Barisone- New Thread


Yes, I made reference to both RG and MB in different paragraphs of the same post.

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The judge hasn’t decided if he’s going to allow them yet. I imagine he will. I imagine Mr B is preparing like he will.

On the one hand, it’s hard for me to wrap my head around, because I don’t think my state allows this. All the lessers are included before the trial begins I think. On the other hand, I can see why the judge thinks it’s appropriate. I think, despite people think Judge Taylor is biased, that he really doesn’t think the state proved the intent part of attempted murder. You could hear it in the way he talked about diminished capacity. So he’s maybe going to add it in.

I waffle so much on this. I think it always should have been an agg assault case. But I can also see why MB wants a straight up not guilty. I know nothing about Safe Sport other than what I’ve read on here and I can see why that would be so important to him.


Lol, I probably will!

Thank you! This dog is a warrior. It would take two pages to list his medical history but he’s 12 years old and going strong, and happy as can be. This is a regularly scheduled follow up he has every 3 months. Hope they’ll tell me everything is still good!



Again, I have empathy and sympathy for everyone in this situati on.
But it has come out in the trial that it seems like MB ran a sloppy operation.
No written contracts with LK regarding horse board and training. Did other clients have contracts? Was there a sales contract on the horse specifying free board?
People living in illegal quarters prior to LK (assistant trainer and student living in the barn, three units in a house permitted for two). RC living where?
Delay in repairing an unl ivable house, possibly misappropriation of an insurance payment, arranging for un licensed workers, not asking to see permits.
Mixing romantic and work relationships: A rider could feel uncomfortable taking lessons from a trainers girlfriend, if there is a disagreement.
Not filing a formal eviction ASAP. Not finding legal housing for himself during the eviction process.
There are lots of mistakes here that other horse business people could learn from.


Good session, thank you. Interesting that she was originally pro-LK.


Could anyone give me a brief recap? Not understanding what everyone is sayign here, and I didn’t read the full thread.
What does CPS have to do with it
How is LK’s Dad involved

Thank you for your input. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, it seemed to me (as a non legal person) that the reduced charges should have been part of a plea if they didn’t think they could prove attempted murder or at least added before both sides presented their case. Thanks again and good luck with your dog tomorrow!


You’re welcome! And thank you. :slight_smile:


If there was ANY point in time when a clearly defined agreement in place, there has been ZERO evidence offered.

This sort of thing is not uncommon when groom, WS, employees, 1099, or anything etc are working for BNT. What is uncommon, is that the BNT is unable to hold rule over the situation when/if it deteriorates. In general, the Lion :lion: roars and the Mice :mouse2: scurry.

It is a crappy standard practice in the horse industry which did not go the common way in this case.


Um, where is evidence of all this…?


It has been said so many times in this thread, I am confused why you have not seen it. That letter with agreement that happened is the first required step to a formal eviction. He has to tell them to leave first, then file for eviction. So… he was doing the right thing.

Having crappy contracts does not make it OK to do what LK and clan did to MB.


How long after the surgery was this photo taken though? I see no redness around the wound site at all…fingers bending…interesting.


Honestly… these “business” practices are not uncommon. What is uncommon, is that the business owner hits a hard consequence. SS is bringing some of these behaviors to task. But many aspects of the high end/BNT business model are illegal/immoral/under the table/regrettable, etc. A lot in the industry needs to change. But even with all these faults, rarely do the consequences rain so consequently.


So your trainer (general) has crappy business practices. Is this a good reason to put up recording devices, threaten them, and stalk their significant other’s kids?

I just don’t get why not having a good contract on MB’s part makes LK and clans treatment of him OK.


Just for yucks, here is a chopper view of the house, porch, steps, & patio. No need to read the text; just scroll to the chopper video.

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I’m wondering if he was/is under some sort of political pressure from higher-ups and their connections to MAKE THE CASE.

And I have the same curiosity about da judge, who seemed to be trying extra hard to make sure the jurors knew only part of the story.


Not sure… but based on my hand, it looks similar to the pictures I have of my hand. I could bend my fingers too, it’s just you weren’t supposed to because the way the tendons work in the hand it would pull the break apart.

That is my hand the day after surgery, you can’t tell much, even up close…


I’m still waiting for the bombshells and “all will be told” statements that La-La and @Inigo-montoya promised.

It is apparent the true bombshell was Michael refusing the plea deal and wanting the truth to be told about these vile, useless people. How anyone can come on this forum and defend them at this point is beyond my comprehension, unless they are simply the remnants of the LK Fan Club and can’t accept reality.


That photo was taken the day LK was released from the hospital and checked into a motel rather than recuperating at the family home, just a short drive away.