell him that he wasn’t in need of a cast. Also, when the hand is broken, and a cast off, the simple weight of the hand is painful. Additionally, the act of closing the hand as shown in the picture pulls the bone fragments apart, the exact opposite of what you would want to happen.

What it looks like is that he got stitches for a slide bite (which would be wrapped in a similar get up).


Plus he claims he was caring for horses, and didn’t he get a traffic ticket, so driving, with an un-casted broken hand? :thinking:


You may have had a better point had I not remembered and posted your opposite view a couple of posts up. Yo I even repeated it a couple of times.

I will say this again - s-l-o-w-l-y. The 5th was the beginning of the FORMAL eviction process. They had been asked to leave way before that - as you call it, “harassment” - as LK herself made clear all over FB while bragging about her actions. They had not asked them “formally”/started eviction procedures before that.

I guess it was inevitable that this would come up in this way again as we have already re-re-re-visited the horrific evil of MHG and NGRI had already had yet another repeat run a while back. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Just maybe… it occurred in the midst of a thrashing scuffle and beat down - and not a careful, measured firing. RG is the only one who knows for sure - and he is not about to say much.

Uh huh. If it talks like an old canard and walks like an old canard, it is still an old canard. Lather, rinse and repeat… that poor canard.



Was this directed at me? Not sure, but I will assume it was.

I have never professed to be an “end expert” about weapons or fist fighting - those are certainly topics about which I have zero experience outside of target shooting .22s at summer camp and my dad teaching me how to throw a punch.

I do, however, try to be “polite and reasonable”… which is why I am politely and logically saying that the whole point is that his injuries do not appear consistent with using his fists as a weapon. And the reasonable person in me can observe that fists were not the only available weapons to render the beating that MB was documented to have received.

As for “sweet and gentle”, I don’t think anything I said was contrary to that.

ETA: maybe that was directed at @CanteringCarrot (although it still wouldn’t make sense), and because @hut-ho78 was unclear, I made an assumption. Who knows… BUT, I don’t recall anyone here, myself included, proclaiming themselves to be “sweet” or “gentle”.


Two of them! Within ~four hours of each other.


What a selective memory you have. I’ve also opined extensively about the lack of cast.

And lots of things get wrapped up in that material.


Haha DH is cleaning out my car’s trunk and lo and behold there was a shovel in there. Guess I have a murder plot going LOL


It always struck me as a lack of self-awareness. Just because you enter classes at a show way above the level you should be showing at doesn’t automatically make you a rider at that level. There were times that I was entering the highest level classes of my barn-mates and doing alright at them, but that did not make me the highest level or best of my trainer’s students - just the only one showing at that time.

That passage?? video is a good example of the lack of self awareness. Most of us would not post for public consumption - it’s not ready for that. It’s some sort of bastardized trot/passage thing. Maybe it’ll get better, maybe not. But it’s not an amazing video.


You are literally arguing with yourself at this point.

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What is really in those boxes too?