Barisone News

The next hearing will be tomorrow, 12/1 at approximately 11 AM. I, and others, will post details as soon as possible. This hearing is to hear from the 3rd cop, who had been out on disability during the previous hearing.



Thank you for keeping us informed @eggbutt.


You are welcome! I promised long ago to keep information coming. I have my flamesuit on for the nasty “threadstarter” posts to come! :grin:


Is there a way to watch the hearing online when it happens?

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Thank you @eggbutt for the info about the hearing. It will be interesting to hear if anything new is shared about the criminal trial.


Morris County - Judge Taylor. If Taylor’s court isn’t open when you get on, keep refreshing until it appears. There are times it may freeze, lose sound, or disappear…hang tight. It will eventually come back or you can refresh and make the selection again.



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Thank you Eggbutt. I hope to watch. I find the legal aspects fascinating.


Wow, I’m able to see it half a world away. I’m very surprised!


Wow…we are back up. That hearing was interesting.

The officer testifying was the first on the scene. The biggest bombshell is that RG left the scene and entered the house for an unspecified amount of time before the scene was secured. The defense asked the the officer if RG had been searched and the judge cut off the line of questioning because the purpose of the hearing was not an evidentiary hearing but for MB’s Miranda rights.


There was more, but I’m at dinner and don’t have my notes. If no one beats me to it I’ll post when I get home.


I have to say several things were brought up that I found shocking.

Officer Heymer testified that after he arrived (1st on the scene) he heard someone yelling “Help!” and started toward the back of the house when he heard “Help!” again. He saw LK on her back on the concrete, not moving, and RG on top of MB’s back with his knees on MB’s shoulders. With gun drawn he asked who the shooter was and RG said “here”. Heymer asked again and RG took MB and shook him by the shoulders and said “here he is”. Heymer told RG to move and then he rolled MB over and saw a pink and black Ruger on the ground. RG volunteered that they had the entire situation on tape! As he was handcuffing MB behind his back he felt a dog bite his shoe and looked back to see a “small dog” and kicked it off him. RG said, “Don’t hurt my dog” and picked it up and took it in the house. RG had not been searched at all, yet went into the house!!! Upon cross examination, Bilinkas asked Heymer if he knew the dog weighed between 50 - 60 lbs and did he think that was a “small” dog? Heymer said well, it was a short dog.

Now, why on earth did any cop allow anyone to walk away to carry a 50 lb dog inside a house? You would think RG’s first thought would be to check on LK!!! That is unless there was some other reason to go into the house! (Remember, we’ve had several discussions about why RG and JK came the next day and went into the house!! Why is still the question!)

By the way, the Ruger was empty and in locked position. No rounds were in the clip or chamber.


More details would be greatly appreciated. Since the BB was down earlier, I did not have the link, so I did not get to see it.

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Was it verified that the shooting was videotaped or recorded?

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The officer also described the dog as aggressive.


Well, when you’re in this situation it’s chaotic. In my Situation the cops didn’t even go to my
house where it happened until after they tracked him down and arrested him, hours later. My parents and friends had been in my house after before police even went there.

It’s a lot of chaos and they have to prioritize, a man who would have appeared to have saved the day putting his dog away who was causing issues would hardly seem like a big deal in that moment.


No further questioning was allowed on this.

This hearing was regarding whether any comments or words MB made could be admitted at the trial - was he in any condition to acknowledge his Miranda rights.


The discovery in the civil case said the cameras were not recording at the time of the shooting and then if you want to give IM any credibility the cameras weren’t recording because LK and RG were at the house and they only record when they are gone.

But RG said in real time there was a video and LK has implied there was a recording for over a year.


Heymer stated that MB was subdued, I shock, dazed and seemed confused.

Heymer testified he heard MB say, “I had a good life”, “they’ve harassed us for 6 months”, “I wish I could wake up”.

He also testified that MB had not been given any fentanyl before those comments were made, yet Bilinkas read from a report the times MB had been given fentanyl and ketamine and they were clearly before Heymer noted the comments in his report dated 8/11


Judge Taylor stopped Bilinkas twice clarifying the purpose of the hearing and the prosecutor objected to Bilinkas asking about the dog and RG going into the house. Judge Taylor told him Heymer was testifying about what he saw when he arrived at the scene and allowed the response because it was within scope.